Subtracks is an Android open source music streaming app for Subsonic-compatible servers (Subsonic, Navidrome, Airsonic, and more). It's designed to give you clean and convenient access to your music in the style of modern media players.
Each download source above is signed with a different key, so you cannot switch between them without first uninstalling and then re-installing the app.
- Album and artist art display by default (full-res in detail/now playing views)
- Gapless playback
- Mulitple server support
- Filterable/sortable album and artist library views
- Search artists, albums, and songs
- Scrobble support
- Max bitrate and buffer size settings
- Loop and shuffle playback options
- Long-press for context menu shortcuts
- Offline support
- Customizable home screen categories
- Browse by folder support (currently only browses by tags)
- Multiple music folder awareness
- By year/by genre albums filter
- Playlist mangement (add/remove/sort/edit)
- Queue management (add/remove/sort)
- Multi-select actions
- Performance & animation improvements
- More shuffle play modes
See Building from source.
Want to see Subtracks in your language? Visit the project on Weblate to help!