For both a VM or App Service solution for the CMS app:
Analyze costs, scalability, availability, and workflow
- Costs: App Service Plans are cheaper as compared to Virtual Machines.
- Scalabilty: App Services are auto-scalable.
- Availablity: App Services provide high availablity.
- Workflow: Much easier to setup an app service (with github actions workflow) than a virtual machine.
Note: Multiple VMs can be grouped together to provide better scalability and availability but that again, has an impact on economics of the app (costs).
Choose the appropriate solution (VM or App Service) for deploying the app
- I would choose an App service for a small application like this one.
Justify your choice
- As the application isn't that complex and is written in Python which is a supported language for App Service Plans, I would like to use it for fast development.
- The App service plans are cheaper with F1 being almost free.
- We don't have to care about the underlying OS and its settings/configurations.
- Allows Continous Deployment using Github Actions Workflow.
- If the Application was any heavier which required high availability and scalability beyond the scopes of the largest App service, I would have opted for the Vitual Machine.
- I would have been forced to choose virtual machines if the application was written in a language not supported by the App Service Plans.