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QUICr Sets Abstract Domain Library

QUICr is a collection of abstract domains for sets with a common interface.

Currently, it is focused on symbolic sets with singletons. Therefore, it does not (currently) support the content reasoning originally offered by QUICr. The original version of QUICr that offers content reasoning is available at

Abstract domains

QUICr is a common domain interface for multiple abstractions. It is designed to support many underlying abstractions and reductions between them under a single common interface. Thus any abstract interpreter that utilizes the interface can swap in and out any of the included set abstractions.

The following abstractions intend to be explored (though they many not all be included at this time).

BDD-based set abstractions

These abstractions use binary decision diagrams as the underlying data structure. This means that they have a normal form that may not be optimal, but they are quite general and precise. In this space, we plan to implement the following abstractions:

BDD-full: simple BDD-based set abstraction

This directly implements a set abstraction using a BDDs and, or, and not operations to represent set intersection, union, and complement respectively. As a result, this does not necessarily offer a compact representation for operations like disjoint union, which requires encoding in the BDD the pair-wise disjointness constraints.

Disjoint-less BDD-based set abstraction

This abstraction does not encode disjointness constraints. They could be added externally through a domain combinator, but are not supported in the BDD. This attempts to reduce the overhead of keeping track of these disjointness constraints from the BDD. Consequently all disjoint union operations are over-approximated as union operations, dropping the disjointness constraint.

Functional BDD-based set abstraction

This abstraction is a BDD-based set abstraction without the global memoization table. This is a persistent version of the simple BDD-based set abstraction.

Theorem prover-based set abstractions

These are set abstractions that are based on theorem provers or theorem-prover-like data structures. Because these are designed around search, they do not maintain normal forms, but they can, in theory be precise and flexible for representing set constraints.

SAT-based set abstraction

Use a SAT solver to solve set constraints and for the inclusion check proofs. Essentially this abstraction accumulates formulas representing the constraints. When an inclusion check is started, the formula is converted into a SAT problem and solved. Join and widening are implemented as disjunction.

Sequent calculus representation abstraction

Set constraints can be represented in a sequent calculus and can thus use sequent-calculus-theorem-prover techniques to solve inclusion check. As opposed to the SAT based techniques, these could provide on-the-fly formula simplifications and perform more incremental inclusion checks, possibly saving significant work.

The original QUIC graphs is a variant of a sequent calculus representation. However, it is not utilizing proof search techniques such as focusing. It uses a simple cut-based technique, combined with a heuristic join and widening algorithm.

Espresso logic minimizer-based abstraction

Use the Espresso logic minimizer to perform on-the-fly simplifications of the current representation. This efficiently reduces sequent-calculus-based representations and may improve performance of possible join algorithms.

Model checking-based union abstraction

A hardware model checking engine can be used to infer search for optimal union-only constraints in a QUIC-graph-like structure. It can be use for directly implementing join and may serve as a good mechanism for pairing with other theorem-prover-based techniques, which typically only optimize for inclusion check.

Fixed predicate techniques

These techniques are more targeted at specific applications. They are designed for use for solving certain kinds of problems and thus they can have data structures designed for the application-specific predicates.

Memcad linear set abstraction

This is a set abstraction built around the idea of linear set constraints such as:

X = {a, b, c} ⊎ Y ⊎ Z

It is restricted to support only disjoint union and limited use of subset constraints. Join and inclusion check operations are heuristic and tuned for the intended application.

Linear and difference set abstraction

This is an abstraction that extends linear set constraints with difference constraints to eliminate case splits that may occur when materializing elements from a set.

FixBag (and adaptations)

The FixBag abstraction uses saturation based inclusion check and join based on a limited set of propagation an simplification rules. It uses a syntactic representation of logical formulas as its data structure.

Algebraic set abstraction


Test language

This package will also define the SDSL, a domain specific language for manipulating symbolic sets. The language has the following syntax:

k ::= x = e
    | x = choose e               // overwrite x with an element of e
    | k; k                       // sequencing two commands
    | branch { k } else { k }    // non-deterministic branch
    | both { k } and { k }       // execute both branches in parallel
    | if ( c ) { k }             // conditional execution
    | if ( c ) { k } else { k }
    | while ( c ) { k }          // looping
    | loop { k }                 // non-deterministic loop
    | for ( x in e ) { k }       // loop over elements of e (e is mutable)
    | kill x                     // project out variable
    | rename x y                 // rename the variable x to be variable y
    | assume ( c )               // make an assumption about state
    | assert ( c )               // check property

e ::= {}                         // empty set
    |  v                         // set variable
    | { v }                      // singleton set
    | e U e                      // union
    | e U+ e                     // disjoint union
    | e \ e                      // set difference
    | e ^ e                      // intersection
    | ~e                         // set complement

c ::= e = e                      // set equality
    | e <= e                     // subset or equality
    | v in e                     // element containment

Examples of this language are contained in the tests directory. These are sample programs that exercise the built-in abstract interpreter.

SDSL abstract interpreter usage

The included SDSL abstract interpreter is contained in the sdsl directory and the corresponding SDSL module. The static analyzer provides a number of printing and usability options.

  • -step Prints each step of the program as it is interpreted and prints the abstract state after each step of the interpretation.
  • -final Prints only the final abstract state
  • -brace Prints braces around the abstract states (useful if abstract states require multiple to represent)
  • -color <color> Shows abstract states in color to ease reading. The <color> argument supports the following colors black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white. Additionally each color can be converted to it's "bright" version by appending it with !. For example, red! would be bright red.
  • -time Times the analysis (excluding parse/prepreocess time) and reports the total time at the end of the analysis.

Options as above can be set on each command line. However if they should persist, they can be assigned through an environment variable. Use the variable SDSLPARAMS as an additional command-line place. For example to make step printing and bright red abstract states standard, execute the following bash command:

$ export SDSLPARAMS='-step -color red!'

The command line implements a stack-based declarative language for selecting and combining abstract domains. By default the stack is empty, so running the tool without specifying a domain will give an error:

$ ./Main.d.byte 
Error: Domain stack is empty, please specify an abstract domain

There are two kinds of abstract domains that can be specified: base domains and domain combinators. A base domain implements a set abstraction without any external assistance. A domain combinator implements a set abstraction based on one or more other abstractions. For example, the -bdd-full domain is a base domain that is implemented using binary decision diagrams, whereas the -logger domains is a domain combinator that logs all domain interaction to a file.

The way the stack is used is through the order of arguments on the command line. For example, consider the following command line:

$ ./Main.d.byte -bdd-full -bdd-full -logger output.log tests/test1.sdsl

The first argument pushes the BDD domain onto the stack; the stack looks like this:


The second argument pushes a second BDD domain onto the stack; the stack looks like this:


The third argument pushes the logger combinator onto the stack. This removes the top element and adds a logger wrapper to it. As a result, the stack now looks like this:

Log("output.txt", BDD(2))

At this point the analyzer would be run with the topmost domain Log("output.txt", BDD(2)) and would raise a warning for not using all of the domains on the stack; the domain BDD(1) would remain unused.

Trace inputs

To help in comparing abstract domains as used by other tools, the analyzer supports the ability to replay traces. Traces with the extension *.strace and have the following format where x and y are variables that represent abstract states, v, v1, etc are dimensions (integers) in the abstract state.

k ::= let x = t                         // evaluate a transfer function
    | le x y                            // compare abstract states x and y
    | is_bottom x                       // check if abstract state x is bottom
    | is_top x                          // check if abstract state x is top
    | sat x c                           // check if abstract state satisfies constraint

t ::= top                               // return top
    | bottom                            // return top
    | constrain c x                     // return x constrained by c
    | join x y                          // overapproximate disjunction of abstract states x and y
    | widening x y                      // overapproximate disjunction of abstract states x and y (terminating)
    | meet x y                          // overapproximate conjunction of abstract states x and y
    | forget v1 v2 ... x                // drop dimensions v1, v2 etc from x
    | rename [v1 -> v2; v3 -> v4 ...] x // rename dimension v1 to v2, and v3 to v4 in x

e ::= {}                                // empty set
    |  v                                // set variable
    | { v }                             // singleton set
    | e U e                             // union
    | e U+ e                            // disjoint union
    | e \ e                             // set difference
    | e ^ e                             // intersection
    | ~e                                // set complement

c ::= e = e                             // set equality
    | e <= e                            // subset or equality
    | v in e                            // element containment

The result of running an analysis on a trace is statistics of the run:

$ ./Main.native -lin tests/test1.strace 

sat: 0/1
le : 0/0
bot: 1/1
top: 1/1

This shows the four kinds of query and the ratio of true results to total results for those queries.

Benchmarking set domains

The benchmarks for the domains are shown here. This table is generated from the results python script by running make benchmark. This runs every test contained in tests/*.sdsl or tests/*.strace using each configuration given in configurations.

The configurations file contains a list of options for the Main.native tool. Each line is a unique configuration. Lines that have # in the first column are comments.

The results script depends on two python libraries:

pip install pexpect tabulate

Adding new abstract domains and combinators

The SDSL abstract interpreter (and QUICr) is designed to ease the addition of new abstract domains and domain combinators. To add a new domain or combinator, the code should implement the interface defined in Interface.Domain with integer symbols, LogicSymbolicSet.t constraints and output, and LogicSymbolicSet.q queries. The code should be placed in a new directory that starts with a lower-case letter (to be properly supported by the build system). By convention, the main file for the domain should be called A combinator should also be contained in, but should define the functor Make.

A .mlpack file should be created for the domain. This should have an upper-case first letter and will represent the name of the domain or combinator inside the main file. Similarly, the _tags file should be updated to both indicate any dependencies for the new domain as well as adding an appropriate for-pack() line.

Finally, the file should be modified to allow using the domain. For base domains, this involves adding a new line in the domains variable. For combinators, a line should be added to combinators.

For example, if a new domain were called test-domain, the following changes would be required:

Add the directory test-domain.

Add the file to test-domain.

Add the file TestDomain.mlpack to . with the following contents:


Modify the _tags file to add the following line:

<test-domain/*>: for-pack(TestDomain)

Modify the file to add the following line to the domains list:

("-test-domain", Arg.Unit (fun () -> push (module TestDomain.Domain)), " Test set domain");

Note that there is a blank space before the description. The first word in the description documents the argument for the domain (if there is one).


QUICr parametric abstract domain for sets







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