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Open Source Promotion Plan Summer 2020 Apache Pulsar Tasks

冉小龙 edited this page May 18, 2020 · 10 revisions

This page contains the tasks for program


1. Pulsar .NET/C# client feature catch up:

  1. Description: Recently community contributed .NET/C# client library for Apache Pulsar. But lack of some of the features in Pulsar main repo. This task is to catch up the missing features in .NET/C# client.
  2. Level: Middle
  3. Mentor: Jia Zhai (翟佳), email:
  4. Requirements: familiar with C# language.
  5. OutPut:
    • complete related features catch up.
    • Add unit test for each feature.
    • PRs get reviewed and merged into repo.
  6. Related Repo:

2. Schema independent from the topic

  1. Description: Schema is widely used in data storage systems and Apache Pulsar uses Apache Avro to manage schemas such as schema definition, evolution, and data encoding. Currently, schemas are stored for each topic. In the scenario where the same schema is used for different topics, we store redundant schemas. This task is aimed to support the same schema that can be reused between different topics, make schema independent from the topic. And while being compatible with the existing architecture.
  2. Level: Middle
  3. Mentor: Penghui Li(李鹏辉), email:
  4. Requirements: familiar with Java language.
  5. Output:
    • complete the feature
    • Add unit test for the feature
    • Add compatibility test
    • PRs get reviewed and merged into repo.

3. Read compacted topic in Pulsar SQL

  1. Description: Compacted topic compact the history version message of the same message key. This is more like a row update in the database. Pulsar SQL can query data and analyze data from Pulsar topics. Currently, Pulsar SQL can't read data from the compacted topic, this task is to support reading data from the compacted topics in Pulsar SQL.
  2. Level: Middle
  3. Mentor: Ran Gao(高冉), email:
  4. Requirements: familiar with Java language.
  5. Output:
    • complete the feature
    • Add unit test for the feature
    • PRs get reviewed and merged into repo.

4. Pulsar Go client feature catch up:

  1. Description: Recently community contributed go client library for Apache Pulsar. But lack of some of the features in Pulsar main repo. This task is to catch up the missing features in go client.
  2. Level: Middle
  3. Mentor: Xiaolong Ran (冉小龙), email:
  4. Requirements: familiar with go language.
  5. OutPut:
  6. Related Repo:
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