Releases: apinf/platform
Change Log
Fixed bugs:
- [API profile] two instances to contain data about API Documentation #3182
- [API Profile] While API is removing the related ApiDoc instance isn't #3181
- Getting exception on browser console #3163
- Unable to connect API to proxy #3159
- Exceptions with API 24Rent-yhteiskäyttöautot in #3119
- Bug in API's import route #3053
Closed issues:
- Create a repo under APInf project for Swagger UI component #3167
- Add API using Swagger file: parse json and yaml #3061
- Checklist for running meteor and tests from jenkins #2685
- Add pricing information to the front page #2663
Merged pull requests:
- 0.52 release #3192 (anarva)
- Exceptions with API 24Rent-yhteiskäyttöautot in #3119 #3186 (krashna-deligence)
- Add API by uploading OpenAPI Specification #3183 (marla-singer)
- fixed issue Getting exception on browser console #3163 #3164 (saransh-dev)
Known issues
- #3060 Nightly FIWARE registration fails because of email verification
- Dashboard overview
- Background color for API list title row(s)
- Time interval filtering label changed from 'Yesterday' to 'Last 24 hours'
- APIs are grouped as My APIs, My organization's APIs and others
- Dashboard detailed view
- API name used in the URL of the detailed view instead of API id
- Handling missing days in charts
- Logout endpoints added
- Tags 'login' and 'logout' replaced by 'Authentication'
- Common function for handling errors
- API and organization logo available as URL instead of internal id
- API feedback
- Feedback can be made private
- API Catalog sorting
- Alphabetic sorting available as ascending or descending sorting
- Other sorting available as sensible default only, for example Popularity based on highest number of bookmarks.
- RSS feed
- Button for RSS feeds added to API Catalog, API profile and Organization profile
Bug fixes
- #2428 APIs count on the frontend page has to depend on user permission
- #2588 Multiple clicks on 'Delete' API button shows multiple successful messages
- #2656 API settings positioning bug
- #2791 Displaying of Swagger file doesn't work properly in some cases
- #2805 Edit API name not updated in browser URL
- #2907 Anonymous users unable to view details of APIs with feedback
- #2916 Dashboard: exception when leaving the detail page
- #2929 Response time label on
- #2937 deleting proxy breaks all APIs connected to it
- #2939 Organization card: Misaligment elements
- #2941 Not possible to download CSV file about users of an API
- #2947 When an API is viewed, it's title and menu bar are not visible
- #2948 Cover image displayed incorrectly
- #2950 Edit API proxy details and save shows incorrect message
- #2955 Details view: User Instructions available for anonymous users
- #2956 API is connected to a proxy, but API URL in Details is not the proxy URL
- #2958 User info text not displayed in 'Table' view
- #2959 APIs catalog: click on filter buttons shows user info text momentarily
- #2961 Dashboard doesnt work if any proxy backend item is broken
- #2984 Meteor Allow-Deny Vulnerability fixed
- #3091 Staging: shows empty page in IE and Edge browsers
- Login with FIWARE IDM
- Setting available in Login settings menu
- Option to use FIWARE login id available, if settings added by instance administrator
- Dashboard overview
- Background color for API list title row(s)
- Time interval filtering label changed from 'Yesterday' to 'Last 24 hours'
- APIs are grouped as My APIs, My organization's APIs and others
- Dashboard detailed view
- API name used in the URL of the detailed view instead of API id
- Handling missing days in charts
- Logout endpoints added
- Tags 'login' and 'logout' replaced by 'Authentication'
- Common function for handling errors
- API and organization logo available as URL instead of internal id
- API feedback
- Feedback can be made private
- API Catalog sorting
- Alphabetic sorting available as ascending or descending sorting
- Other sorting available as sensible default only, for example Popularity based on highest number of bookmarks.
- RSS feed
- Button for RSS feeds added to API Catalog, API profile and Organization profile
Bug fixes
- #2428 APIs count on the frontend page has to depend on user permission
- #2588 Multiple clicks on 'Delete' API button shows multiple successful messages
- #2656 API settings positioning bug
- #2791 Displaying of Swagger file doesn't work properly in some cases
- #2805 Edit API name not updated in browser URL
- #2907 Anonymous users unable to view details of APIs with feedback
- #2916 Dashboard: exception when leaving the detail page
- #2929 Response time label on
- #2937 deleting proxy breaks all APIs connected to it
- #2939 Organization card: Misaligment elements
- #2941 Not possible to download CSV file about users of an API
- #2947 When an API is viewed, it's title and menu bar are not visible
- #2948 Cover image displayed incorrectly
- #2950 Edit API proxy details and save shows incorrect message
- #2955 Details view: User Instructions available for anonymous users
- #2956 API is connected to a proxy, but API URL in Details is not the proxy URL
- #2958 User info text not displayed in 'Table' view
- #2959 APIs catalog: click on filter buttons shows user info text momentarily
- #2961 Dashboard doesnt work if any proxy backend item is broken
- #2984 Meteor Allow-Deny Vulnerability fixed
- Dashboard
- New views: Overview statistics view of APIs owned by the user and detailed analytics view for single API
- New chart styles and new date range selector
- Table of the most frequent users of an API
- Possible to download CSV file about users of an API
- Branding settings
- Titles added for logo and cover photo upload settings
- If no secondary color is selected, the color is calculated from primary color
- Adding organizations to a deployment
- Anyone can add a new organization, unless it is specifically restricted for admins from Platform settings
- User can download an RSS feed for a specific API
- Meteor version updated to 1.5.2
Bug fixes
- #2396 Filter by 'Life Cycle phase': Notify user when no APIs found with selected status
- #2131 Branding: hightlight color should not be default blue when font color is undefined
- #2530 Change language not responsive until next click
- #2535 API number is inconsistent in Organization Card and Organization Profile
- #2683 Misplaced pagination buttons in Users page
- #2709 API Manager can't set the Try-out methods when Swagger file is uploaded as remote link
- #2806 Submit proxy form without mandatory data shows unclear error message
- #2888 Cannot read property 'otherUrl' of undefined
- Taija Björklund (@bajiat)
- Amardeep Singh Chauhan (@amardeep-deligence)
- Nazia Hasan (@Nazarah)
- Joonas Heikkilä (@wuder4)
- Matti Leppänen (@matleppa)
- J Phani Mahesh (@phanimahesh)
- Yan Nunes (@midyan)
- Brylie Christopher Oxley (@brylie)
- Saransh Dev Singh (@saransh-dev)
- Shaliko Usubov (@shaliko)
- Cassiano Vellames (@vellames)
- Mauricio Vieira (@mauriciovieira)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)
- OpenAPI Designer integrated into APInf. Designer can be opened from Documentation tab
- API feedback: Feedback author is visible in the feedback item
- Automated test cases: Improvements to latency problems
- Code reorganization: all modules moved to apinf-packages
- APIs renamed as Catalog API and Maintenance API
- Possible to set APIs private or public through apis
- Users can get a list of the APIs they own
- Organization managers can be added via the Maintenance API
- Improved API documentation
Bug fixes
- API feedback: Misalignment of feedback type fixed
- Organization view: No error when user goes to a non-existing organization
- Do not show Documentation link section to regular user, if there is no Swagger document in the Documentation Viewer
- Correction to Swagger parameter description
- Admins can use PUT and DELETE methods
- Parameter organization: Correction to handling in Catalog API
- Taija Björklund (@bajiat)
- Nazia Hasan (@Nazarah)
- Joonas Heikkilä (@wuder4)
- Matti Leppänen (@matleppa)
- J Phani Mahesh (@phanimahesh)
- Yan Nunes (@midyan)
- Brylie Christopher Oxley (@brylie)
- Saransh Dev Singh (@saransh-dev)
- Shaliko Usubov (@shaliko)
- Cassiano Vellames (@vellames)
- Mauricio Vieira (@mauriciovieira)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)
#2699 REST API: update swagger.json file
#2589 Me as a user can't see my own email address.
#2665 Rest-API, API creator ID is missing from managerID list
#2691 Quick start instructions for reporting issues
#2703 REST API: corrections in swagger.json file generation
#2720 REST API: Swagger Response definitions to API and Organization methods
#2728 Display user's email in Profile page
#2737 REST API: Generate own swagger files of Apis API / Management API (organizations + Users)
#2738 Issue template for Platform repo
#2772 REST API: manipulation with Private/Public status for API
Bug fixes
#1922 Catalog view: Click on 'Next' redirects to homepage in IE browser
#2148 API catalog: Hourglass disappears earlier than the time API list gets visible
#2200 Swagger rendering issue with ampersand
#2289 Click on filter tab 'My organizations' shows user info. text momentarily
#2436 APIs/Organizations Catalog filter : mouse point on tabs shows multiple help texts
#2509 Adding API umbrella proxy has bad UX - required fields not marked properly
#2523 Console error when changing the versions
#2544 Add API redirects to API catalog view
#2547 URL issue in organization profile when clicking browser back button
#2633 Connect API to eMQ proxy shows 'Get API key'
#2664 Using UI, removed user's id remains in Organization manager list
#2675 REST API: Problems with $ref operator when generating Users swagger document
#2689 Organization view: Add related media redirects to homepage momentarily
#2147 API Profile -> Proxy tab: No identification of Mandatory fields
#2705 Remove deleted Users userid from from Organization manager list
#2712 Bugfix/related media
#2713 Mandatory fields for Proxy Backend form
#2716 Fix double tooltip in toolbar
#2718 Add User ID in managerIds
#2719 Can not view/edit apis if added before proxies are created
#2722 Checking API item exists before attach logoUrl
#2726 Give ID of EMQ proxy via another helper
#2765 Catalog main page is not displayed correctly in IE
- Nazia Hasan (@Nazarah)
- Matti Leppänen (@matleppa)
- J Phani Mahesh (@phanimahesh)
- Illya Nizyev (@55)
- Sarala Vanip (@saralavanip)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)
#2648 User API, request one user data with id
#2651 REST API additional work
#2678 REST API: Users swagger finalization
#2679 Replace path "/users/{id}" into related folder
#2693 apinf API page "rest/v1/swagger.json" has no login info
#2209 Untranslated texts in various views
#2484 Organization Settings:Title texts untranslated in Suomi view
#2558 Suomi view: untranslated text in 'Organization' view
#2609 Organization 'Suomi view': User info. text shown in both English and Finnish languages
#2661 Warning for connected APIs when a proxy is removed
#2694 Feature/change text remove proxy
#2702 Changing site title and slogan id's
Bug fixes
#838 On "/status" page translation keys are shown instead of the actual text
#2211 Swagger documentation method expanding links do not work
#2633 Connect API to eMQ proxy shows 'Get API key'
#2645 User API, a user is removed, but id remains in Organization manager list
#2700 UI, Branding: wrong text color in input fields
- Taija Björklund (@bajiat)
- Nazia Hasan (@Nazarah)
- Joonas Heikkilä (by @wuder4)
- Matti Leppänen (@matleppa)
- J Phani Mahesh (@phanimahesh)
- Illya Nizyev (@55)
- Brylie Christopher Oxley (@brylie)
- Shaliko Usubov (@shaliko)
- Mauricio Vieira (@mauriciovieira)
- Sarala Vanip (@saralavanip)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)
- Users API added to APInf REST API
- Test infrastructure and basic tests for running automated tests on Chimp.js
- Administrator can add HTML content to front page
- UI for EMQ user management
- Improvements to Swagger UI
- Allows API manager to set supported Submit methods for call requests
- If API is connected to proxy, host and basePath are replaced with Proxy URL and Proxy Backend path
- If API key is required for requests, security definitions are created for Proxy Authorization
- If a user has an API key, the value is auto-completed into Authorization form
- UI text and user tip enhancements to Add Proxy form
- Hide Get API key button for APIs that are connected to eMQ
- Localisation coverage for Finnish improved
Bug fixes
- Owner can connect API to API Umbrella proxy
- Organization owner and admin can upload logo and cover image for Organization profile
- User gets notified after successfully editing 'Branding' settings
- Flashing text when opening API profile: momentarily showed user information
- Flashing text when sorting
- SDK creation from Swagger file
- Misalignment of frontpage statistics section
- Jumbled text in Internet Explorer
- Swagger UI: closing Authorize dialogue
- Privacy policy and Terms of use headers start with site title
- Jawid Ahmadi (@jawidahmadi)
- Taija Björklund (@bajiat)
- Nazia Hasan (@Nazarah)
- Matti Leppänen (@matleppa)
- J Phani Mahesh (@phanimahesh)
- Damir Mustafin (@frenchbread)
- Illya Nizyev (@55)
- Brylie Christopher Oxley (@brylie)
- Massimo Rangoni (@manzapanza)
- Shaliko Usubov (@shaliko)
- Mauricio Vieira (@mauriciovieira)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)
- eMQ: API owner can connect an API to an eMQ proxy
- Organization manager can pin Featured APIs to the top of their organization page
- Admin can add web analytics related via inserting JavaScript code
- Organization API added to APInf REST API
- More endpoints available in API Catalog REST API
- URL validation on ElasticSearch host in proxy settings removed to make deployments easier
- Meteor core updated to, dependencies updated
- Swagger UI: User's API key can be used for API calls for Try out
- User is redirected to API profile after successfully adding an API
Bug fixes
- Padding added to Settings page containes
- Users can add a logo to their API
- API logo is visible on the API profile
- Organization cover and logo image can be viewed by any user
- Get API key is not shown to anonymous users
- Only required fields published to API catalog
- Fixed Swagger validation issues
- Jawid Ahmadi (@jawidahmadi)
- Taija Björklund (@bajiat)
- Nazia Hasan (@Nazarah)
- Matti Leppänen (@matleppa)
- J Phani Mahesh (@phanimahesh)
- Damir Mustafin (@frenchbread)
- Sridevi Nittoor (@snittoor)
- Illya Nizyev (@55)
- Brylie Christopher Oxley (@brylie)
- Massimo Rangoni (@manzapanza)
- Shaliko Usubov (@shaliko)
- Mauricio Vieira (@mauriciovieira)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)
Bug fix
- Fixed unsafe code, when proxy backend does not have corresponding API. The mismatch between API and proxy backend prevented dashboard from rendering for affected users.
- Brylie Christopher Oxley (@brylie)
- Mauricio Vieira (@mauriciovieira)
- Daria Voytova (@marla-singer)