An OSX dashboard widget which provides the next departures of the buses/stops that you're interested in.
Yes, it's this beautiful.
There is an installation script called at the root directory. It copies the Ruby scripts which contain most of the functionality to /usr/local/quaiche and it also copies the widget directory to your Desktop. From there you can double click the widget to install it onto your Dashboard.
Note that the widget has a hard-coded path to the Ruby script /usr/local/quaiche/content_provider.rb so you must install the Ruby scripts into that directory unless you also edit the path (which is in Quaiche.js).
Note: you need to install the JSON gem, at least in older Ruby versions (like 1.8.x).
When the widget has been started successfully for the first time, it creates a directory ".quaiche" under he user's home directory, for example:
A default example configuration containing a few bus stops and working credentials for the API is written to the directory to a file named quaiche.conf. This file is in YAML format (, and should be used as a starting point to create your own configuration containing the bus stops and buses you are interested in.
The "HTTP GET" API is here:
Go to "1.6 Stop information"
By default it uses the username/password combo:
schmuser hslbusstop
You can try these credentials directly like this: