All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.4 (2022-04-16)
- donateeth: handle donate in eth and add ability to check if donate have minimal worth (6fcc507)
- qoisdapp: add migrateAddress veriable, block registerCustomer if migrate is active (9c901ed)
- qoisdapp: add withdrawETH method, test it (7d68312)
- qoisdapp: add withdrawManyERC20 method, test it (86cdc57)
- qoisdapp: change architecture main smart contract to use openzeppelin-upgradelity features (345f104)
- qoisdapp: change handle oracle data to use packing bytes32 (097d5b7)
- qoistipv2: add ability to upgrade smart contract and test it (6a2085a)
- storeoracle: add ability to pack oracle data off-chain (04f719f)
- storeoracle: add method to handle packing data with uint256 (d29317c)
- storeoracle: create function to pack and unpack oracle data using bytes32 (7a9029c)
- withdraw: handle withdraw one token (a6d3457)
0.1.3 (2022-04-03)
- contract: add Qoistip, ANQToken contract, compile they, install openzeppelin (78b3527)
- customertoken: add CustomerToken smart contract (ac9af2a)
- donateerc20: handle donate ERC20 in ETH price (080b7ea)
- oracle: add Uniswap getPrice function (26c9eb3)
- price oracle: add function to calculate amount token to mint from donate, test it (d855ef6)
- qoisdapp: add hardhat_impersonateAccount, use it, first ERC20 donate test (44c98bf)
- qoisdapp: add oracle struct and method to handle suporrrt token (9e26820)
- qoisdapp: change suportedTokens method, donate and add ability to register, mint without test (a6df38f)
- qoisdapp: instal Uniswap core smartcontract, add function to get token price from Uniswap (47cb5c3)
- qoisdapp: install hardhat-gas-reporter to check uses gas, add .env file and config (56c4c17)
- qoisdapp: register new customer ability, create customer token (11bbe65)
- qoisdapp: start test registerCustomer (a285f7c)
- qoistip smart contract: handle fee, suported tokens and donate in simple way, Test it (0de3c02)
- qoistip smart contract: handle transation fee, test work with indivisible numbers (dafa8dd)
- qoistip: add donate function, test it (1c66943)
- qoistip: add withdraw ETH by customer, test it (d08a974)
- qoistip: add withdraw function, test it (b96c0a8)
- qoistip: handle donate in ETH, test it, change some names in Qoistip smart contract (b9cc2b7)
0.1.2 (2022-03-12)
- app: add hardhat and refractore folder architecture (3a94c81)
- app: add hardhat and test it (ad8db78)
- app: add redux, redux toolkit and axios (2e7a0ff)
- app: add standard-version (38997d9)