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How to invoke Open Vault Agent Injector

⚠️ Important note ⚠️: support for sidecars in Kubernetes jobs suffers from limitations and issues exposed here: kubernetes/kubernetes#25908.

Fortunately, Open Vault Agent Injector implements specific sidecar and signaling mechanism to properly stop all injected containers on job termination.


Open Vault Agent Injector supports several high-level features or modes:

  • secrets, the primary mode allowing to retrieve secrets from Vault server's stores, either once (for static secrets) or continuously (for dynamic secrets), coping with secrets rotations (ie any change will be propagated and updated values made available to consume by applications).
  • proxy, to enable the injected Vault Agent as a local, authenticated gateway to the remote Vault server. As an example, with this mode on, applications can easily leverage Vault's Transit Engine to cipher/decipher payloads by just sending data to the local proxy without dealing themselves with Vault authentication and tokens.
  • job, to use when a Kubernetes Job is submitted. This new mode comes in replacement of the now deprecated annotation.

For details, refer to Modes and Injection Config Overview.


Invoking Open Vault Agent Injector is pretty straightforward: in your application manifest, just add annotation "true". This is the only mandatory annotation (see list of supported annotations below).

By default, when using secrets mode, deciphered secrets are made available in file (using format <secret key>=<secret value>) under folder /opt/ovai/secrets. You can change the secrets filename using an annotation, and the location by mounting the secrets injected volume where you want to.

Refer to provided sample files and Examples document.


Following annotations in requesting pods are supported:

Annotation (M)andatory / (O)ptional Apply to mode Default Value Supported Values Description M N/A "true" / "on" / "yes" / "y" Ask for injection to get secrets from Vault O N/A "<injectconfig.vault.image.path Helm value>:<injectconfig.vault.image.tag Helm value>" Any image with Vault installed The image to be injected in your pod O N/A "kubernetes" "kubernetes" / "approle" Vault Auth Method to use. Static secrets only supports "kubernetes" authentication method O N/A "secrets" "secrets" / "proxy" / "job" / Comma-separated values (eg "secrets,proxy") Enable provided mode(s). Note: secrets mode will be enabled if you only set job mode O secrets "" Comma-separated strings List of commands to notify application/service of secrets change, one per secrets path. Usage context: dynamic secrets only O proxy "8200" Any allowed port value Port for local Vault proxy O N/A "<com.ovai.application label>" Any string Only used with "kubernetes" Vault Auth Method. Vault role associated to requesting pod. If annotation not used, role is read from label defined by mutatingwebhook.annotations.appLabelKey key (refer to configuration) which is com.ovai.application by default O N/A "/var/run/secrets/" Any string Full path to service account token used for Vault Kubernetes authentication O secrets "" Comma-separated strings List of secrets filenames (without path), one per secrets path O secrets "true" / "on" / "yes" / "y" If set, lifecycle hooks will be added to pod's container(s) to wait for secrets files. Usage context: dynamic secrets only. Do not use with job mode O secrets "file" "file" / "env" Method used to provide secrets to applications. Note: env method only supports static secrets O secrets "secret/<com.ovai.application label>/<com.ovai.service label>" Comma-separated strings List of secrets engines and path. If annotation not used, path is set from labels defined by mutatingwebhook.annotations.appLabelKey and mutatingwebhook.annotations.appServiceLabelKey keys (refer to configuration) O secrets Default template templates separated with --- Allow to override default template. Ignore annotation if set O secrets "dynamic" "static" / "dynamic" Type of secrets to handle (see details here) O N/A "job" Type of submitted workload. ⚠️ Deprecated: use instead. Using this annotation will enable job mode ⚠️

Upon successful injection, Open Vault Agent Injector will add annotation(s) to the requesting pods:

Annotation Value Description "injected" Status set by Open Vault Agent Injector

Note: you can change the annotation prefix (set by default to thanks to mutatingwebhook.annotations.keyPrefix key in configuration.

Secrets Mode

Default template

Template below is used by default to fetch all secrets and create corresponding key/value pairs. It is generic enough and should be fine for most use cases:

{{ with secret "<Path to secrets (defaut value or `` annotation)>" }}{{ range $k, $v := .Data }}
{{ $k }}={{ $v }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}

Using annotation it is nevertheless possible to provide your own list of templates. For some examples have a look at the Examples document.

Template's Syntax

Details on template syntax can be found in Consul Template's documentation (same syntax is supported by Vault Agent Template):

Proxy Mode

This mode opens the gate to virtually any Vault features for requesting applications. A blog entry introduces this mode and examples are provided.

Modes and Injection Config Overview

Depending on the modes you decide to enable and whether you opt for static or dynamic secrets (when secrets mode is selected), the configuration injected into your pod varies. The following table provides a quick glance at the different configurations.

Enabled Mode(s) Injected Configuration
secrets (static) secrets (dynamic) proxy job Init Container Sidecar(s)²
XX¹X (secrets)
XXX (secrets)X (proxy)
XXXX (secrets)X (proxy & job)

[1] on job mode: if you only set mode annotation's value to "job", secrets mode will be enabled automatically and configured to handle dynamic secrets (unless you set to "static" but note that in this situation, there is no need, although we do not prevent it, to enable job mode explicitly as no sidecar will be injected).

[2] on number of injected sidecars: for Kubernetes Deployment workloads, only one sidecar container is added to your pod to handle dynamic secrets and/or proxy. For Kubernetes Job workloads, two sidecars are injected to achieve the same tasks (or 0 in case you only enable job mode with static secrets).