As we all are waiting at home for the rc3 to start, there is no wiki yet and I thought we could collect all rc3 related linkst. Pull request are welcome.
- Fahrplan - official #rc3 schedule (work in progress, currently you have to scroll out to see all rooms)
- Fahrplan (pretalx) - besser zu lesen
- Pretalx RC3 Studio - schedule of r3s - Monheim/Rhein,, Chaos-West TV, hacc München / about:future, xhain Berlin
- Pretalx OIO - schedule of OIO/A:F Bühne
- Pretalx ChaosZone - ChaosZone streams and workshops
- Pretalx Sendezentrum - Sendezentrum @ rC3
- Haecksen Fahrplan - schedule of haecksen
- VOC Fahrplan JSON/XML
- Plaintext Fahrplan (Gemini)
- rC3 Fahrplan
- Giggity - not directly for the rc3, but can be used with an alternative data-url:
- rC3 Fahrplan - release on Github
- Streams
- Streams direct links - if is down
- Recordings
- C3Pausenmusik
- schenklklopfer
- rc3pixelflut
- uwu Pixelflut - very experimental, may break at any time
- Sendezentrum - Sendezentrum @ rc3 overview
- Herald News Show
- - subdomain service for rc3
- Chaos Post
- IRC-Rooms - list of twitter-hashtags and IRC-channels on hackint
- OBS Camera Fix in Chrome - fixes the problem with the first Cam used by another Program such as OBS # Thanks to johannes
- 2D World User Counter
- 2D World Local Copy - get your own playable copy of the #rc3 #2d-world now. Only downloadable for today and only for personal use
If you want to contact me: @nerduser83 | ☎ 8883 (+49 5361 890286 8883)
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