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Atölye15 - Web Starter Kit

⚠️ ATTENTION: This project is in heavily under development! Documentation will be updated later.

Web Starter Kit is a starter package designed for front-end developers of Atölye15. Its main goals are to save developers from redundant work needs to be done at every project's start and also creating consistent code bases between developers.


  • Twig (HTML Templating System)
  • Sass (CSS extension language)
  • Babel & ES2015 (Javascript compiler)
  • Eslint
  • Stylelint

and many more

System Requirements

Browser Support

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari


Feature Description
Easy Initialization You can start to code right after you've completed the initial setup.
Sass Support Web Starter Kit contains a SASS compiler. Basic variables, mixins and functions are ready to use.
Performance Optimization Images, Javascript, and CSS files are minified.
HTML Templating Engine Web Starter Kit uses the twig.js templating engine.
Code Linting Web Starter Kit contains configuration files for Stylelint and Eslint. You will find bugs and errors before they happen.
ES2015 Support


1. Installing Web Starter Kit

You can download the latest version of Web Starter Kit here or clone this repository by typing in the terminal

git clone my-new-project

2. Setting Up Git

cd my-new-project

# Remove .git folder to remove git history and initialize a new one
rm -rf .git
git init

# Create initial commit
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial Commit"

3. Installing Dependencies

To download dependencies type in the terminal


4. Starting Development Environment

# Starts development environment, styleguide and watch processes.
yarn start

5. Pushing Your Project to GitHub

In order to define your remote address in your local repository type

git remote add origin[your-project-name].git

To push your files to your remote repo type

git push origin --all


1. Folder Structure

├── dev/                  # In development mode files generated by the build process are stored here.
├── dist/                 # In production mode files generated by the build process are stored here.
├── .vscode/              # Visual Studio Code settings are stored here.
├── gulp/                 # All Gulp tasks and related files are located in this folder.
│     ├── assets/         # Static assets used by Gulp tasks are located in this folder.
│     ├── tasks/          # All Gulp tasks are located in this folder.
│     └── utils/          # Utility functions used by Gulp tasks are located in this folder.
├── kss/                  # Settings for KSS package used by Styleguide are located in this folder.
├── public/               # The public folder contains the files won't be compiled. The files is in this folder only will be copy and paste to the dist folder.
├── src/                  # Files for development are located here. These files are processed by Gulp and /dev and /dist will be created
│     ├── fonts/          # Font files needed for the project should be placed here to be compiled.
│     ├── img/            # Image files needed for the project should be placed here.
│     ├── icons/          # SVG files needed for the project should be placed here to be compiled.
│     ├── js/             # Javascript files used in the project should be placed here to be compiled.
│     ├── scss/           # Scss files are located in this folder.
│       ├── abstracts/
│         └── mixins/
│       ├── base/
│         └── utilities/
│       ├── components/
│       ├── objects/
│       └── libs/
├── twig/                 # Twig files are located in this folder.
│   ├── pages/
│   └── partials/
├── .babelrc
├── .browserlistrc
├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintrc.json
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc
├── .stylelintignore
├── .stylelintrc
├── config.js
├── gulpfile.babel.js
├── package.json
├── yarn.lock

2. Commands

You can run commands by typing,

yarn [command]
Command Description
lint runs lint:js and lint:css commands.
lint:js runs eslint for javascript files
lint:css runs stylint for scss files
format runs format:js and format:css commands
format:js runs prettier for javascript files
format:css runs prettier for scss files
build builds project in production mode
start builds project and then runs watch processes
styleguide builds styleguide and then runs watch processes

3. Example Use Cases


Web Starter Kit is MIT licensed.