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Docker Hub |
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![]({{ site.url }}/images/logo/docker-hub.png)
JHipster has its own organization at Docker Hub and provides different Docker images.
The jhipster-docker-hub project provides all docker-compose files to launch these images. To use the docker-compose commands, you have to:
- clone the project:
git clone
- go inside project:
cd jhipster-docker-hub
Based on your OS, your DOCKER_HOST
will differ. On Linux, it will be localhost
For Mac/Windows, you will have to obtain the IP using following command: docker-machine ip default
jhipster/jhipster : an alternative installation of JHipster
See the [installation]({{ site.url }}/installation/) page for full instructions.
These following commands can be used in specific use cases.
Launch jhipster
in the current folder, with the latest release
docker container run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/jhipster/app jhipster/jhipster jhipster
Launch jhipster
in the current folder, with an older release:
docker container run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/jhipster/app jhipster/jhipster:v3.0.0 jhipster
You can see all tags available here
jhipster/jdl-studio : JDL-Studio offline
You can use JDL-Studio offline and access to it at http://localhost:18080
docker container run -d -p 18080:80 jhipster/jdl-studio
It is a sample application with H2 or MySQL.
Run a jhipster application directly with Docker, in development profile
docker container run -d -p 8080:8080 -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev jhipster/jhipster-sample-app
Then, you can access to the application at http://localhost:8080
Run the application in development profile
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app/dev.yml up
Run the application in production profile, with MySQL database
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app/prod.yml up
Run the application in production profile, with MySQL database and ELK stack
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app/prod-elk.yml up
Access to the running application at http://localhost:8080
Access to the Kibana dashboard at http://localhost:5601
It is a sample application with MySQL and Elasticsearch.
Run the application in development profile
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-elasticsearch/dev.yml up
Run the application in production profile, with MySQL database and Elasticsearch
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-elasticsearch/prod.yml up
It is a sample application with MongoDB.
Run the application in production profile, with MongoDB database
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-mongodb/prod.yml up
It is a sample application with a Cassandra cluster.
Run the application in production profile, with Cassandra cluster
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-cassandra/prod.yml up
Scale a Cassandra node
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-cassandra/prod.yml scale sample-cassandra-node=2
The images used here are:
- jhipster/jhipster-registry
- jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-gateway
- jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-microservice
Run the full stack in production profile
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod/prod.yml up
It will start:
- Consul or the JHipster Registry
- the gateway
- a MySQL database
- the microservice
- a PostgreSQL database
Scale the microservice
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod/prod.yml scale jhipstersamplemicroservice-app=2
Run the full stack in production profile, with ELK stack
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod-elk/prod-elk.yml up
Scale the microservice
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod-elk/prod-elk.yml scale jhipstersamplemicroservice-app=2
Access to the registry at: http://localhost:8761
Access to the gateway at: http://localhost:8080
Access to the Kibana dashboard at: http://localhost:5601