- Informational logs: The log files will be created inside ~/.gazebo/server-<GAZEBO_MASTER_PORT> and ~/.gazebo/client-<GAZEBO_MASTER_PORT>. The motivation for this change is to avoid name collisions when cloning a simulation. If the environment variable GAZEBO_MASTER_URI is not present or invalid, <GAZEBO_MASTER_PORT> will be replaced by "default".
- void SetVelocityLimit(unsigned int, double)
- bool SetVelocityMaximal(unsigned int, double)
- New class: Population
- New class: Kmeans
- New class: SpaceNav, an interface to the space navigator 3D mouse
- gazebo/common/Plugin.hh
- Removed: protected: std::string Plugin::handle
- Replacement: protected: std::string Plugin::handleName
- gazebo/physics/Collision.hh
- unsigned int GetShapeType()
- Deprecation unsigned int GetShapeType()
- Replacement unsigned int GetShapeType() const
- Deprecation virtual double GetMaxForce(unsigned int)
- Deprecation virtual void SetMaxForce(unsigned int, double)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAngle(unsigned int, math::Angle)
- Replacement virtual void SetPosition(unsigned int, double)
- Removed: Link_V GetLinks() const
ABI Change
- Replacement: const Link_V &GetLinks() const
- Removed: Link_V GetLinks() const
gzprop command line tool
- The
command line tool outputs a zip file instead of a tarball.
- The
- sdf::ElementPtr LightToSDF(const msgs::Light &_msg, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf = sdf::ElementPtr())
- math::Quaternion GetRotation() const
- void SetRotation(const math::Quaternion &_q)
- LightPtr Clone(const std::string &_name, ScenePtr _scene)
- void AddLight(LightPtr _light)
- void RemoveLight(LightPtr _light)
- template static event::ConnectionPtr ConnectLightUpdate(T _subscriber)
- static void DisconnectLightUpdate(event::ConnectionPtr _subscriber)
- bool InitFromModel(const std::string & _modelName)
- bool InitFromLight(const std::string & _lightName)
- int GetMaterialIndex(const Material *_mat) const
- New classes: Filter, OnePole, OnePoleQuaternion, OnePoleVector3, BiQuad, and BiQuadVector3
- bool FindAllConnectedLinks(const LinkPtr &_originalParentLink, Link_V &_connectedLinks);
- math::Pose ComputeChildLinkPose( unsigned int _index, double _position);
- void Move(const math::Pose &_worldRefernceFrameSrc, const math::Pose &_worldRefernceFrameDst);
- bool FindAllConnectedLinksHelper( const LinkPtr &_originalParentLink, Link_V &_connectedLinks, bool _fistLink = false);
- bool ContainsLink(const Link_V &_vector, const LinkPtr &_value);
- msgs::Visual GetVisualMessage(const std::string &_name)
- Removed: Link_V GetLinks() const
ABI Change
- Replacement: const Link_V &GetLinks() const
- Removed: Link_V GetLinks() const
- Removed std::string GetScopedName() const
- Replaced std::string GetScopedName(bool _prependWorldName=false) const
- void RemoveModel(const std::string &_name);
- void RemoveModel(ModelPtr _model);
- void SetPositionPID(const std::string &_jointName, const common::PID &_pid);
- void SetVelocityPID(const std::string &_jointName, const common::PID &_pid);
- Deprecation virtual void ApplyDamping()
- Replacement virtual void ApplyStiffnessDamping()
- Deprecation double GetDampingCoefficient() const
- Replacement double GetDamping(int _index)
- Deprecation void CFMDamping()
- Replacement void ApplyImplicitStiffnessDamping()
- Deprecation virtual void SetThreadPitch(unsigned int _index, double _threadPitch) = 0
- Replacement virtual void SetThreadPitch(double _threadPitch) = 0
- Deprecation virtual void GetThreadPitch(unsigned int _index) = 0
- Replacement virtual void GetThreadPitch() = 0
- Deprecation protected: virtual void Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
- Replacement public: virtual void Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
- Deprecation virtual void SetSORPGSPreconIters(unsigned int _iters)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetSORPGSIters(unsigned int _iters)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetSORPGSW(double _w)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual int GetSORPGSPreconIters()
- Replacement virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- Deprecation virtual int GetSORPGSIters()
- Replacement virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- Deprecation virtual double GetSORPGSW()
- Replacement virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- Deprecation virtual bool SetParam(BulletParam _param, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual boost::any GetParam(BulletParam _param) const
- Replacement virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- Deprecation virtual bool SetParam(ODEParam _param, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual boost::any GetParam(ODEParam _param) const
- Replacement virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- Deprecation virtual boost::any GetParam(DARTParam _param) const
- Replacement virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- Deprecation virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index) = 0
- Replacement virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index) = 0;
- Deprecation virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual double GetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Replacement virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value) = 0
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value) = 0
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Deprecation virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- Removed: inline const math::Pose &GetWorldPose() const
ABI change
- Replacement: inline virutal const math::Pose &GetWorldPose() const
- Removed: inline const math::Pose &GetWorldPose() const
- Removed: bool operator==(const Box &_b)
ABI Change
- Replacement: bool operator==(const Box &_b) const
- Removed: bool operator==(const Box &_b)
- Removed: void load()
ABI change
- Replacement: bool load()
- Note: Changed return type from void to bool.
- Removed: void load()
Functions in joint classes use unsigned int, instead of int
- All functions in Joint classes (gazebo/physics/*Joint*) and subclasses (gazebo/physics/[ode,bullet,simbody,dart]/*Joint*) now use unsigned integers instead of integers when referring to a specific joint axis.
- Add const to Joint::GetInitialAnchorPose(), Joint::GetStopDissipation(), Joint::GetStopStiffness()
ABI change
- Removed: void Noise::Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
- Replacement: virtual void Noise::Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
- Removed: void Noise::~Noise()
- Replacement: virtual void Noise::~Noise()
- Removed: void Noise::Apply() const
- Replacement: void Noise::Apply()
- Note: Make Noise a base class and refactored out GaussianNoiseModel to its own class.
- Removed: bool ConnectionManager::Init(const std::string &_masterHost, unsigned int _masterPort)
ABI change
- Replacement: bool ConnectionManager::Init(const std::string &_masterHost, unsigned int _masterPort, uint32_t _timeoutIterations = 30)
- Note: No changes to downstream code required. A third parameter has been added that specifies the number of timeout iterations. This parameter has a default value of 30.
- Removed: bool ConnectionManager::Init(const std::string &_masterHost, unsigned int _masterPort)
- Removed: bool init(const std::string &_masterHost = "", unsigned int _masterPort = 0)
ABI change
- Replacement: bool init(const std::string &_masterHost = "", unsigned int _masterPort = 0, uint32_t _timeoutIterations = 30)
- Note: No changes to downstream code required. A third parameter has been added that specifies the number of timeout iterations. This parameter has a default value of 30.
- Removed: bool init(const std::string &_masterHost = "", unsigned int _masterPort = 0)
- Removed: void Publish(MessagePtr _msg, boost::function<void(uint32_t)> _cb, uint32_t _id)
ABI change
- Replacement: int Publish(MessagePtr _msg, boost::function<void(uint32_t)> _cb, uint32_t _id)
- Note: Only the return type changed.
- Removed: void Publish(MessagePtr _msg, boost::function<void(uint32_t)> _cb, uint32_t _id)
API change
- Removed: void ModelDatabase::GetModels(boost::function<void (const std::map<std::string, std::string> &)> _func)
- Replacement: event::ConnectionPtr ModelDatabase::GetModels(boost::function<void (const std::map<std::string, std::string> &)> _func)
- Note: The replacement function requires that the returned connection shared pointer remain valid in order to receive the GetModels callback. Reset the shared pointer to stop receiving GetModels callback.
API change
- Modified: SurfaceParamsPtr Collision::surface
- Note: Changed from
API change
- Removed: double MultiRayShape::GetRange(int _index)
- Replacement: double MultiRayShape::GetRange(unsigned int _index)
- Removed: double MultiRayShape::GetRetro(int _index)
- Replacement: double MultiRayShape::GetRetro(unsigned int _index)
- Removed: double MultiRayShape::GetFiducial(int _index)
- Replacement: double MultiRayShape::GetFiducial(unsigned int _index)
- Note: Changed argument type from int to unsigned int.
- Removed: void FillMsg(msgs::Surface &_msg)
- Replacement: virtual void FillMsg(msgs::Surface &_msg)
API change
- Removed: double RaySensor::GetRange(int _index)
- Replacement: double RaySensor::GetRange(unsigned int _index)
- Removed: double RaySensor::GetRetro(int _index)
- Replacement: double RaySensor::GetRetro(unsigned int _index)
- Removed: double RaySensor::GetFiducial(int _index)
- Replacement: double RaySensor::GetFiducial(unsigned int _index)
- Note: Changed argument type from int to unsigned int.
- Removed virtual void SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Removed virtual void SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Removed virtual void SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Replacement virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int /_index/, const math::Angle &/_angle/)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int /_index/, const math::Angle &/_angle/)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int /_index/, const math::Angle &/_angle/)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int /_index/, const math::Angle &/_angle/)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Removed virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- Replacement virtual bool SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- bool FindAllConnectedLinks(const LinkPtr &_originalParentLink, Link_V &_connectedLinks);
- math::Pose ComputeChildLinkPose( unsigned int _index, double _position);
- void MoveFrame(const math::Pose &_worldReferenceFrameSrc, const math::Pose &_worldReferenceFrameDst);
- bool FindAllConnectedLinksHelper( const LinkPtr &_originalParentLink, Link_V &_connectedLinks, bool _fistLink = false);
- bool ContainsLink(const Link_V &_vector, const LinkPtr &_value);
- void SetWorldPoseDirty()
- virtual const math::Pose &GetWorldPose() const
- common::Time GetLastUpdateTime() const
- std::map<std::string, JointPtr> GetJoints() const
- bool SetPositionTarget(const std::string &_jointName, double _target)
- bool SetVelocityTarget(const std::string &_jointName, double _target)
- std::map<std::string, common::PID> GetPositionPIDs() const
- std::map<std::string, common::PID> GetVelocityPIDs() const
- std::map<std::string, double> GetForces() const
- std::map<std::string, double> GetPositions() const
- std::map<std::string, double> GetVelocities() const
- double GetPGain() const
- double GetIGain() const
- double GetDGain() const
- double GetIMax() const
- double GetIMin() const
- double GetCmdMax() const
- double GetCmdMin() const
- transport::ConnectionPtr connectToMaster()
- msgs::Scene GetSceneMsg() const
- unsigned int GetFilterCount()
- bool HasFilter(const std::string &_name)
- void RemoveFilter(const std::string &_name)
- virtual void Fini()
- math::Pose GetAnchorErrorPose() const
- math::Quaternion GetAxisFrame(unsigned int _index) const
- double GetWorldEnergyPotentialSpring(unsigned int _index) const
- math::Pose GetParentWorldPose() const
- double GetSpringReferencePosition(unsigned int) const
- math::Pose GetWorldPose() const
- virtual void SetEffortLimit(unsigned _index, double _stiffness)
- virtual void SetStiffness(unsigned int _index, double _stiffness) = 0
- virtual void SetStiffnessDamping(unsigned int _index, double _stiffness, double _damping, double _reference = 0) = 0
- bool axisParentModelFrame[MAX_JOINT_AXIS]
- protected: math::Pose parentAnchorPose
- public: double GetInertiaRatio(const math::Vector3 &_axis) const
- double GetWorldEnergy() const
- double GetWorldEnergyKinetic() const
- double GetWorldEnergyPotential() const
- bool initialized
- double GetWorldEnergy() const
- double GetWorldEnergyKinetic() const
- double GetWorldEnergyPotential() const
- FrictionPyramid()
- ~FrictionPyramid()
- double GetMuPrimary()
- double GetMuSecondary()
- void SetMuPrimary(double _mu)
- void SetMuSecondary(double _mu)
- math::Vector3 direction1
- Note: Replaces mu, m2, fdir1 variables
- BulletSurfaceParams()
- virtual ~BulletSurfaceParams()
- virtual void Load(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
- virtual void FillMsg(msgs::Surface &_msg)
- virtual void ProcessMsg(msgs::Surface &_msg)
- FrictionPyramid frictionPyramid
- virtual void FillMsg(msgs::Surface &_msg)
- virtual void ProcessMsg(msgs::Surface &_msg)
- double bounce
- double bounce
- double bounceThreshold
- double kp
- double kd
- double cfm
- double erp
- double maxVel
- double minDepth
- FrictionPyramid frictionPyramid
- double slip1
- double slip2
- bool GetVisible() const
- virtual void LoadFromMsg(const msgs::Light &_msg)
- physics::JointPtr GetJoint() const
- virtual double ApplyImpl(double _in)
- virtual void Fini()
- virtual void SetCustomNoiseCallback(boost::function<double (double)> _cb)
- NoisePtr GetNoise(unsigned int _index = 0) const
- virtual void SetHighStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- virtual void SetLowStop(unsigned int _index, const math::Angle &_angle)
- virtual void SetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index, const boost::any &_value)
- virtual double GetAttribute(const std::string &_key, unsigned int _index)
- virtual void SetThreadPitch(double _threadPitch)
- virtual void GetThreadPitch()
- virtual void SetThreadPitch(double _threadPitch)
- virtual void GetThreadPitch()
- virtual math::Vector3 GetAnchor(unsigned int _index) const
- virtual void SetAnchor(unsigned int _index, const math::Vector3 &_anchor)
- virtual math::Angle GetHighStop(unsigned int _index)
- virtual math::Angle GetLowStop(unsigned int _index)
- virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- virtual boost::any GetParam(const std::string &_key) const
- virtual bool SetParam(const std::string &_key, const boost::any &_value)
- math::Quaternion GetAxisFrameOffset(unsigned int _index) const
Removed libtool
- Libtool used to be an option for loading plugins. Now, only libdl is supported.
- Base_V::iterator childrenEnd
- double Noise::GetMean() const
- double Noise::GetStdDev() const
- double Noise::GetBias() const
- Note: Moved gaussian noise functions to a new GaussianNoiseModel class
- double bounce
- double bounce
- double bounceThreshold
- double kp
- double kd
- double cfm
- double erp
- double maxVel
- double minDepth
- double mu1
- double mu2
- double slip1
- double slip2
- math::Vector3 fdir1
- Note: These parameters were moved to FrictionPyramid, ODESurfaceParams, and BulletSurfaceParams.
- gazebo/gazebo.hh
- Deprecation void fini()
- Deprecation void stop()
- Replacement bool shutdown()
- Note Replace fini and stop with shutdown
- Deprecation bool load()
- Deprecation bool init()
- Deprecation bool run()
- Replacement bool setupClient()
- Use this function to setup gazebo for use as a client
- Replacement bool setupServer()
- Use this function to setup gazebo for use as a server
- Note Replace load+init+run with setupClient/setupServer
- Deprecation std::string find_file(const std::string &_file)
- Replacement std::string common::find_file(const std::string &_file)
- Deprecation void add_plugin(const std::string &_filename)
- Replacement void addPlugin(const std::string &_filename)
- Deprecation void print_version()
- Replacement void printVersion()
- gazebo/physics/World.hh
- Deprecation void World::StepWorld(int _steps)
- Replacement void World::Step(unsigned int _steps)
- gazebo/sensors/SensorsIface.hh
- Deprecation std::string sensors::create_sensor(sdf::ElementPtr _elem, const std::string &_worldName,const std::string &_parentName)
- Replacement std::string sensors::create_sensor(sdf::ElementPtr _elem, const std::string &_worldName, const std::string &_parentName, uint32_t _parentId)
- gazebo/sensors/Sensor.hh
- Deprecation void Sensor::SetParent(const std::string &_name)
- Replacement void Sensor::SetParent(const std::string &_name, uint32_t _id)
- gazebo/sensors/SensorManager.hh
- Deprecation std::string CreateSensor(sdf::ElementPtr _elem, const std::string &_worldName, const std::string &_parentName)
- Replacement std::string CreateSensor(sdf::ElementPtr _elem, const std::string &_worldName, const std::string &_parentName, uint32_t _parentId)
- gazebo/sensors/Collision.hh
- Deprecation void Collision::SetContactsEnabled(bool _enable)
- Replacement Use ContactManager.
- Deprecation bool Colliion::GetContactsEnabled() const
- Replacement Use ContactManager.
- Deprecation void AddContact(const Contact &_contact)
- Replacement Use ContactManager.
- File rename:
- File rename:
- File rename:
- File rename:
- File rename:
- File rename:
- File rename:
- File rename:
- gazebo/msgs/physics.proto
- Removed optional double dt
- Replacement optional double min_step_size
- Removed optional double update_rate
- Replacement optional double real_time_update_rate
- gazebo/physics/ModelState.hh
- Removed LinkState ModelState::GetLinkState(int _index)
API change
- Replacement LinkState ModelState::GetLinkState(const std::string &_linkName) const
- Removed LinkState ModelState::GetLinkState(int _index)
- gazebo/physics/PhyscisEngine.hh
- Removed void PhysicsEngine::SetUpdateRate(double _value)
API change
- Replacement void PhyscisEngine::SetRealTimeUpdateRate(double _rate)
- Removed double PhysicsEngine::GetUpdateRate()
API change
- Replacement double PhysicsEngine::GetRealTimeUpdateRate() const
- Removed void PhysicsEngine::SetStepTime(double _value)
API change
- Replacement void PhysicsEngine::SetMaxStepSize(double _stepSize)
- Removed double PhysicsEngine::GetStepTime()
API change
- Replacement double PhysicsEngine::GetMaxStepSize() const
- Removed void PhysicsEngine::SetUpdateRate(double _value)
- gazebo/physics/Joint.hh
- Removed: Joint::Load(LinkPtr _parent, LinkPtr _child, const math::Vector3 &_pos)
API chance
- Replacement: Joint::Load(LinkPtr _parent, LinkPtr _child, const math::Pose &_pose)
- Removed: public: double GetInertiaRatio(unsigned int _index) const
- Replacement: public: double GetInertiaRatio(const unsigned int _index) const
- Removed: Joint::Load(LinkPtr _parent, LinkPtr _child, const math::Vector3 &_pos)
- gazebo/common/Events.hh
- Removed: Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(T _subscriber)
API change
- Replacement ConnectionPtr Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(T _subscriber)
- Removed: Events::DisconnectWorldUpdateStart(T _subscriber)
API change
- Replacement ConnectionPtr Events::DiconnectWorldUpdateBegin(T _subscriber)
- Removed: Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(T _subscriber)
- gazebo/physics/Link.hh
- Removed void Link::RemoveChildJoint(JointPtr _joint)
API change
- Replacement void Link::RemoveChildJoint(const std::string &_jointName)
- Removed void Link::RemoveParentJoint(const std::string &_jointName)
API change
- Replacement void Link::RemoveParentJoint(const std::string &_jointName)
- Removed void Link::RemoveChildJoint(JointPtr _joint)
- gazebo/physics/MeshShape.hh
- Removed std::string MeshShape::GetFilename() const
API change
- Replacement std::string MeshShape::GetURI() const
- Removed void MeshShape::SetFilename() const
API change
- Replacement std::string MeshShape::SetMesh(const std::string &_uri, const std::string &_submesh = "", bool _center = false) const
- Removed std::string MeshShape::GetFilename() const
- gazebo/common/Time.hh
- Removed static Time::NSleep(Time _time)
API change
- Replacement static Time NSleep(unsigned int _ns)
- Removed static Time::NSleep(Time _time)
- gazebo/physics/Collision.hh
- template event::ConnectionPtr ConnectContact(T _subscriber)
- template event::ConnectionPtr DisconnectContact(T _subscriber)
- Note: The ContactManager::CreateFilter functions can be used to create a gazebo topic with contact messages filtered by the name(s) of collision shapes. The topic can then be subscribed with a callback to replicate this removed functionality. See gazebo pull request #713 for an example migration.