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OCaml Data Structures of HOL Light

1. Types, terms and theorems

Types, terms and theorems:

(* Location: *)
(* type is a type *)
type hol_type = Tyvar of string
              | Tyapp of string *  hol_type list

(* term is a mathematical expression *)
type term = Var of string * hol_type
          | Const of string * hol_type
          | Comb of term * term         (* e1 e2 *)
          | Abs of term * term          (* \x. e *)

(* thm (theorem) is a proven fact *)
type thm = Sequent of (term list * term)

2. Definitions for interactive proof-writing:

(* Location: *)
(* A goal consists of named hypotheses ((string * thm) list) and yet unproven conclusion *)
type goal = (string * thm) list * term;;

(* A goalstate is ((meta variables list, instantiation), goals, justification).
   Justification is a function that reconstructs the original theorem from
   the theorems that correspond to the goals. *)
type goalstate = (term list * instantiation) * goal list * justification;;

(* a tactic for writing a backward proof. The definition of goalstate is kind of complicated. *)
type tactic = goal -> goalstate;;

type thm_tactic = thm -> tactic;;

Conversion from a term to a theorem:

(* Location: *)
(* conv (conversion) is simply an inference rule of type term -> thm that when given
   a term t, always returns (assuming it doesn’t fail) an equational theorem of the form
   `t = t′, that is, it proves that the term it was given is equal to some other term,
   possibly the same as the original. *)
type conv = term->thm;;

3. Abstract Syntax Tree

Sometimes, implementing conversions require understanding the internal representations, or ASTs, of specific terms of interest. You can read the AST by turning of the printer via #remove_printer pp_print_qterm;; and simply typing e.g., `x+y`. The printed trees can be lengthy and hard to read in some cases. This document abbreviates the trees into shorter forms if necessary.

Constants and variables

Constants and variables are represented as Const(name:string, ty:hol_type) and Var(name:string, ty:hol_type) respectively. Function applications are represented as Comb(lhs:term, rhs:term).

# let my_add = define `my_add x = x + 1`;;
val my_add : thm = |- my_add x = x + 1
# #remove_printer pp_print_qterm;;
# `my_add n`;;
val it : term = Comb (Const ("my_add", `:num->num`), Var ("n", `:num`))

A natural number is represented in binary using NUMERAL,BIT1,BIT0,_0 constructors.

# `6`;;
val it : term =
  Comb (Const ("NUMERAL", `:num->num`),
   Comb (Const ("BIT0", `:num->num`),
    Comb (Const ("BIT1", `:num->num`),
     Comb (Const ("BIT1", `:num->num`), Const ("_0", `:num`)))))

let .. in ..

`let x = 3 in x + 1` is equivalent to:

  (Comb (Const ("LET", `:(num->num)->num->num`),
    Abs (Var ("x", `:num`),
    Comb (Const ("LET_END", `:num->num`),
      Comb (Comb (Const ("+", `:num->num->num`), Var ("x", `:num`)),
      Comb (Const ("NUMERAL", `:num->num`),
        Comb (Const ("BIT1", `:num->num`), Const ("_0", `:num`))))))),
  Comb (Const ("NUMERAL", `:num->num`),
    Comb (Const ("BIT1", `:num->num`),
      Comb (Const ("BIT1", `:num->num`), Const ("_0", `:num`)))))


`match (x:num) with 1 -> T`;;

is equivalent to:

_MATCH x (\y out. _UNGUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ 1 y) (GEQ T out))

Note that a match clause is a lambda function receiving two arguments: one for input (y) and one for output (out). The lambda function returns bool which is the equality between out and the actual output value (T).

`match (x:num) with 1 -> SOME T | 2 -> NONE`;;

is equivalent to:

    (\y1 out1. _UNGUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ 1 y1) (GEQ (SOME T) out1))
    (\y2 out2. _UNGUARDED_PATTERN (GEQ 2 y2) (GEQ NONE out2)))


`bitmatch (b:(2)word) with
| [0b1:1; x:1] -> (result_a:A)
| _ -> (result_b:A)`;;

is equivalent to:

 (Comb (Const ("_BITMATCH", `:(2)word->(num->A->bool)->A`),
   Var ("b", `:(2)word`)),
    (Const ("_SEQPATTERN", `:(num->A->bool)->(num->A->bool)->num->A->bool`),
    Abs (Var ("BM%PVAR%60", `:num`),
     Abs (Var ("BM%PVAR%61", `:A`),
      Comb (Const ("?", `:((1)word->bool)->bool`),
       Abs (Var ("x", `:(1)word`),
         (Comb (Const ("_UNGUARDED_PATTERN", `:bool->bool->bool`),
            (Comb (Const ("pat_set", `:bitpat->num->bool`),
               (Comb (Const ("CONSPAT", `:bitpat->(1)word->bitpat`),
                  (Comb (Const ("CONSPAT", `:bitpat->(1)word->bitpat`),
                    Const ("NILPAT", `:bitpat`)),
                  Comb (Const ("word", `:num->(1)word`),
                   Comb (Const ("NUMERAL", `:num->num`),
                    Comb (Const ("BIT1", `:num->num`), Const ("_0", `:num`)))))),
               Var ("x", `:(1)word`))),
            Var ("BM%PVAR%60", `:num`))),
         Comb (Comb (Const ("=", `:A->A->bool`), Var ("result_a", `:A`)),
          Var ("BM%PVAR%61", `:A`)))))))),
  Comb (Const ("_ELSEPATTERN", `:A->num->A->bool`), Var ("result_b", `:A`))))

It has a structure that is analogous to match, but has pat_set which is a list of bit patterns (composed of CONSPAT and NILPAT).

Generalized abstraction



Comb (Const ("GABS", `:((num#num->num)->bool)->num#num->num`),
 Abs (Var ("f", `:num#num->num`),
  Comb (Const ("!", `:(num->bool)->bool`),
   Abs (Var ("x", `:num`),
    Comb (Const ("!", `:(num->bool)->bool`),
     Abs (Var ("y", `:num`),
       (Comb (Const ("GEQ", `:num->num->bool`),
         Comb (Var ("f", `:num#num->num`),
          Comb (Comb (Const (",", `:num->num->num#num`), Var ("x", `:num`)),
           Var ("y", `:num`)))),
       Comb (Comb (Const ("+", `:num->num->num`), Var ("x", `:num`)),
        Var ("y", `:num`)))))))))