BER test in AWGN channel with just less that 2% average bit error rate:
$ ./cohpsk_get_test_bits - 5600 | ./cohpsk_mod - - | ./cohpsk_ch - - -30 | ./cohpsk_demod - - | ./cohpsk_put_test_bits - <snip> SNR3k(dB): 3.41 C/No: 38.2 PAPR: 8.1 BER: 0.017 Nbits: 5264 Nerrors: 92
2. Plot some of the demod internal states, used to chase down freq offset problemL
$ cd build_linux/src
$ ./cohpsk_get_test_bits - 5600 | ./cohpsk_mod - - | ./cohpsk_ch - - -40 -f -20 | ./cohpsk_demod -o cohpsk_demod.txt - - | ./cohpsk_put_test_bits -
$ cd ../../octave
$ octave --no-gui
$ cohpsk_demod_plot("../build_linux/src/cohpsk_demod.txt")
3. Run Octave<-> tests
$ cd ~/codec2/build_linux/unittest $ ./tochpsk $ cd ~/codec2/octave $ octave --no-gui octave> tcohpsk
## References
## C Code
## Octave Scripts