//access clipboard//done //access api//done //format query in optimal programmable format//done //get tags for agent and memory//done //use tags to fetch desired set//done //setup special flag handler for command flags with no associated memory.//done I thing I have a bug to sort yet though, it exposes itself once in a while and I think it's here. //todo: notification instead of sound effects//done //todo: finish saving objects to memory//done //fast switch instruction sets //done //todo: group chain interacting so you can batch like |||@summary,@writer|//done, way cooler than that. //really waffling, its simply good like >user: //todo: per character rolling memory to allow more natural exchanges and enable rp.//decline for now. I should do a proper conversation builder.//done, |||c,@c|
//todo: openAI client, probably migrate a ton of logic out of textengine and into koboldinterface.js to make them interchangeable. //doneish
//todo: keyboard binding to activate ai on last clip without prompt. //maybe paid, I don't want to make it too easy to do all the linkedin tests, and a ready line to copy is the same.//done, |||on| //multiplatform esc key reading is tricker than I expected.
//todo: /api/extra/abort on esc and return //waiting on backends coalesing and a good doc for openAI compatibles. also reading esc key is tricker than I expected, gotta find the right thing.//done
//todo: implement insertion after cursor and response streaming. //this would be easy in windows if I wasnt hung up on multiplatform support.
//todo text to speech agent that can interact with the clipboard contents. //waiting on upstream that runs on my hardware without dinkin around or enough generosity to set up a closet server or at least new hard drives, I'm too full to experiment with a new OS. //kobold now supports llava and SD. I gotta find enough peace to rewrite this entire app in c# to support audio and images.
//decline: use case? I guess return tokens like |||tokens| so you can see if it will fit... ok. undecline: todo: /api/extra/generate/check //return in progress, useful for vlarge gens on slow mode //todo: /api/extra/tokencount //should run against entered data and updates should be shown after setting mem or agent and on final send. //I'm gonna wait and do this after I figure out more completion backends and make it work for oogabooga and others.
//todo: implement some kind of update check and notification.//half, update bat.
//todo: savesettings and getsettings. overwrite settings like |||settings,write| to paste ' |||settings,save| { the settings serialized json }
' which can be edited in place and copied to save the settings. //partial, agent save is pretty ready to pass in the right stuff, I just need to do the bits to make it go.
//todo: write agents or custom settings to file. //partial, agents, no settings writing yet.
//todo: settings bulk in and out //partial, prompt format switching is in, needs instructions switching to support more completion backends.
//todo: build agent portal with easy to copy and use workflow. //todo: mystery agent of the day. vulnerability: the description is visible in the kobold terminal //does anyone really want this?
//todo: Implement FunkyTown, you kids will never guess what this does.
Clipboard Conqueror