Implement four evaluation methods for machine translation. Most open source evaluation programs writed by Python, therefore, I rewrite the methods with Kotlin.
- BLEU (sacrebleu)
- TER (sacrebleu)
- NIST (nltk)
- METEOR (nltk)
- EN("en", "English")
- FR("fr", "French")
- DE("de", "German")
- ES("es", "Spanish")
- ZH("zh", "Chinese")
- JA("ja", "Japanese")
Make sure you add the dependency below to your pom.xml before building your project.
val hypothesis = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref1 = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref2 = listOf("how do you do?", "I'm ok!")
val references = listOf(ref1, ref2)
val bleu = MetricUtil.buildBleuMetric("en")
val score = bleu.corpusScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref1 = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref2 = listOf("how do you do?", "I'm ok!")
val references = listOf(ref1, ref2)
val ter = MetricUtil.buildTerMetric(normalized = true, asianSupport = true)
val score = ter.corpusScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref1 = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref2 = listOf("how do you do?", "I'm ok!")
val references = listOf(ref1, ref2)
val path = "/home/wordnet"
val wordnet = MetricUtil.buildWordnet(path)
val meteor = MetricUtil.buildMeteorMetric(wordnet, "en")
val score = meteor.corpusScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref1 = listOf("how are you?", "I'm fine!")
val ref2 = listOf("how do you do?", "I'm ok!")
val references = listOf(ref1, ref2)
val nist = MetricUtil.buildNistMetric(asianSupport = true)
val score = nist.corpusScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = "how are you?"
val references = listOf("how are you?", "how do you do?")
val bleu = MetricUtil.buildBleuMetric("en")
val score = bleu.sentenceScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = "how are you?"
val references = listOf("how are you?", "how do you do?")
val ter = MetricUtil.buildTerMetric(normalized = true, asianSupport = true)
val score = ter.sentenceScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = "how are you?"
val references = listOf("how are you?", "how do you do?")
val language = Language.EN
val path = "/home/wordnet"
val wordnet = MetricUtil.buildWordnet(path)
val meteor = MetricUtil.buildMeteorMetric(wordnet, "en")
val score = meteor.sentenceScore(hypothesis, references)
val hypothesis = "how are you?"
val references = listOf("how are you?", "how do you do?")
val nist = MetricUtil.buildNistMetric(asianSupport = true)
val score = nist.sentenceScore(hypothesis, references)
Evaluate hypothesis with multi references.
Evaluate hypothesis with single reference.
Evaluate whole corpus
Build BLEU metric.
Type: String
Must be correct format of Locale string, including ISO code and language in English.
ex. zh
MetricUtil.buildTerMetric(normalized: Boolean, noPunct: Boolean, asianSupport: Boolean, caseSensitive: Boolean): IEvaluate
Build TER metric.
Type: Boolean
If True
, applies basic tokenization to sentences.
Type: Boolean
If True
, removes punctuations from sentences.
Type: Boolean
If True
, adds support for Asian character processing.
Type: Boolean
If True
, does not lowercase sentences.
Build NIST metric.
Type: Int
highest n-gram order
Type: Boolean
If True
, adds support for Asian character processing.
MetricUtil.buildMeteorMetric(wordnet: IDictionary, language: String, lowercase: Boolean, alpha: Float, beta: Int, gamma: Float): IEvaluate
Build Meteor metric.
Type: Boolean
If True
, applies basic tokenization to sentences.
Type: String
Must be correct format of Locale string, including ISO code and language in English.
ex. zh
Type: Boolean
If True
, lowercase the input sentence
Type: Float
parameter for controlling relative weights of precision and recall.
Type: Float
parameter for controlling relative weights of precision and recall.
Type: Int
parameter for controlling shape of penalty as a function of as a function of fragmentation.
Type: Float
relative weight assigned to fragmentation penality.