Still under construction 🚧
The model classes are used for computing the kinematics and dynamics of robotic systems.
This class is used to represent the relative position and orientation of an object and/or coordinate frame with respect to another; i.e. the Special Euclidean group Eigen::Vector
for the translation component, and an Eigen::Quaternion
for the rotation.
- Inverse:
- Propagation:
RobotLibrary::Pose poseAtoC = poseAtoB * poseBtoC;
- As a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
Eigen::Matrix<type,4,4> T = pose.as_matrix();
- Error:
The first 3 elements is the position error, and the last 3 elements are the orientation error:
RobotLibrary::Pose actualPose, desiredPose; ... Eigen::Vector<type,6> poseError = actualPose.error(desiredPose);
Useful for Cartesian control of robot arms:Eigen::Vector<type,3> positionError = poseError.head(3); Eigen::Vector<type,3> orientationError = poseError.tail(3);
Eigen::Vector<type,6> controlVelocity = feedforwardVelocity + feedbackGainMatrix * actualPose.error(desiredPose);
This class contains the mass and inertia parameters of a single solid object.
This class contains information about an actuator on robot.
This class describes a rigid body that is connected to a joint.
This class solves the kinematics and dynamics of branching, serial link mechanisms.
The KinematicTree can only model open-link chains. It cannot model parallel mechanisms.
You can generate a kinematic & dynamic model of a multi-limb robot from a .urdf
KinematicTree<type> model("path/to/file.urdf");
There are 2 convenient typedefs:
KinematicTree_f = KinematicTree<float>
KinematicTree_d = KinematicTree<double>
Before computing any kinematics or dynamics, it is necessary to update the state of the model:
model.update_state(jointPositionVector, jointVelocityVector);
Forward kinematics:
RobotLibrary::Pose<type> = model.frame_pose("frame_name");
Differential kinematics:
Using the name:
Eigen::Matrix<type,6,Eigen::Dynamic> jacobian = model.jacobian("frameName");
Using a ReferenceFrame
data structure:
Eigen::Matrix<type,6,Eigen::Dynamic> jacobian = model.jacobian(referenceFrame);
Acceleration level:
Time derivative of the Jacobian:
Eigen::Matrix<type,6,Eigen::Dynamic> jacobianTimeDerivative = model.time_derivative(jacobian);
Partial derivative
Eigen::Matrix<type,6,Eigen::Dynamic> jacobianPartialDerivative = model.partial_derivative(jacobian,j);
Eigen::Matrix<type,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> M = model.joint_inertia_matrix();
Eigen::Matrix<type,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> C = model.joint_coriolis_matrix();
Eigen::Vector<type,Eigen::Dynamic> d = model.joint_damping_vector();
Eigen::Vector<type,Eigen::Dynamic> g = model.joint_gravity_vector();
The accuracy of these calculations have not yet been validated.
The joint-space dynamic properties for the joint-space, e.g. the joint-space inertia matrix
The robot base is a public class member:
RobotLibrary::RigidBody base;
so you can use the methods in RigidBody to obtain its dynamic properties.
For the dynamic coupling:
Eigen::Matrix<type,Eigen::Dynamic,6> Mqb = joint_base_inertia_matrix();
Eigen::Matrix<type,Eigen::Dynamic,6> Cqb = joint_base_coriolis_matrix();
Eigen::Matrix<type,6,Eigen::Dynamic> Mbq = base_joint_inertia_matrix();
Eigen::Matrix<type,6,Eigen::Dynamic> Cbq = base_joint_coriolis_matrix();
Due to symmetry of the inertia matrix Mbq = Mqb.transpose()
and skew symmetry properties of the Coriolis matrix Cbq = -Cqb.transpose()
The above functions have been included for completeness.
To update the dynamics for a floating base mechanism you should call
model.update_state(jointPositionVector, jointVelocityVector, basePose, baseVelocity)
where basePose
is a RobotLibrary::Pose
object, and baseVelocity
is a 6D Eigen::Vector
object of the linear and angular velocities (i.e. a twist).