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Tips'n tricks |
/tips/ |
This section contains user-submitted tips'n tricks on using JHipster.
If you want to contribute, don't hesitate to send us a Pull Request with your tips on our GitHub repository.
- [Using Bootswatch themes]({{ site.url }}/tips/009_tips_using_bootswatch_themes.html)
- [Configuring Email with - Gmail and more]({{ site.url }}/tips/011_tip_configuring_email_in_jhipster.html)
- [Speed up the generator-jhipster]({{ site.url }}/tips/013_tip_speed_up_generator.html)
- [Local SMTP Server]({{ site.url }}/tips/015_tip_local_smtp_server.html)
- [LDAP Authentication]({{ site.url }}/tips/016_tip_ldap_authentication.html)
- [REPL with the remote shell]({{ site.url }}/tips/017_tip_repl_with_the_remote_shell.html) (deprecated)
- [Kubernetes and Google Cloud SQL]({{ site.url }}/tips/018_tip_kubernetes_and_google_cloud_sql.html)
- [Boost performance of pagination with infinite scrolling using Slice]({{ site.url }}/tips/019_tip_infinite_scroll_with_slice.html)
- [Using Docker containers as localhost on Mac/Windows]({{ site.url }}/tips/020_tip_using_docker_containers_as_localhost_on_mac_and_windows.html)
- [Use QueryDSL]({{ site.url }}/tips/003_tip_add_querydsl_support.html)
- [Protecting Kibana with Apache (Basic Authentication)]({{ site.url }}/tips/023_tip_protecting_kibana_with_apache_basic_authent.html)
- [Enabling Social Login with OAuth2]({{ site.url }}/tips/024_tip_enabling_social_login_with_oauth2.html)
- [How to create a new Authority]({{ site.url }}/tips/025_tip_create_new_authority.html)
- [Issue of @OneToOne with @MapsId and how to avoid it]({{ site.url }}/tips/026_tip_issue_of_onetoone_with_mapsid_how_to_avoid_it.html)
- [Increase integration test performance by lazy bean initialization]({{ site.url }}/tips/027_tip_lazy_init_test_beans.html)
- [How to connect PGAdmin (PostgreSQL) to Heroku]({{ site.url }}/tips/028_tip_pgadmin_heroku.html)
- [Provide Internet Explorer support]({{ site.url }}/tips/028_tip_ie_support.html)
- [Improve developer experience if opening only front end in the IDE]({{ site.url }}/tips/029_tip_frontend_only.html)
- [Configure Redis leader follower(master-slave) replication]({{ site.url }}/tips/030_tip_redis_replication.html)
- [Running Protractor e2e tests within Intellij IDEA]({{ site.url }}/tips/031_tip_e2e_intellij.html)
- [Time Drift in Docker]({{ site.url }}/tips/032_tip_time_drift_docker.html)
- [User entity management]({{ site.url }}/user-entity/)
- [Remove the register account service]({{ site.url }}/tips/034_tip_remove_register_account_service.html)
- [Combine generation and custom code]({{ site.url }}/tips/035_tip_combine_generation_and_custom_code.html)
- [Allow common web fonts in Spring Security]({{ site.url }}/tips/036_tip_allow_common_web_fonts_in_spring_security.html)