Property supports validation. Here is a quick example:
var App = blocks.Application();
var User = App.Model({
username: App.Property({
required: 'username is required',
validateOnChange: true
email: App.Property({
email: 'Please enter a valid email',
minlength: {
value: 3,
message: 'The email should be bigger than 3 symbols'
maxErrors: 2,
validateOnChange: true
App.View('SignUp', {
user: User()
<div data-query="view(SignUp)">
<div data-query="with(user)">
<input data-query="val(email)" placeholder="try entering an invalid mail or value smaller than 3 symbols" style="width:100%">
<span data-query="visible(!email.valid()).html(email.errorMessages)"></span>
<br />
<br />
<input placeholder="try not entering a value here" data-query="val(username)" style="width:100%;">
<!-- showing the validation error in a message -->
<span data-query="visible(!username.valid()).html(username.errorMessage)"></span>
<div data-query="visible(!user.valid())">
<h2>All validation errors:</h2>
<ul data-query="each(user.validationErrors)">
Each Property have three exposed observables for controlling the validation:
- validate() - call this method to validate and update all values below
- valid() - is the validators have successfully passed
<span data-query="visible(!username.valid())"></span>
- errorMessage() - the error message for the failed validator. If the validation have succeeded the value is empty string.
- errorMessages() - all error messages for all failed validators. If the validation have succeeded the array is empty.
<ul data-query="each(username.errorMessages)"> <li>{{$this}}</li> </ul>
Additionally, each Model have two observables that collect data from each Property to provide validation data for the entire Model.
- validate() - call this method to call all Model Property validate() methods and update all their values and the Model observables described below
- valid() - are all validators for all properties in the model have succeeded
<h2 data-query="visible(!profile.valid())"> There is at least one validation error in the Model. </h2>
- validationErrors() - all error messages from all failed validators in the entire Model
<ul data-query="each(username.validationErrors)"> <li>{{$this}}</li> </ul>
Here is a code example that describes all available validators that are supported out of the box.
var Article = App.Model({
propertyForValidation: App.Property({
required: 'This field is required',
email: 'The field should be a valid email',
url: 'The field should be a valid URL',
date: 'The value should be a valid date',
number: 'The value should be a number',
digits: 'The value should contain only digits',
letters: 'The value should contain only letters',
creditcard: 'The value should be a valid credit card number',
min: {
value: 0,
message: 'The value should be a positive number'
max: {
value: 100,
message: 'Your age should be less than 100 years'
minlength: {
value: 6,
message: 'Your password should be longer than 5 symbols'
maxlength: {
value: 19,
message: 'Your username should be shorter than 20 symbols'
regexp: {
value: /[0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+/,
message: 'Your telephone should be in three groups of digits separated by space'
equals: {
value: '1739',
message: 'Your hardcoded password does not match'
asyncValidate: {
// the function accepts a ready callback which should be called when validation decision could be made
value: function (ready) {
// do any async work here
// example: go to the server to check sign in data
// pass false or true for validation failure or success
message: 'Your username or password is incorrect'
validate: function (value) {
var number = parseFloat(value);
if (blocks.isNaN(number)) {
return 'Value should be a valid number';
if (number % 2 == 0) {
return [
'Value should not be an even number',
'Value should be an odd number'
return true;
Property have additional properties that control the validation behavior. Take a look at the code comments:
var Product = App.Model({
phone: App.Property({
// determines if the validation is fired on every value change or will be called only manually from the validate() method
validateOnChange: false,
// determines the max numbers of validation errors to be pushed to the property.errorMessages collection
maxErrors: 1,
// determines if the validation will be fired the first time a value is assigned to the property or will wait for validate() to be called
validateInitially: false