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63 lines (53 loc) · 2.58 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (53 loc) · 2.58 KB

Hardware requirements

Minimum hardware requirements depend on the size of the Wikipedia language version that you want to analyze. For small and mid-size languages, you can even run the whole process in a modest laptop, with at least 4 GB of RAM and 50 GB of free space on disk.

For large Wikipedias, it is advisable to execute WikiDAT in a multi-core system with as much RAM as possible (16 GB or more). Make sure that you configure your MySQL/MariaDB server to take advantage of this. Besides, execution time can be substantially reduced by using SSDs for data storage.

Software requirements

Operating Systems

The current beta version of WikiDAT has been tested in Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux platforms.

WikiDAT has also been tested in Windows 7 / 8 platforms. However, the documentation does not currently provide installation and execution details for that platform.

WikiDAT has not been tested on Mac platforms, so far.

Software dependencies

The following dependencies are required to run all examples currently included in WikiDAT:

  • MySQL server and client (v5.5 or later) or MariaDB server and client (v5.5 or later; v10.0 or later).
  • Python programming language (v2.7 or later; Python3 not supported).
  • R programming language and environment (v 2.15.0 or later).
  • Redis (server and client). Packages redis-server and redis-tools in Debian and Ubuntu.
  • Software for file compression/decompression: zip, 7-zip, bz2, etc. In particular, 7-zip is mandatory for large dump data files (package p7zip-full in Debian and Ubuntu).
  • In Debian and Ubuntu, it is advisable to install the dateutil and pyzmq Python modules from packages: python-zmq and python-dateutil, respectively.

Python packages

  • MySQLdb (v1.2.3 or later).
  • lxml (v3.3.1-0 or later).
  • beautifulsoup4 (v4.2.1 or later).
  • pyzmq (v14.3.0 or later, see above).
  • dateutils (v2.2 or later, see above).
  • requests (v2.2.1 or later).
  • ujson (v1.3.0 or later).
  • configparser (v3.3.0r2 or later).
  • redis (v2.10.3 or later).
  • ipaddress (v1.0.7 or later).

R packages

  • RMySQL: Connect to MySQL databases from R.
  • Hmisc: Frank Harrell's miscelaneous functions (essential).
  • car: Companion library for "R Companion to Applied Regression", 2nd ed.
  • DAAG: Companion library for "Data Analysis and Graphics using R."
  • ineq: Calcualte inequality metrics and graphics.
  • ggplot2: A wonderful library to create appealing graphics in R.
  • eha: Library for event history and survival analysis.
  • zoo: Excellent library to handle time series data.