Special airport transfers form that delivers mail to an administrator with customer's data.
Form is designed to serve as transfer order tool. Design is airport transfers ready.
The plugin has full l10n and i18n support.
There are several options like mails for the delivery and default settings.
- Simple & Intuitive
- Flexible transfer reservation form
- Multiple emails can be used for notifications
Download and activate the plugin. The plugin works with shortcode:
[airport-transfers-form] Airport 1, Airport 2, Airport 3 [/airport-transfers-form]
Airports must be comma separated and palced in between the shortcode tags. Just palce the shortcode and the airports in the desired language.
There is nice settings page where to set contact information and the default settings. You can also place some settings in the shortcode in every page.
Example: [airport-transfers-form country="Earthsea" time-format="12" resort="winter"] Paris Airport, Frankfurt Airport, Madrid Airport [/airport-transfers-form]
After the settings are done and the shortcode is placed on the desired pages you are ready to operate.
Yes, you can add as many emails for delivery as you want. The only rule is that they must be comma separated.
Yes, you can place your phone/phones and email.
Yes, you can set any country you want. It can be a default one and as option in every page where the shorcode is placed.
Yes, you can choose default the format in the settings page and also as option in every page where the shorcode is placed..
No, you can add as many airports in the dropdown as you wish.
There is no limitation. You can recieve as many orders as they are submitted.
Yes, the most important fields are validated twice - both on client's machine and on the server. Especially the email address.
There is a nice gentle modal window that is opened when mandatory field is empty.
- Security fixes.
- First release.
- No changes.