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File metadata and controls

468 lines (430 loc) · 10.5 KB


2022-03-25: Figuring out how to get topic data

Now that I have the desired input data structures being populated with messages that come in, I have to figure out how to use this data to get the desired objects for making the graph. Making the graph seems tricky. There are likely two data structures that would be good to have:

  • Nodes
  • Topics

Nodes will contain the nodes name, namespace, and its publishers and subscriber Ids. Topics on the other hand will be used to link the publishers and subscribers. They should probably have the following information:

  • Publishing node Ids
  • Publisher Ids
  • Subscriber node Ids
  • Subscriber Ids
  • Topic
  • Publisher and subscriber statistics

For this reason, I am thinking that I make topics look the following way:

  • Topic name
  • List of publishers
    • Node Id
    • Publisher Id
    • Statistics
  • List of subscribers

2022-03-15: Data formats

So let me figure out what I am making now:

The data that this app receives looks like this:

  event: create_publisher
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e95640
  domain: 0
  hostname: bluesalley
  pid: 488675
  handle: 0x558061e95640
  node: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e96010
  topic: '/rosout'
    history: 1
    depth: 1000
    reliability: 1
    durability: 1

  event: create_node
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e96010
  domain: 0
  hostname: bluesalley
  pid: 488675
  handle: 0x558061e96010
  name: 'talker'

  event: create_publisher
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061ed0130
  domain: 0
  hostname: bluesalley
  pid: 488675
  handle: 0x558061ed0130
  node: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e96010
  topic: '/parameter_events'
    history: 1
    depth: 1000
    reliability: 1
    durability: 2

  event: create_subscription
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061ed2ff0
  domain: 0
  hostname: bluesalley
  pid: 488675
  handle: 0x558061ed2ff0
  node: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e96010
  topic: '/parameter_events'
    history: 1
    depth: 1000
    reliability: 1
    durability: 2

  event: create_publisher
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061ed2fb0
  domain: 0
  hostname: bluesalley
  pid: 488675
  handle: 0x558061ed2fb0
  node: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e96010
  topic: '/chatter'
    history: 1
    depth: 7
    reliability: 1
    durability: 2

  event: destroy_publisher:
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e95640

  event: destroy_publisher:
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061ed2fb0

  event: destroy_subscription:
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061ed2ff0

  event: destroy_publisher:
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061ed0130

  event: destroy_node:
  id: 0-bluesalley-488675-0x558061e96010

and it should result in something that looks like this:

export const initialElements: Elements = [
  // ROS Nodes
    id: '1',
    type: 'rosNode',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: 'stereo_camera_controller_really_long_name_to_truncate',
    style: {width: 275, height: 79},
    id: '2',
    type: 'rosNode',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: 'image_adjuster_left_stereo',
    style: {width: 275, height: 79},
    id: '3',
    type: 'rosNode',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: 'image_adjuster_right_stereo',
    style: {width: 275, height: 79},
    id: '4',
    type: 'rosNode',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: 'disparity_node',
    style: {width: 275, height: 79},
    id: '5',
    type: 'rosNode',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: 'point_cloud_node',
    style: {width: 275, height: 79},
    id: '6',
    type: 'rosNode',
    isHidden: true,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '_a_hidden_node',
    style: {width: 275, height: 79},

  // ROS Topics
    id: '101',
    type: 'rosTopic',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '/left/image_raw',
    style: {width: 125, height: 40},
    id: '102',
    type: 'rosTopic',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '/right/image_raw',
    style: {width: 125, height: 40},
    id: '103',
    type: 'rosTopic',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '/image_raw/adjusted_stereo',
    style: {width: 125, height: 40},
    id: '104',
    type: 'rosTopic',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '/right/image_raw/adjusted_stereo',
    style: {width: 125, height: 40},

    id: '105',
    type: 'rosTopic',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '/disparity',
    style: {width: 125, height: 40},
    id: '106',
    type: 'rosTopic',
    isHidden: false,
    data: {
      namespace: '/viper/NavCamStereo',
      label: '/points2',
    style: {width: 125, height: 40},

  // Publishers/Subscribers (Edges)
    id: 'edge-1-101',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '10Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '1',
    target: '101',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-1-102',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '10Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '1',
    target: '102',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,

    id: 'edge-101-2',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '11Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '101',
    target: '2',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-102-3',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '12Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '102',
    target: '3',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-2-103',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '13Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '2',
    target: '103',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-3-104',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '14Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '3',
    target: '104',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-103-4',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '15Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '103',
    target: '4',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-104-4',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '15Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '104',
    target: '4',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-4-105',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '15Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '4',
    target: '105',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-105-5',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '15Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '105',
    target: '5',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-5-106',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '15Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '5',
    target: '106',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,
    id: 'edge-103-5',
    type: 'default',
    isHidden: false,
    label: '15Hz',
    labelStyle: {fill: 'white'},
    labelBgStyle: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'},
    source: '103',
    target: '5',
    animated: true,
    arrowHeadType: ArrowHeadType.ArrowClosed,

Which is a combination of nodes and topics with edges connecting them.


Today, I have added linting and formatting, fixed the package name and description, and added a newer dataset in the new format. The next steps are to adjust the program to use the new data structures.

It seems that there are several events and that they can be added in any order. It also is the case that the namespace of the node should be considered in creating the mapped topic. The data structure will have nodes, which have a namespace and id; it will have topics, which have a topic and node id.



Today I refactored the example from Foxglove to be a class. I also exposed preview time and the allFrames property, which gives me access to all of the messages in a bag. Next, I'll be working on using the allFrames property to scrub to arbitrary locations in the bag. This will require having two pipelines for updates:

  1. A pipeline that updates nodes as messages come in.
  2. A pipeline that gets all messages between the start and a current play time and uses that to build an idea of what nodes are around. After this is built, when the user is playing the bag file, we can go back to method one. For efficiency, it might actually be good to take the difference between the current play time and the preview time so that I can remove messages that occurred in the time, rather than going from zero.


Today I am going to try to use the allFrames property to scrub to arbitrary time in the bag. This will require moving some of the logic in the node viewer into the example panel class. It makes sense to put it there, as it is really where the state should be.


I got scrubbing working! One thing that I notice is that if the bag loops or I restart the bag, the system's state keeps going and thus it is not correct. I can fix this by scrubbing again, but this is not desirable. I should probably ask the Foxglove guys how to solve this.