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File metadata and controls

78 lines (63 loc) · 4.5 KB


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(Work on readme in progress!)

More About

CLI application for reading and creating FLIM libraries. The standard library will be updated all the time. The original library can serve as a repository of data about files by name, this provides quick access to the files you need. FLIM libraries are convenient because

  • you can create a whole package of files that can be downloaded with just one command.

CLI приложение для считывания и создания FLIM библиотек. Стандартная библиотека будет дополнятся все время. Оригинальная библиотека может служить как хранилище данных о файлах по имени, это обеспечивает быстрый доступ к нужным файлам. FLIM библиотеки удобны тем

  • что вы можете создать целый пакет файлов который можно будет скачать всего одной командой.


Installation guide

Commands for the latest version FLIM (0.0.5)

FLIM - Must be added to each FLIM command  (is not a separate command for FLIM) 

FLIM version - Displays the version of the program  
FLIM install filetitle - Installs a file from the global library  

FLIM db - Working with the global library (is not a separate command for FLIM) 
      + list - Gets file names, links to them and names from the global library  
      + info filetitle - Reads the title, name and link to a file in the global library
      + cat filetitle - reading a file without downloading in the global library
      + globaldburl install filetitle - installs a file from the global (not main) library
      + globaldburl to ldbname.FLIM - downloads the global (non-main) library to the local disk

FLIM ldb localdbname.FLIM - Working with local libraries  (is not a separate command for FLIM) 
                        + create - Creates a local library  
                        + add title name url - Adds a block to the local library  
                        + install file-title-in-local-library - installs the desired file from the local library  
                        + dbinstall - downloads completely files from the local library  
                        + list - gets the filenames of the linked files and names from the local library
		        + info filetitle - Reads the title, name and link to a file in the local library
	                + cat filetitle - reading a file without downloading in the local library
		        + merge(or combine) secondlocaldb.FLIM to finishlocaldb.FLIM(optional) - merging libraries, 
											         if you don't write "to finish 		
											         localdb.FLIM" the merged library 		
											         will be written to firstlocaldb.FLIM
FLIM package - Working with packages  (is not a separate command for FLIM)
	   + packagename install - installs a package of files from the global library (library within a library)
	   + (s) list - reads the names of all packages from the global library
	   + packagename list - reads all titles, urls and filenames in a package

Help wanted! / Требуется помощь!

We need an English translator. Most of the words here have been translated using google translator. If you know Russian and English you can contribute to the project.

Нам нужен переводчик на английский. Большинство слов здесь переведено с помощью гугл переводчика. Если вы знаете русский и английский вы можете внести вклад в проект.