This is manifest project, for building Android OS as Xen guest.
doma.xml - Android manifest based on Pie 9.0.0_r3 branch for Xenvm device
Downloading the Source:
Please follow general rules/dependencies from :
For downloading opensource projects use:
repo init -u -m doma.xml -b android-9.0.0_r3-xt0.2
For downloading opensource and internal projects use:
repo init -u -m doma.xml -b android-9.0.0_r3-xt0.2 -g all
repo sync -c -jXXX
Establishing a Build Environment:
export TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM=r8a7796 or r8a7795
export OUT_DIR=/media/Pie_OUT
export PRODUCT_OUT=${OUT_DIR}/target/product/xenvm
In case H3 2.0 SIP:
Building with prebuilts:
In case DDK KM prebuilt:
export DDK_KM_PREBUILT_MODULE=/media/prebuilts/pvr-km/pvrsrvkm.ko
export TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL=/media/prebuilts/kernel/Image
In case of DDK KM source build, please copy DDK KM source code into:
In case DDK UM prebuilt:
export DDK_UM_PREBUILDS=/media/prebuilts/pvr-um
Build Android:
. build/
lunch xenvm-userdebug
make -jXXXX
Using own internal projects for full source build
You can use local_manifests to build standalone android using closed source projects, which points to an internal repo.
Create some manifest.xml file like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="some_local_remote" fetch="local fetch uri" revision="some local revision" />
<project path="vendor/imagination/rogue_um" name="some local pvr_um project name" remote="some_local_remote" />
<project path="vendor/imagination/rogue_km" name="some local pvr_km project name" remote="some_local_remote" />
<project path="prebuilts/imagination/metag/2.8" name="some local embedded_toolkit project name" remote="some_local_remote" />
create .repo/local_manifests/
and copy into it newly created manifest.xml
Repo will fetch all internal projects with all other opensourece during sync.