- None
- Switch to Doctrine Annotations library
- Add appserver-io-psr/epb as dependency
- None
- Add addtional methods to AbstractMethod to improve message handling
- None
- Remove AbstractMessageListener::__construct() method and inject Application it with @Resource annotation
- None
- Switch to latest appserver-io/properties version
- None
- Allow connection configuration by passing properties file to QueueConnection constructor
- Fixed member initialization in AbstractMessage implementation
- None
- None
- Switched to stable dependencies due to version 1.0.0 release
- None
- Switch to appserver-io-psr/application 0.6.* branch
- None
- Message-IDs are stored as string instead of UUID instance
- None
- Add dependency to rhumsaa/uuid composer dependency to genere unique message-IDs
- Generate message-IDs as UUID
- None
- Applied new file name and comment conventions
- Adapted to latest dependency changes
- Fixed invalid namespace in QueueConnection class
- None
- None
- Merge with appserver-io/messagequeueclient and make that package obsolete
- None
- Split package into appserver-io/messaging + appserver-io-psr/pms
- None
- Update constant IDENTIFIER to use short class name instead of fully qualified one
- Move composer dependenies to techdivision/application + techdivision/server to require-dev
- None
- None
- AbstractMessage class now implements \Serializable interface
- None
- Add new QueueProxy class as DTO to allow sending MessageQueue instance over a network
- Replace QueueContext::class with class name for PHP 5.4 compatibility
- Resolve some PHPMD errors/warnings
- None
- None
- Refactoring ANT PHPUnit execution process
- Composer integration by optimizing folder structure (move bootstrap.php + phpunit.xml.dist => phpunit.xml)
- Switch to new appserver-io/build build- and deployment environment