Releases: apache/incubator-seata
Releases · apache/incubator-seata
v0.8.0(Not Apache release)
The version is updated as follows:
- [#902] support oracle database in AT mode
- [#1447] support oracle batch operation
- [#1392] support undo log table name configurable
- [#1353] support mysql batch update and batch delete
- [#1379] support -Dkey=value SysConfig
- [#1365] support schedule check table mata
- [#1371] support mysql preparedStatement batch self-increment primary keys
- [#1337] support mysql batch insert for non-self-inc primary keys
- [#1453] support delete expired undolog use protobuf codec
- [#1235] support to delete undolog in back task use seata codec
- [#1323] support database driver class configuration item
- [#1456] fix xid would be duplicate in cluster mode
- [#1454] fix DateCompareUtils can not compare byte array
- [#1452] fix select for update retry get dirty value
- [#1443] fix serialize the type of timestamp lost nano value
- [#1374] fix store.mode get configuration inconsistent
- [#1409] fix map.toString() error
- [#1344] fix ByteBuffer allocates a fixed length, which cause BufferOverflowException
- [#1419] fix if the connection is autocommit=false will cause fail to delete
- [#1370] fix begin failed not release channel and throw exception
- [#1396] fix ClassNotFound problem for Nacos config implementation
- [#1395] fix check null channel
- [#1385] fix get SessionManager error when rollback retry timeout
- [#1378] fix clusterAddressMap did not remove the instance after the instance was offline
- [#1332] fix nacos script initialization the configuration value contains ’=‘ failed
- [#1341] fix multiple operations on the same record in the same local transaction, rollback failed
- [#1339] fix when image is EmptyTableRecords, rollback failed
- [#1314] fix if don't specify the startup parameters, db mode don't take effect
- [#1342] fix ByteBuffer allocate len error
- [#1333] fix netty memory leak
- [#1338] fix lock is not acquired when multiple branches have cross locks
- [#1334] fix lock key npe bug, when tcc use protobuf
- [#1313] fix DefaultFailureHandler check status NPE
- [#1474] optimize data image compare log
- [#1446] optimize the server's schedule tasks
- [#1448] refactor executor class remove the duplicate code
- [#1408] change ChannelFactory package in TmRpcClientTest
- [#1432] implement equals and hashcode of the object that is used as the hash key
- [#1429] remove unused imports
- [#1426] fix syntax error
- [#1425] fix typo
- [#1356] optimize sql join
- [#1416] optimize some javadoc comments
- [#1417] optimize oracle keyword
- [#1404] optimize BranchStatus comments
- [#1414] optimize mysql keywords
- [#1407] disable unstable unit tests
- [#1398] optimize eureka registry serviceUrl with default port
- [#1364] optimize table columns name defined as constants
- [#1389] add the oracle support prompt information
- [#1375] add compareRows failed log
- [#1358] clean temporary file file runs when UT is finished
- [#1355] add test case for rpc protocol
- [#1357] code clean of Consul&Etcd config center implementations
- [#1345] code clean and modify log level
- [#1329] add
default value
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- Justice-love
- l81893521
- ggndnn
- zjinlei
- andyqian
- cmonkey
- wangjin
- Arlmls
- lukairui
- kongwang
- lightClouds917
- xingfudeshi
- alicexiaoshi
- itxingqing
- wanghuizuo
- 15168326318
- github-ygy
- ujjboy
- leizhiyuan
- vikenlove
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
v0.7.1(Not Apache release)
v0.7.0(Not Apache release)
- [#1276] New RPC protocol
- [#1266] add enabled configuration for metrics (97)
- [#1236] support metrics for tc server
- [#1214] add config
and update version to 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT (1212) - [#1206] setting default values using trinomial operators
- [#1174] add nacos config initialization python script (1172)
- [#1145] Change LockMode from MEMORY to DB when the StoreMode is DB
- [#1125] Add protostuff as serializer of UndoLogParser.
- [#1007] support protobuf feature (97)
- [#1286] bugfix: add some configuration and exclude log dependency (97)
- [#1278] bugfix: pass txId into TCC interceptor
- [#1274] 1. optimization SQL join
- [#1271] bugfix: @GlobalLock get error with Response (97, 1224)
- [#1270] bugfix: print error exception
- [#1269] bugfix: fix TMClinet reconnect exception
- [#1265] Invoke addBatch of targetStatement if not in global transaction
- [#1264] configuration:update ignore and coverage (97)
- [#1263] docs: add doc about contribution (97)
- [#1262] bugfix: fix find target class issue if scan the web scope bean such a… (97)
- [#1261] add warn log when fail to get auto-generated keys. (#1259) (97, 1259)
- [#1258] move metrics config keys and simplify metrics modules dependency
- [#1250] fix codecov for protobuf (97)
- [#1245] refactor metrics let it initialize by configuration
- [#1242] perfect sql
- [#1239] bugfix:fix CME in ZK discovery implementation. (97)
- [#1237] bugfix:server start and handle remain branch session may cause NPE (97)
- [#1232] Add unit tests for io.seata.common.util CompressUtil, DurationUtil, ReflectionUtil
- [#1230] prioritize global transaction scanner #1227 (97, 1227)
- [#1229] fix a typo (97)
- [#1225] optimize the name of seata config environment. (97, 1209)
- [#1222] fix bug of refresh cluster (1160)
- [#1221] bugfix: fix in which SQL and database field names are inconsistent#1217 (1217)
- [#1218] bugfix:containsPK ignoreCase (1217)
- [#1210] 1. optimize arrayList single value
- [#1207] All overriding methods must be preceded by @OverRide annotations.
- [#1205] remove useless code
- [#1202] output branchRollback failed log (97)
- [#1200] bugfix:DefaultCoreTest.branchRegisterTest (1199)
- [#1198] check the third-party dependencies license (1197)
- [#1195] Clear the transaction context in TCC prepare methed
- [#1193] Get lockmode by the storemode
- [#1190] remove unused semicolons (97, 540)
- [#1179] fix jackson default content
- [#1177] write session may be failed,throw TransactionException but hold lock. (97, 1154)
- [#1169] bugfix: use Set to avoid duplicate listeners. fixes #1126 (1126)
- [#1165] add a missing placeholder in INSERT_UNDO_LOG_SQL (1164)
- [#1162] Reset initialized flag & instance while destroy(). split [##1105 (983, 97)
- [#1159] bugfix: AT mode resourceId(row_key) too long (97, 1158)
- [#1150] updates seata's version in (97)
- [#1148] bugfix:the buffer may cause overflows when sql statement is long
- [#1146] revise the package name of the module (97)
- [#1105] refactor TmRpcClient & RmClient for common use. (97)
- [#1075] Multiple environmental isolation
- [#768] #751 add event bus mechanism and apply it in TC
v0.6.1(Not Apache release)
- [#1119] support weibo/motan
- [#1075] Multiple environmental isolation
- [#1087] Remove unnecessary copy of bytes.
- [#1099] UndoLogParser change to SPI.
- [#1113] optimize check style
- [#1090] Change the method definition of UndoLogParser for better extensibility
- [#1120] bugfix : use xid wrong when do branch commit and rollback
- [#1135] bugfix:zk vulnerability and optimize dependencies
- [#1138] bugfix: seata-server.bat classpath too long
- [#1117] bugfix: fix field type is datetime equals fail
- [#1115] modify seata-all & seata-bom deploy config
v0.6.0(Not Apache release)
[#942] Store the transaction log into database
[#1014] Support etcd3 as configuration center
[#1060] Do data validation when undo.
[#1064] bugfix:size wrong between xid and branchId
[#1074] bugfix:typos and replace AIT's with lambdas
[#824] Add time limit when transaction retry on the server.
[#1082] Cache configuration instance.
[#1084] Refactor Charset using and blob utils
[#1080] upgrade fastjson and nacos-client
v0.5.2(Not Apache release)
- [#988] support Consul configuration center
- [#1043] support sofa-rpc
- [#987] optimize the use of reentrantLock instead of spinlock in concurrent scenarios within the same transaction
- [#943] fix configuration wait timeout when there is no corresponding file configuration item
- [#965] fix PreparedStatement where in,between problem
- [#929] optimize GlobalSession for the first time to wait for locks
- [#967] optimize partial log description
- [#970] fix unable to read flush-disk-mode configuration item problem
- [#916] optimize the readable index problem of decoding
- [#979] optimize copyright
- [#981] optimize pom dependencies, use caffine instead of guava cache, junit upgrade to junit5, use junit5 to transform original testng unit tests
- [#991] optimize the header of the core module import
- [#996] fix maven-surefire-plugin compilation error in mac environment
- [#994] Fix ByteBuffer multiple flip problem
- [#999] change the community's email subscription address
- [#861] optimize the FailureHandler to periodically get the retrieved transaction result and print the successful result
- [#802] optimize the lambda code style in GlobalTransactionalInterceptor
- [#1026] fix troubleshooting for data* code files, add local transaction file exclusion path
- [#1024] fix Consul module SPI configuration file path problem
- [#1023] add the seata-all.jar for client full dependency
- [#1029] fix the delay rollback caused by no channel when the client is restarting
- [#1027] fix release-seata can not generate zip file problem
- [#1033] fix createDependencyReducedPom to generate redundant xml problem
- [#1035] fix branchCommit/branchRollback in TCC mode, but branchId is null
- [#1040] refactor exceptionHandleTemplate and fix the problem that cannot be returned when the GlobalRollback branch throw exception
- [#1036] replace Chinese comment with English comment
- [#1051] optimize to check data changes when rollback, stop rollback if there is no data change
- [#1017] optimize the processing logic of mysql undo executor construct undo sql
- [#1063] fix the problem that the new transaction id conflict fails after the server is restarted after the server is restarted.
v0.5.1(Not Apache release)
- [#774] support Etcd3 registration center
- [#793] support sofa-registry registration center
- [#856] add batch delete undolog processing
- [#786] support for branch transaction concurrency in global transactions
- [#945] add the releaseLock method in the LockManager interface to optimize the calling logic
- [#879] fix when batch delete undolog,the preparedStatement does not close
- [#921] fix NPE exception when select for update
- [#907] fix hostname can't be null exception
- [#923] fix the problem that the key is not formatted when the nettyClientKeyPool connection is destroyed.
- [#891] fix the NPE exception when using select union all
- [#888] fix copyright checkstyle verification
- [#901] fix parent node path does not exist when Zookeeper is registered
- [#866] fix unable to generate dubbo:reference proxy class
- [#877] fix concurrentModifyException when batch deleting undolog
- [#875] fix select for update, Boolean cast ResultSet failed
- [#830] fix RM late registration problem
- [#872] fix RegisterRMRequest decoding message length check is not accurate
- [#834] fix non-SQLException in ExecuteTemplate does not throw a exception
- [#938] optimize the TransactionManager service loading logic
- [#913] optimize the module structure of the RPC integration framework
- [#795] optimize the performance of server node write files
- [#925] optimize the same DefaultCoordinator instance when the server starts
- [#930] optimize field access modifiers
- [#904] optimize updated data query logic in UpdateExecutort
- [#802] optimize checkstyle and add plugins
- [#855] optimize the globalCommit always returns committed to the user in AT mode
- [#831] optimize CountDownLatch in MessageFuture and replace it with CompletableFuture
- [#882] modify copyright, add copyright automatic plugin
- [#874] add the communication default configuration value
v0.5.0(Not Apache release)
- [#809] Change groupId,artifactId, and package
- [#815] Add maven plugin to release seata with groupId io.seata
- [#790] Change the startup parameters of seata-server to support database-storage
- [#769] Modify the RPC protocol, remove the client's resolution of xid to be stateless
- [#774] Optimizes the structure of config module and discovery module
- [#783] Allow users config the count for client report retry dynamicly
- [#791] Replace magic judgement of timeout status with status enum
- [#836] Use maven-compiler-plugin to revision the version and add mvnw script to unify the maven version
- [#820] Add rollback on for GlobalTransaction
- [#772] Fix FileConfiguration config listener logic
- [#807] Optimize the setting of full name of FileBasedSessionManager
- [#804] Bugfix: branchCommit retry always failed
- [#704] add local file write ByteBuffer pool
- [#679] add registry close interface implementation, optimize RpcServer shutdown hook
- [#713] add local file writes enable compression for messages that exceed the configured size
- [#587] support for MySQL DDL statement
- [#717] add Nacos Initialization Configuration Script Configuration and Completion Program Configuration File
- [#726] support for DBCP, C3P0, BoneCP, HikariCP and Tomcat-JDBC connection pools
- [#744] add ZooKeeper disconnection re-registration and subscription when reconnected
- [#728] support for Consul Registration Center
- [#569] fix already jdk proxy and no target only traverses the first implementation interface problem
- [#721] fix ConfigFuture constructor timeout parameter does not work
- [#725] fix MergedSendRunnable channel is unexpectedly closed, and add fail-fast
- [#723] fix defaultServerMessageListener is not initialized
- [#746] fix the failure of the test module caused by the DataSourceManager SPI
- [#754] optimize Eureka registry
- [#750] fix undolog caused by DataSourceManager SPI cannot delete problem
- [#747] Delete MT mode, then will be replaced by TCC mode
- [#757] fix rollback caused by RPC exception when performing BranchRollback retry
- [#776] fix connection creation failure caused by toString exception when connection pool creates channel