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Releases: awesomemotive/easy-digital-downloads

Version 2.9.4

09 Jul 22:27
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= 2.9.4, June 9, 2018 =

  • Fix: Added nonce checks to multiple AJAX calls. If you have customized any of the following beyond CSS, please review this blog post:
  • templates/widget-cart-item.php
  • templates/shortcode-profile-editor.php
  • templates/checkout_cart.php
  • The following functions includes/checkout/template.php:
  • edd_default_cc_address_fields()
  • edd_get_register_fields()
  • edd_get_login_fields()
  • edd_payment_mode_select()
  • edd_checkout_hidden_fields()
  • Fix: Important - Don't allow guest purchases for an email address that has an existing user.
  • Fix: Unexpected behavior in 'redirect to checkout' when multiple checkout pages were used.
  • Fix: Saving an order in the admin when prices were inclusive of tax could cause incorrect item price amounts to be saved.
  • Fix: PHP 7.2 Compatibility - Some PHP notices were being thrown while activating Easy Digital Downloads.
  • Fix: The EDD_Cart class now forces the cart contents to always be an array.
  • Fix: The process of adding past purchases to a new user now verifies the user has an email address.
  • Fix: The file download log export did not contain the name of the user who downloaded the file.
  • Fix: Attempting to add a new customer to an order gave unexpected results when using the email address of an existing customer.
  • Fix: Tax rate 'Apply to whole country' label could not be clicked when no tax rates have ever existed.
  • Fix: The Shop Accountant role was not able to manage the tax exclusion at a product level.
  • Fix: In some cases, PayPal IPN and PDT would cause double payment processing.
  • Tweak: Easy Digital Downloads sessions can now be started when in the wp-admin path.
  • New: When taxes are being recalculated at checkout, an AJAX indicator is now shown below the purchase button.
  • Dev: Filters were added to the AJAX responses for adding and removing items from the cart.

Fixes for Privacy Policy section on checkout

25 May 16:40
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= 2.9.3, May 25, 2018 =

  • Fix: Corrected multiple inconsistencies in the Privacy Policy Checkbox at checkout.
  • Fix: Corrected an issue causing "You must agree to the privacy policy" from showing when it wasn't required.
  • Dev: Complete Checkout button is no longer required to be a submit input.

Release 2.9.1

20 Apr 17:35
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2.9.1, April 20, 2018

  • Fix: Some text field settings were getting emptied when saving a subsection setting.
  • Fix: Stats API Endpoint requests were failing when pseudo-date ranges were used other than yesterday and today.
  • Fix: API key fields were appearing on bbPress forum Edit Profile screen.
  • Fix: There was a typo in Italian provinces. Genova should have been Genoa.
  • Fix: Corrected an issue with showing payment method icons when using EDD in a non-standard installation.
  • Fix: Corrected a CSS conflict in the customer card view for the additional emails section.
  • Fix: The edd_checkout_cart_columns function now properly counts the number of columns in the cart display.
  • Fix: In some cases, the customer list table could throw PHP warnings when calculating the pagination.
  • Fix: Improve the RTL-Compatibility of some translation strings.
  • Fix: Improved PHP 7.2 compatibility with the settings display.
  • Fix: Incorrect or missing textdomains were corrected or added.
  • Fix: There was an unnecessary update of _edd_payment_user_id when constructing EDD_Payment objects.
  • Fix: Corrected the setting title for completing free purchase button.
  • New: Added a confirmation alert when clicking "Disconnect User" on customer card.
  • New: Add support for a new Privacy Policy checkbox.
  • New: Added a class parameter to [downloads] shortcode arguments.
  • New: The debug log view now shows the path to the currently used EDD Debug log file.
  • New: Fields are now auto-mapped during the CSV import.
  • Tweak: Switched all is_a checks to use instanceof for performance.
  • Dev: Many improvements to the @return and @access tags in DocBlocks.
  • Dev: Updates to our Grunt configuration.


15 Mar 20:42
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  • New: A message is now displayed on the [edd_register] shortcode when the user is already logged in.
  • New: Support was added for resume and ranged download links.
  • New: The customer name, email, and price ID was added to sales log export.
  • New: Added ability to sort by sales/earnings in the [downloads] shortcode.
  • New: Any page containing the [download_checkout] shortcode returns true for edd_is_checkout().
  • New: Upgraded to the latest version of the Chosen library.
  • New: Added United Kingdom Counties to pre-populated "states" list.
  • New: EDD_Payment::add_note now escapes the HTML provided.
  • New: Added the variable price ID to the download log entries.
  • New: Added a helper to retrieve and filter discount status labels.
  • Fix: Prevent a possible PHP Warning when no tax rate is entered, when taxes are enabled.
  • Fix: PayPal Standard: Totals with discounts could calculate differently between EDD and PayPal, preventing completion of the purchase.
  • Fix: Links would break when using SendGrid's link tracking feature.
  • Fix: Download widget would cause PHP warnings when no tags were attached to a product.
  • Fix: Improved support for payment method icons when not using a standard WP Install directory format.
  • Fix: Prevent a possible corrupted download file by verifying no output buffers exists.
  • Fix: Opt-in telemetry data was sending the incorrect Locale.
  • Fix: Prevent a possible PHP Notice when editing a discount code.
  • Fix: Checkboxes on Advanced Settings of variable prices would not always save on the first try.
  • Fix: Hardcoded 'Checkout' text was not using the 'Add to Cart text' variable.
  • Fix: Prices were possibly incorrect when using the Quick Edit feature.
  • Tweak: The edd_get_download method now returns an EDD_Download object instead of a WP_Post.
  • Tweak: Corrected some URLs to the EDD site that were using an old URL.
  • Tweak: The customer UI now shows the country and state name, instead of their codes.
  • Tweak: Removed the hyphen and "Go Back" button from discount screens.
  • Tweak: The cart contents method returned boolean false instead of an empty array when the cart was empty.
  • Tweak: Reduced the blocking calls in the opt-in telemetry requests to help with performance.
  • Dev: Added filters for new user notification email.
  • Dev: Added filter and email heading to New Sale Notifications.
  • Dev: Added hooks before and after downloads shortcode grid.

v2.7 Beta 2

09 Feb 19:46
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v2.7 Beta 2 Pre-release

Version bump, POT and minify assets

v2.7 Beta 1

30 Jan 16:57
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v2.7 Beta 1 Pre-release

Set version in readme


14 Jul 00:47
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Adding #3613 to changelog


27 Apr 22:01
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Version bump and changelog for 2.3.8


08 Apr 15:29
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Version Bump and Changelog for 2.3.6


27 Jan 22:23
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Changelog and Version bump for 2.2.5