diff --git a/dashboards/sustainability-proxy-metrics/sustainability-proxy-metrics.yaml b/dashboards/sustainability-proxy-metrics/sustainability-proxy-metrics.yaml
index 2296225e..4c507f19 100644
--- a/dashboards/sustainability-proxy-metrics/sustainability-proxy-metrics.yaml
+++ b/dashboards/sustainability-proxy-metrics/sustainability-proxy-metrics.yaml
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ dashboards:
category: 'Additional'
+ - carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ - sus_carbon_emissions
- sus_compute_ec2
- sus_compute_split
- sus_geo_region_athena
@@ -11,9 +13,3702 @@ dashboards:
- sus_network
- sus_s3_storage_all
- sus_storage_athena
- name: sustainability-proxy-metrics
+ name: Sustainability Proxy Metrics And CCFT
dashboardId: sustainability-proxy-metrics
- templateId: sustainability-proxy-metrics
+ theme: MIDNIGHT
+ data: |-
+ AnalysisDefaults:
+ DefaultNewSheetConfiguration:
+ InteractiveLayoutConfiguration:
+ Grid:
+ CanvasSizeOptions:
+ ScreenCanvasSizeOptions:
+ OptimizedViewPortWidth: 1280px
+ ResizeOption: FIXED
+ SheetContentType: INTERACTIVE
+ CalculatedFields:
+ - DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(metric = 'gridmixinefficiency', 'Emission savings from AWS renewable energy purchases' ,
+ metric = 'servermedianinefficiency', 'Emission savings from using AWS computing services' ,
+ metric = 'mbmcarbon', 'Estimated carbon emissions' ,
+ "none"
+ )
+ Name: metric_speaking
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ Expression: 'ifelse({account_name} = '''', {account_id} , {account_name})
+ '
+ Name: Account Name
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_ec2
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account',
+ ifelse({account_name} = '', {line_item_usage_account_id}, {account_name}),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupBy
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_ec2
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(
+ locate({product_physical_processor},'Intel') > 0, 'Intel',
+ locate({product_physical_processor},'AMD') > 0, 'AMD',
+ locate({product_physical_processor},'Graviton') > 0, 'Graviton',
+ locate({product_physical_processor},'Apple') > 0, 'Apple',
+ 'Unknown'
+ )
+ Name: Processor Type
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_ec2
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${IncludeKPI} = 'No', {vcpu_hours} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {vcpu_hours} / {account_business_metric} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag', {vcpu_hours} / {tag_business_metric} ,
+ 0
+ )
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_split
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account',
+ ifelse({account_name} = '', {line_item_usage_account_id}, {account_name}),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupBy
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_split
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${IncludeKPI} = 'No', {vcpu_hours} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {vcpu_hours} / {account_business_metric} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag', {vcpu_hours} / {tag_business_metric} ,
+ 0
+ )
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ Expression: ifelse(is95percentrenewable = 1 ,"2023", "Target")
+ Name: EnergySource
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_elb
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account',
+ ifelse({account_name} = '', {line_item_usage_account_id}, {account_name}),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupByCalcF
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_elb
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${IncludeKPI} = 'No', {sum_line_item_usage_amount} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {sum_line_item_usage_amount} / accbuskpi ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag',{sum_line_item_usage_amount} / tagbuskpi ,
+ 0
+ )
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_elb
+ Expression: '{bill_billing_period_start_date}'
+ Name: line_item_usage_start_date
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_natgw
+ Expression: '{bill_billing_period_start_date}'
+ Name: ' line_item_usage_start_date'
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_natgw
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account',
+ ifelse({account_name} = '', {line_item_usage_account_id}, {account_name}),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupByCalcF
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_natgw
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${IncludeKPI} = 'No', {sum_line_item_usage_amount} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {sum_line_item_usage_amount} / accbuskpi ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag',{sum_line_item_usage_amount} / tagbuskpi ,
+ 0
+ )
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_idle_natgw
+ Expression: '{bill_billing_period_start_date}'
+ Name: line_item_usage_start_date
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account',
+ ifelse({account_name} = '', {line_item_usage_account_id}, {account_name}
+ ),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupByCalcF
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${IncludeKPI} = 'No', {usage_amount_in_tb} ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {usage_amount_in_tb} / accbuskpi ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag', {usage_amount_in_tb} / tagbuskpi ,
+ 0
+ )
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(
+ {line_item_operation} = 'InterZone-In' or {line_item_operation} = 'InterZone-Out',
+ 'Inter AZ',
+ {line_item_operation} = 'VPCPeering-In' or {line_item_operation} = 'VPCPeering-Out',
+ 'VPC Peering',
+ {line_item_operation} = 'CreateVpnConnection' and (locate({line_item_usage_type},'DataTransfer-Out-Bytes') <> 0 or locate({line_item_usage_type},'AWS-Out-Bytes') <> 0),
+ 'Region to VPN',
+ locate({line_item_usage_type},'AWS-Out-Bytes') <> 0,
+ 'Region to Region',
+ {line_item_product_code} = 'AWSDirectConnect',
+ 'Region to DirectConnect',
+ {line_item_product_code} = 'AmazonCloudFront',
+ 'Amazon CloudFront',
+ locate({line_item_usage_type},'DataTransfer-Out-Bytes') <> 0,
+ 'Region to Internet',
+ locate({line_item_usage_type},'TransitGateway-Bytes') <> 0,
+ 'Transit Gateway Data Processed',
+ {line_item_operation} = 'PublicIP-In' or {line_item_operation} = 'PublicIP-Out' or {line_item_operation} = 'LoadBalancing-PublicIP-In' or {line_item_operation} = 'LoadBalancing-PublicIP-Out' or {line_item_operation} = 'VpcEndpoint',
+ 'Inter AZ',
+ 'Other'
+ )
+ Name: TransferType
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Expression: ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {6a3cecf1-7160-48cd-91e9-a6a07ddd44fc.linked_account_id},
+ {6a3cecf1-7160-48cd-91e9-a6a07ddd44fc.resource_tags_user_application})
+ Name: CalcFWorkload
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', ifelse({account_name} = '', {linked_account_id}, {account_name}),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupBy
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Expression: ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {linked_account_id}, {resource_tags_user_application})
+ Name: KPiAdjustedUsage
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(${IncludeKPI} = 'No', {usage_quantity} ,
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', {usage_quantity} / accbuskpi ,
+ ifelse(${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag', {usage_quantity} / tagbuskpi , 0
+ )))
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Expression: '{usage_date}'
+ Name: line_item_usage_start_date
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', ifelse({account_name} = '', {line_item_usage_account_id}, {account_name}),
+ {resource_tags_user_application}
+ )
+ Name: GroupByCalcF
+ - DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
+ Expression: |-
+ ifelse(
+ ${IncludeKPI} = 'No', usage,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Linked Account', usage / accbuskpi ,
+ ${GroupByPara} = 'Environment Tag', usage / tagbuskpi ,
+ 0
+ )
+ Name: ScaledValue
+ ColumnConfigurations:
+ - Column:
+ ColumnName: cost
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ FormatConfiguration:
+ NumberFormatConfiguration:
+ FormatConfiguration:
+ CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration:
+ DecimalPlacesConfiguration:
+ DecimalPlaces: 2
+ NegativeValueConfiguration:
+ DisplayMode: POSITIVE
+ NullValueFormatConfiguration:
+ NullString: 'null'
+ SeparatorConfiguration:
+ DecimalSeparator: DOT
+ ThousandsSeparator:
+ Symbol: COMMA
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Symbol: USD
+ - Column:
+ ColumnName: region_latitude
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ - Column:
+ ColumnName: region_longitude
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ - Column:
+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ FormatConfiguration:
+ NumberFormatConfiguration:
+ FormatConfiguration:
+ NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration:
+ NullValueFormatConfiguration:
+ NullString: 'null'
+ Suffix: TB
+ - Column:
+ ColumnName: usage_amount_in_tb
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ FormatConfiguration:
+ NumberFormatConfiguration:
+ FormatConfiguration:
+ NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration:
+ NullValueFormatConfiguration:
+ NullString: 'null'
+ Suffix: TB
+ DataSetIdentifierDeclarations:
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/aca88952-9aff-4b3d-9619-b309d3f7d76c
+ Identifier: sus_compute_split
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/c8a8cb07-8d9d-4b90-9862-e2a7e1370908
+ Identifier: sus_idle_natgw
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/12419d71-ec67-4e23-bd1f-fcd7b34c82f9
+ Identifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/cf4c1a8b-6e9a-4cac-b2da-d82c970271e4
+ Identifier: sus_compute_ec2
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/2794b73a-4469-4b9c-ba4e-d1de93460b8b
+ Identifier: sus_idle_elb
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/411db3d5-6368-4359-a4a6-29dbb64c9e33
+ Identifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/656e7432-12cf-4b1c-a48f-24e4f4b48843
+ Identifier: sus_network
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/b5c8fb38-99a9-4764-9eac-7cbfa856571e
+ Identifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/af858de6-f6ef-4961-88c4-964aa1266b9a
+ Identifier: sus_storage_athena
+ - DataSetArn: arn:aws:quicksight:::dataset/814f2ac6-3205-43b8-ac8b-bab4dc1c864a
+ Identifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ FilterGroups:
+ - CrossDataset: SINGLE_DATASET
+ FilterGroupId: 52f87545-d3b8-45c0-9148-da6b8d46c388
+ Filters:
+ - TimeRangeFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: f211f5c0-a896-4932-80a0-73cd7f0e2ac8.usage_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: d01a936f-2b8f-49dd-8f95-d9c7130c5e46
+ FilterId: d82d18d5-82a8-48bb-80e2-0d09dbec7875
+ IncludeMaximum: false
+ IncludeMinimum: true
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RangeMaximumValue:
+ Parameter: EndDate
+ RangeMinimumValue:
+ Parameter: StartDate
+ TimeGranularity: DAY
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: 8e8cac4d-8d13-4cf2-8ca2-5e3de093e26a
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 77907915-3979-4880-9750-ac6617fd83ea
+ Filters:
+ - RelativeDatesFilter:
+ AnchorDateConfiguration:
+ AnchorOption: NOW
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_usage_start_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
+ FilterId: 9f1e1c2f-0bfb-450e-aac5-9a44e226ac50
+ MinimumGranularity: DAY
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RelativeDateType: LAST
+ RelativeDateValue: 6
+ TimeGranularity: MONTH
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: bd74ef4d-0d98-4a1a-97bf-59a5352241ff
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: b505e712-f323-4bb4-ab4a-837f9fc5888b
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: bill_payer_account_id
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: 86c036b2-5ce8-42d2-a84d-1efd0ed9104a
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: bd74ef4d-0d98-4a1a-97bf-59a5352241ff
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: SINGLE_DATASET
+ FilterGroupId: 4945d044-5857-4e26-8c89-768a9eeb3635
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: pricing_unit
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Configuration:
+ CustomFilterConfiguration:
+ CategoryValue: GB-Mo
+ MatchOperator: EQUALS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ FilterId: caac5bb4-f556-4475-a609-9931a3518d88
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ SheetId: bd74ef4d-0d98-4a1a-97bf-59a5352241ff
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+ - d3e13b7d-fe5f-479e-b8b9-62bd0d965145
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 8b258d89-56ff-462a-b723-e1fb0d6d5e9f
+ Filters:
+ - RelativeDatesFilter:
+ AnchorDateConfiguration:
+ AnchorOption: NOW
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_usage_start_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ FilterId: 6da7de44-c53e-4eb1-9f1a-2de035c2825f
+ MinimumGranularity: DAY
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RelativeDateType: LAST
+ RelativeDateValue: 6
+ TimeGranularity: MONTH
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: 79117f56-7653-4ad4-a5ed-2306ad69a91e
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: c4d96f5c-293e-499d-8010-ba5a3740b33c
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: bill_payer_account_id
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_network
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: 2fdbd16b-e07d-4b5c-b5f0-a38c7451ce94
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: 79117f56-7653-4ad4-a5ed-2306ad69a91e
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 904c5556-4c90-4136-ba89-d4c6ba1cec88
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: bill_payer_account_id
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_split
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: 2293a83b-5836-493d-8c1a-63e798dfd19c
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: 8e8cac4d-8d13-4cf2-8ca2-5e3de093e26a
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 76ff731f-2383-4742-b1ad-6a524c6eb0b0
+ Filters:
+ - RelativeDatesFilter:
+ AnchorDateConfiguration:
+ AnchorOption: NOW
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_usage_start_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_split
+ FilterId: 7b613744-a8f4-46db-a5b5-7aeb0da534b7
+ MinimumGranularity: DAY
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RelativeDateType: LAST
+ RelativeDateValue: 24
+ TimeGranularity: MONTH
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: 8e8cac4d-8d13-4cf2-8ca2-5e3de093e26a
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 33b9e87f-2253-4bb7-ad36-3d6eb14bb576
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: accountid
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: 4dc7a6e5-19a2-433d-a22f-fb078b17f46a
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: da3eb99f-a3c9-4888-b4a3-ee469eba8dc6
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: SINGLE_DATASET
+ FilterGroupId: f244c343-08aa-4e4c-84eb-c9ecfd96664f
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: operation
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Configuration:
+ CustomFilterConfiguration:
+ CategoryValue: StorageLens
+ MatchOperator: DOES_NOT_EQUAL
+ NullOption: ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: f7735569-9de7-4106-81c4-ad2e8ffce5a3
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ SheetId: bd74ef4d-0d98-4a1a-97bf-59a5352241ff
+ VisualIds:
+ - e4a0c828-69df-47ab-b597-b8389177fc0e
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: b0119f70-3da5-478d-a73b-40afb340c1bd
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: Account Name
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: c51f5f0b-5f99-4d7f-9bfc-1419796a6341
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: da3eb99f-a3c9-4888-b4a3-ee469eba8dc6
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: SINGLE_DATASET
+ FilterGroupId: a4a96c0f-2863-44a8-b6a3-84da850cff08
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: metric_speaking
+ DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: 907d404c-c218-41c8-b8d7-e3041fb2230b
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ SheetId: da3eb99f-a3c9-4888-b4a3-ee469eba8dc6
+ VisualIds:
+ - a31027d5-1668-4967-9524-7d426d4bbad8
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 896e0115-fc5f-4c9a-b2f4-c0ea24cca234
+ Filters:
+ - TimeRangeFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: startdate
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ FilterId: 80c1db3c-7046-4887-b5cd-429be83aa953
+ IncludeMaximum: true
+ IncludeMinimum: true
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RangeMaximumValue:
+ RollingDate:
+ Expression: truncDate('DD', now())
+ RangeMinimumValue:
+ RollingDate:
+ Expression: addDateTime(-24, 'MM', truncDate('MM', now()))
+ TimeGranularity: DAY
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ - Scope: ALL_VISUALS
+ SheetId: da3eb99f-a3c9-4888-b4a3-ee469eba8dc6
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 16589d28-e102-4d8a-ae41-d3bff092272b
+ Filters:
+ - RelativeDatesFilter:
+ AnchorDateConfiguration:
+ AnchorOption: NOW
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: usage_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ FilterId: aadd0580-031b-4477-b5ef-99e054729999
+ MinimumGranularity: DAY
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RelativeDateType: LAST
+ RelativeDateValue: 3
+ TimeGranularity: MONTH
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ SheetId: ce592008-069c-4719-9b7d-ecba16a8b7e1
+ VisualIds:
+ - d20563c5-d6de-42b5-9aa5-4327960abcee
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: d4a1532e-4730-4747-accc-e435f9e4b7a5
+ Filters:
+ - CategoryFilter:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: bill_payer_account_id
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ Configuration:
+ FilterListConfiguration:
+ MatchOperator: CONTAINS
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ SelectAllOptions: FILTER_ALL_VALUES
+ FilterId: e3cdf8fd-e1c3-4e26-91c8-7fc8bf718a43
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ SheetId: ce592008-069c-4719-9b7d-ecba16a8b7e1
+ VisualIds:
+ - d20563c5-d6de-42b5-9aa5-4327960abcee
+ Status: ENABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 430ce6ef-8db6-4544-be2b-8202b425edf3
+ Filters:
+ - RelativeDatesFilter:
+ AnchorDateConfiguration:
+ AnchorOption: NOW
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: usage_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ FilterId: 63237af4-724d-4be0-9bde-b5891439417b
+ MinimumGranularity: DAY
+ NullOption: NON_NULLS_ONLY
+ RelativeDateType: LAST
+ RelativeDateValue: 300
+ TimeGranularity: MONTH
+ ScopeConfiguration:
+ SelectedSheets:
+ SheetVisualScopingConfigurations:
+ SheetId: ce592008-069c-4719-9b7d-ecba16a8b7e1
+ VisualIds:
+ - 22de809c-985e-419e-8164-3f06dd52a2bf
+ Status: DISABLED
+ - CrossDataset: ALL_DATASETS
+ FilterGroupId: 54181248-a575-49f5-a3e8-a9759d92ffc1
+ Filters:
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+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ - 20.0
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+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ - 20.0
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+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ - 50.0
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+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ - 50.0
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+ DefaultValues:
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+ - 50.0
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+ - 50.0
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+ - 50.0
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+ - 50.0
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+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: PayerAccountID
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+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
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+ Name: Team
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+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
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+ Name: AccountName
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+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ DefaultValues: {}
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+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ - Cost
+ Name: S3CoverageType
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+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Cost
+ Name: EBSCoverageType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
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+ - Cost
+ Name: EC2CoverageType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
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+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Cost
+ Name: EBSSnapshotType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Cost
+ Name: OtherGravitonCoverageType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: ResourceID
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Cost
+ Name: OnDemandCoverageType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: EBSvolume
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: S3bucket
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: EBSsnapshot
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: EC2instance
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: OtherGravitonResourceID
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues: {}
+ Name: OtherGravitonServices
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Usage
+ Name: CommitCoverageType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Metrics Summary
+ Name: Metrics
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Compute SP
+ Name: ComputeCommitType
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: 'NULL'
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Linked Account
+ Name: GroupByPara
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: RECOMMENDED_VALUE
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - 'No'
+ Name: IncludeKPI
+ ParameterValueType: SINGLE_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: RECOMMENDED_VALUE
+ - StringParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - Scope 1
+ - Scope 2 - Location Based
+ Name: Scopes
+ ParameterValueType: MULTI_VALUED
+ ValueWhenUnset:
+ ValueWhenUnsetOption: RECOMMENDED_VALUE
+ - DateTimeParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ RollingDate:
+ Expression: addDateTime(-12, 'MM', truncDate('MM', now()))
+ StaticValues: []
+ Name: StartDate
+ TimeGranularity: DAY
+ - DateTimeParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ RollingDate:
+ Expression: truncDate('DD', now())
+ StaticValues: []
+ Name: EndDate
+ TimeGranularity: DAY
+ - DateTimeParameterDeclaration:
+ DefaultValues:
+ StaticValues:
+ - 2024-01-01 01:00:00+01:00
+ Name: Date
+ TimeGranularity: DAY
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+ DataLabels:
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+ - NumericalMeasureField:
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+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ ColumnName: cost
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+ Tooltip:
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+ AggregationVisibility: HIDDEN
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+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
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+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Regional Use Over Time
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ Actions: []
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
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+ CustomNarrative:
+ Narrative: "\n To achieve our goal of powering our operations\
+ \ with 100% renewable energy by\n 2025\n\
+ \ \u2014five years ahead of our original 2030 target\u2014Amazon contracts\
+ \ for renewable power from utility scale wind and solar projects that\
+ \ add clean energy to the grid. These new renewable projects support hundreds\
+ \ of jobs while providing hundreds of millions of dollars of investment\
+ \ in local communities. We also may choose to support these grids through\
+ \ the purchase of environmental attributes, like Renewable Energy Certificates\
+ \ and Guarantees of Origin, in line with our\n Renewable Energy Methodology\n .\n
\n As\
+ \ a result, in\n 2023\n , the electricity\
+ \ consumed in the following 22 AWS Regions was attributable to 100% renewable\
+ \ energy:\n
\n \n - U.S. East (Northern Virginia)
+ \ - GovCloud (U.S. East)
\n - U.S. East (Ohio)
\n \
+ \ - U.S. West (Oregon)
\n - GovCloud (U.S. West)
\n \
+ \ - U.S. West (Northern California)
\n - Canada (Central)
+ \ - Canada (West)
\n - Europe (Ireland)
\n - Europe\
+ \ (Frankfurt)
\n - Europe (London)
\n - Europe (Milan)
+ \ - Europe (Paris)
\n - Europe (Stockholm)
\n - Europe\
+ \ (Spain)
\n - Europe (Zurich)
\n - Asia-Pacific (Mumbai)
+ \ - Asia-Pacific (Hyderabad)
\n - Asia-Pacific (Osaka)
+ \ - Asia-Pacific (Tokyo)
\n - China (Beijing)
\n \
+ \ - China (Ningxia)
\n Choose Regions\
+ \ near Amazon renewable energy projects and Regions where the grid has\
+ \ a published carbon intensity that is lower than other locations. (or\
+ \ Regions)\n
\n For more infomation, please see :\n here\n"
+ Subtitle:
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Last 3 months rolling
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: "Distribution of cost by AWS Region - Coloured by\
+ \ renewable energy.\_"
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: d20563c5-d6de-42b5-9aa5-4327960abcee
+ - ContentType: INTERACTIVE
+ Description: "To build a sustainable business for our customers and for the world\
+ \ we all share, we\u2019re designing data centers that provide the efficient,\
+ \ resilient service our customers expect while minimizing our environmental footprint\u2014\
+ and theirs."
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+ TextBoxes:
+ - Content: |-
+ Compute
+ Using the capabilities of the cloud, you can make frequent changes to your workload implementations. Update deployed components as your needs change.
+ - Enable horizontal scaling, and use automation to scale out as loads increase and to scale in as loads decrease.
+ - Scale using small increments for variable workloads.
+ - Align scaling with cyclical utilization patterns (for example, a payroll system with intense bi-weekly processing activities) as load varies over days, weeks, months, or years.
+ - Negotiate service level Agreements (SLAs) that allow for a temporary reduction in capacity while automation deploys replacement resources.
+ SheetTextBoxId: 4a99a6ba-87dc-4a69-8aaf-6004b6cb2877
+ - Content: |-
+ Alignment to demand
+ The way users and applications consume your workloads and other resources can help you identify improvements to meet sustainability goals. Scale infrastructure to continually match demand and verify that you use only the minimum resources required to support your users. Align service levels to customer needs. Position resources to limit the network required for users and applications to consume them. Remove unused assets. Provide your team members with devices that support their needs and minimize their sustainability impact.
+ Best practices
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+ Column:
+ ColumnName: Processor Type
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+ Legend:
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ divided by business metrics:
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ EC2 vCPU hours by
+ processor architecture
+ . Select account/ tag on instance family graph to filter.
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: edfab82d-73a9-4f40-9171-40852720d8ab
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ ChartConfiguration:
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+ ColumnName: product_instance_type_family
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+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ divided by business metrics:
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ EC2 vCPU hours by
+ instance family
+ . Select account/ tag on instance family graph to filter.
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions: []
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: account_email_id
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_split
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: account_business_metric
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+ Height: 73px
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+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: "\n vCPU hours per\n compute type (Amazon EC2,\
+ \ AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate on Amazon EKS/ Amazon ECS)\n \_by account/\
+ \ tag.\n"
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 4a08ef4d-b92c-4c7f-a266-19dc78026bb2
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+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ SelectedTooltipType: DETAILED
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+ ValueLabelOptions:
+ SortIconVisibility: VISIBLE
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ divided by business metrics:
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: "\n EC2 vCPU hours per\n \_instance family\n\
+ \ \_by account/ tag. Select account/ tag here to filter visuals by.\n\
+ "
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 64056ade-d211-4376-a716-9264f3a30dd8
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ ChartConfiguration:
+ BarsArrangement: STACKED
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+ AxisLabelOptions:
+ - ApplyTo:
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+ FieldId: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935.line_item_usage_start_date.0.1700238101260
+ CustomLabel: Date Range
+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ FieldWells:
+ BarChartAggregatedFieldWells:
+ Category:
+ - DateDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_usage_start_date
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_ec2
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+ FieldId: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935.line_item_usage_start_date.0.1700238101260
+ HierarchyId: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935.line_item_usage_start_date.0.1700238101260
+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: GroupBy
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_ec2
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_compute_ec2
+ FieldId: bd8978de-d191-4609-b6eb-08184efc7d03.1.1700238113797
+ Legend:
+ Title:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ Width: 134px
+ Orientation: VERTICAL
+ SortConfiguration:
+ CategoryItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: EXCLUDE
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+ - FieldSort:
+ Direction: ASC
+ FieldId: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935.line_item_usage_start_date.0.1700238101260
+ ColorItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: EXCLUDE
+ SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration:
+ OtherCategories: EXCLUDE
+ Tooltip:
+ FieldBasedTooltip:
+ AggregationVisibility: HIDDEN
+ TooltipFields:
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935.line_item_usage_start_date.0.1700238101260
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+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: bd8978de-d191-4609-b6eb-08184efc7d03.1.1700238113797
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: 97d64d33-c889-46a0-8cd2-239914cf2c68.2.1700238123828
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935.line_item_usage_start_date.0.1700238101260
+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ divided by business metrics:
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ EC2 vCPU hours by
+ account/ tag
+ . Select account/ tag on instance family graph to filter.
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 848e0d1d-5bff-4e38-a441-c5982c298915
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+ Title: Date Range
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+ SourceFilterId: 86c036b2-5ce8-42d2-a84d-1efd0ed9104a
+ Title: Payer Account
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+ Name: Storage Proxies
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+ ParameterControlId: 51a16e42-465d-44a9-8821-53c2859a9fa5
+ SelectableValues:
+ Values:
+ - Environment Tag
+ - Linked Account
+ SourceParameterName: GroupByPara
+ Title: Group By
+ - Dropdown:
+ DisplayOptions:
+ InfoIconLabelOptions:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ SelectAllOptions:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ ParameterControlId: dd44d939-0e0e-4598-8dda-2564e6ea2374
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+ - ''
+ - 'No'
+ - 'Yes'
+ SourceParameterName: IncludeKPI
+ Title: Include Business KPI
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+ TextBoxes:
+ - Content: "\n \n Storage\n \n\
+ \
\n Implement data management practices to reduce the provisioned\
+ \ storage required to support your workload, and the resources required to use\
+ \ it. Understand your data, and use storage technologies and configurations\
+ \ that best support the business value of the data and how it\u2019s used. Lifecycle\
+ \ data to more efficient, less performant storage when requirements decrease,\
+ \ and delete data that\u2019s no longer required.\n
\n \n\
+ \ - Implement a data classification policy
\n - Use technologies\
+ \ that support data access and storage patterns SUS04-BP03 Use lifecycle policies\
+ \ to delete unnecessary data\_
\n - Minimize over-provisioning in block\
+ \ storage\_
\n - Remove unneeded or redundant data Use shared file\
+ \ systems or object storage to access common data\_
\n - Minimize data\
+ \ movement across networks\_
\n - Back up data only when difficult\
+ \ to recreate
+ SheetTextBoxId: f7ed35cd-49b5-455e-82eb-924a1e37c2a3
+ - Content: "\n Implement data management practices to reduce the provisioned\
+ \ storage required to support your workload, and the resources required to use\
+ \ it. Understand your data, and use storage technologies and configurations\
+ \ that best support the business value of the data and how it\u2019s used. Lifecycle\
+ \ data to more efficient, less performant storage when requirements decrease,\
+ \ and delete data that\u2019s no longer required.\n
\n Best practices\n\
+ \
\n \n
+ SheetTextBoxId: e6f75b3a-b89c-4df4-939b-c52526909052
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+ - LineChartVisual:
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+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ LineChartAggregatedFieldWells:
+ Category:
+ - DateDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_usage_start_date
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: bill_payer_account_id
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
+ FieldId: 3bf588fa-4b55-4746-b422-1799d4cb51ff.bill_payer_account_id.2.1683560131825
+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
+ FieldId: d2a67dd9-41bb-4ccc-89e3-a251373691d4.2.1681309891696
+ Legend:
+ Position: BOTTOM
+ Title:
+ CustomLabel: Volume Type
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ CategoryItemsLimitConfiguration:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
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+ Direction: DESC
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ Storage Usage devided by KPI Included :
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: EBS Storge usage by Volume Type (Can drill from
+ graph on left)
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions:
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+ BarsArrangement: STACKED
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+ AxisLabelOptions:
+ - ApplyTo:
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+ ColumnName: GroupByCalcF
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+ CustomLabel: Workload
+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_operation
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_storage_athena
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+ Height: 39px
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+ CategoryItemsLimit:
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ ColumnHierarchies: []
+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: EBS Storage GB per month, split by Volume Type.
+ Select Workload to drill to volume type on right
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: ac6ae3b9-fb64-4072-9f99-c10a150a3c02
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions:
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+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ Storage Usage devided by KPI Included :
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: S3 Storage GB per month, split by S3 Storage Classes.
+ Select Workload to drill to volume type on right
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: d3e13b7d-fe5f-479e-b8b9-62bd0d965145
+ - LineChartVisual:
+ Actions:
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+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ LineChartAggregatedFieldWells:
+ Category:
+ - DateDimensionField:
+ Column:
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+ FieldId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.usage_date.2.1683546603083
+ HierarchyId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.usage_date.2.1683546603083
+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: operation
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ FieldId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.operation.2.1683546585263
+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ FieldId: 8915baed-f050-4355-9bcd-0d7f208fbf92.2.1681310102385
+ Legend:
+ Position: TOP
+ Title:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ PrimaryYAxisLabelOptions:
+ AxisLabelOptions:
+ - ApplyTo:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: ScaledValue
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_s3_storage_all
+ FieldId: 8915baed-f050-4355-9bcd-0d7f208fbf92.2.1681310102385
+ CustomLabel: Scaled GB
+ SortConfiguration:
+ CategoryItemsLimitConfiguration:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ CategorySort:
+ - FieldSort:
+ Direction: DESC
+ FieldId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.usage_date.2.1683546603083
+ ColorItemsLimitConfiguration:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ Tooltip:
+ FieldBasedTooltip:
+ AggregationVisibility: HIDDEN
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+ FieldId: 8915baed-f050-4355-9bcd-0d7f208fbf92.2.1681310102385
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.operation.2.1683546585263
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.usage_date.2.1683546603083
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ SelectedTooltipType: BASIC
+ TooltipVisibility: VISIBLE
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+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464.usage_date.2.1683546603083
+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ Storage Usage devided by KPI Included :
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: S3 usage by S3 Storage Classes in GB (Can drill
+ down into workload using graph on the left)
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: e4a0c828-69df-47ab-b597-b8389177fc0e
+ - ContentType: INTERACTIVE
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+ Title: Date Range
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+ InfoIconLabelOptions:
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+ Title: Payer Account
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+ Name: Data Transfer / Networking Proxies
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+ - 'No'
+ - 'Yes'
+ SourceParameterName: IncludeKPI
+ Title: Include Business KPI
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ SelectAllOptions:
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+ ParameterControlId: f0ea9132-ca93-4fe4-bc76-e88c2111b6d5
+ SelectableValues:
+ Values:
+ - Environment Tag
+ - Linked Account
+ SourceParameterName: GroupByPara
+ Title: Group By
+ SheetControlLayouts:
+ - Configuration:
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+ - ColumnIndex: 4
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+ TextBoxes:
+ - Content: |-
+ Data Transfer
+ Use shared storage and access data from regional data stores to minimize the total networking resources required to support data movement for your workload.
+ SheetTextBoxId: 2ff7484f-0d0d-4189-a231-011b1e0dee24
+ - Content: "\n \n Minimize\
+ \ data movement across networks\n \n
\n Use shared file systems or object storage to access common\
+ \ data and minimize the total networking resources required to support data\
+ \ movement for your workload.\n
\n \n Common anti-patterns:\n \n
\n \n - \n\
+ \ You store all data in the same AWS Region independent\
+ \ of where the data users are.\n
\n - \n You do not optimize data size and format before moving it\
+ \ over the network.\n
\n \n Benefits of establishing this best practice:\n \n\
+ \ \_Optimizing data movement across the network reduces\
+ \ the total networking resources required for the workload and lowers its environmental\
+ \ impact.\n
\n \n Level of risk\
+ \ exposed if this best practice is not established:\n \n \_Mediu\n m\n
\n Implementation\
+ \ Guidance can be found :\n here\n"
+ SheetTextBoxId: 2f986936-23e9-4e75-9e89-041d0f7f04b8
+ - Content: "\n \n Use\
+ \ the minimum amount of hardware to meet your needs\n \n
+ \
\n Use the minimum amount of hardware for\
+ \ your workload to efficiently meet your business needs.\n
+ \ \n Common anti-patterns:\n \n\
+ \
\n \n - \n You do not monitor\
+ \ resource utilization.\n
\n - \n You have resources with a low utilization level in your architecture.\n\
+ \
\n - \n You do not review the\
+ \ utilization of static hardware to determine if it should be resized.\n\
+ \
\n - \n You do not set hardware\
+ \ utilization goals for your compute infrastructure based on business KPIs.\n\
+ \
\n \n Benefits\
+ \ of establishing this best practice:\n \n \_Rightsizing your cloud resources helps to reduce a workload\u2019s environmental\
+ \ impact, save money, and maintain performance benchmarks.\n
+ \ \n Level of risk exposed if this best practice\
+ \ is not established:\n \n \_Medium\n\
+ \
\n More infomation can be found\_\
+ \n here\n"
+ SheetTextBoxId: f46bfae0-ea2e-4c4f-907f-9f1d9ea7b4a8
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+ ColumnName: GroupByCalcF
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+ CustomLabel: Workload
+ DataLabels:
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: TransferType
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+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ OtherCategories: EXCLUDE
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ Data Transfer Usage devided by KPI Included :
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ Type of Data Transfer by
+ ${GroupByPara}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ - DateDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: line_item_usage_start_date
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: GroupByCalcF
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+ FieldId: caf3fe2c-94fd-45ed-9041-21dbd137f238.1.1684932771784
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+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: |-
+ Data Transfer Usage devided by KPI Included :
+ ${IncludeKPI}
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Data Transfer by workload over time
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Idle NAT Gateways - (No data going through them)
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ ChartConfiguration:
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+ FieldId: 16f9dbb4-1845-488b-9382-dba4fe06a027.bill_billing_period_start_date.0.1685016586619
+ CustomLabel: Month / Year
+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ BarChartAggregatedFieldWells:
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+ - NumericalMeasureField:
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+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
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+ ColumnHierarchies:
+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: 16f9dbb4-1845-488b-9382-dba4fe06a027.bill_billing_period_start_date.0.1685016586619
+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Idle Elastic Load Balancers - (Little traffic over
+ montly period)
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 4d10dd70-e006-45f3-8a9c-a8056a574590
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+ Name: AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool Data
+ SheetId: da3eb99f-a3c9-4888-b4a3-ee469eba8dc6
+ TextBoxes:
+ - Content: "\n \n AWS Customer Carbon\
+ \ Footprint Tool\n \n
\n You can use the\n AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool\_\n (CCFT) to view\
+ \ estimates of the carbon emissions associated with your AWS products and services.\n\
+ \
\n These visuals show data from the AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool,\
+ \ made available through the\n experimental programmatic access\n . To learn more\
+ \ about the methodology of the customer carbon footprint tool, check out the\n\
+ \ documentation\n .\n
\n The default\
+ \ deployment of the CCFT graphs below is designed to return\n \_No Data\n . In order to view data, you must deploy the\n\
+ \ \_experimental programmatic access\n , and update the\
+ \ Amazon Athena views as documented in the\n Sustainability Proxy Metrics deployment guide\n .\n\
+ "
+ SheetTextBoxId: a59bf304-620c-43dd-b6f5-0f724d15b98b
+ - Content: |-
+ Total Carbon emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based) and Emission savings over all selected Account IDs per month for all selected metrics
+ Select Date Range and Account ID's in the control on top, metrics to include on the right.
+ SheetTextBoxId: 6695e917-765c-4d42-b8fe-6b9a1982938f
+ Visuals:
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+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ Destination:
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+ Column:
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+ Source:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: regioncode
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ FieldId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.regioncode.0.1710235708996
+ Weight:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: mbmcarbon
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
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+ SortConfiguration:
+ WeightSort:
+ - FieldSort:
+ Direction: DESC
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+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Select Date Range and Account ID's in the control
+ on top
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Sankey Diagram
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: bab683bc-a3db-4d13-82f9-f956d88cd178
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions:
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+ - ApplyTo:
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+ CustomLabel: Date
+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ FieldWells:
+ BarChartAggregatedFieldWells:
+ Category:
+ - DateDimensionField:
+ Column:
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: paceproductcode
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: mbmcarbon
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ FieldId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.mbmcarbon.1.1710235681176
+ Legend:
+ Title:
+ CustomLabel: Product Code
+ Width: 100px
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+ SortConfiguration:
+ CategoryItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ CategorySort:
+ - FieldSort:
+ Direction: ASC
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+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ Tooltip:
+ FieldBasedTooltip:
+ AggregationVisibility: HIDDEN
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+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
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+ CustomLabel: Carbon emissions (MTCO2e)
+ ColumnHierarchies:
+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.startdate.0.1710235673445
+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Select Date Range and Account ID's in the control
+ on top
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Carbon emissions per Product per month
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 4839ac58-4787-4633-b1eb-5a0cd7dff0b5
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions:
+ - ActionOperations:
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+ CustomLabel: Date
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+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ BarChartAggregatedFieldWells:
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: mbmcarbon
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ FieldId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.mbmcarbon.1.1710235711465
+ Legend:
+ Title:
+ CustomLabel: Geographical Area
+ Width: 153px
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+ SortConfiguration:
+ CategoryItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
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+ Direction: ASC
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+ CustomLabel: Carbon emissions (MTCO2e)
+ ColumnHierarchies:
+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.startdate.2.1710235718612
+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Select Date Range and Account ID's in the control
+ on top
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Carbon emissions per Geographical Area per month
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 883dc4b7-7e87-4a7b-bc5d-cfb979ba6b61
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ ChartConfiguration:
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+ CustomLabel: Date
+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
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+ BarChartAggregatedFieldWells:
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+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: Account Name
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+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: mbmcarbon
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ FieldId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.mbmcarbon.1.1710321714087
+ Legend:
+ Title:
+ CustomLabel: Account ID
+ Width: 116px
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+ CategoryItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
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+ Direction: ASC
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+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
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+ Visibility: VISIBLE
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+ FieldId: b6a95723-d77c-4d31-a001-e68ce1d3d1d9.2.1720086435912
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+ LabelOptions:
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+ FontSize:
+ Relative: MEDIUM
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+ Column:
+ ColumnName: mbmcarbon
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_carbon_emissions
+ FieldId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.mbmcarbon.1.1710321714087
+ CustomLabel: Carbon emissions (MTCO2e)
+ ColumnHierarchies:
+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: 245db76e-b801-413a-9cbe-dbd50172abe8.startdate.0.1710321714087
+ Subtitle:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Select Date Range and Account ID's in the control
+ on top
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ FormatText:
+ RichText: Total Carbon emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based)
+ over all selected Account IDs per month
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: 1dd99e6a-ddd4-4bf0-b112-f20fc1d12646
+ - BarChartVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ ChartConfiguration:
+ BarsArrangement: STACKED
+ CategoryLabelOptions:
+ AxisLabelOptions:
+ - ApplyTo:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: startdate
+ DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.startdate.1.1720689364743
+ CustomLabel: Date
+ DataLabels:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ FieldWells:
+ BarChartAggregatedFieldWells:
+ Category:
+ - DateDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: startdate
+ DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ DateGranularity: MONTH
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.startdate.1.1720689364743
+ HierarchyId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.startdate.1.1720689364743
+ Colors:
+ - CategoricalDimensionField:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: metric_speaking
+ DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ FieldId: 59bebdd6-b66d-42e8-bf7d-280860277c8b.2.1721654285868
+ Values:
+ - NumericalMeasureField:
+ AggregationFunction:
+ SimpleNumericalAggregation: SUM
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: value
+ DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.value.0.1720689361709
+ Legend:
+ Height: 39px
+ Position: RIGHT
+ Title:
+ CustomLabel: Emissions & Savings
+ Width: 335px
+ Orientation: VERTICAL
+ SortConfiguration:
+ CategoryItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ CategorySort:
+ - FieldSort:
+ Direction: ASC
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.startdate.1.1720689364743
+ ColorItemsLimit:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
+ SmallMultiplesLimitConfiguration:
+ OtherCategories: INCLUDE
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+ AggregationVisibility: HIDDEN
+ TooltipFields:
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.value.0.1720689361709
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.startdate.1.1720689364743
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ - FieldTooltipItem:
+ FieldId: 59bebdd6-b66d-42e8-bf7d-280860277c8b.2.1721654285868
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ TooltipTitleType: PRIMARY_VALUE
+ SelectedTooltipType: DETAILED
+ TooltipVisibility: VISIBLE
+ ValueLabelOptions:
+ AxisLabelOptions:
+ - ApplyTo:
+ Column:
+ ColumnName: value
+ DataSetIdentifier: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ FieldId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.value.0.1720689361709
+ CustomLabel: Carbon emissions (MTCO2e)
+ ColumnHierarchies:
+ - DateTimeHierarchy:
+ HierarchyId: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091.startdate.1.1720689364743
+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ Title:
+ Visibility: HIDDEN
+ VisualId: a31027d5-1668-4967-9524-7d426d4bbad8
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+ ElementType: VISUAL
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+ Width: 1792px
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+ YAxisLocation: 272px
+ Name: About
+ SheetId: e6d41419-8cb7-481d-97b7-e1fe960b5180
+ Visuals:
+ - InsightVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ InsightConfiguration:
+ Computations: []
+ CustomNarrative:
+ Narrative: "\n Notices\n\
+ \
\n Customers are responsible\
+ \ for making their own independent assessment of\_this dashboard and its\
+ \ content.\_This dashboard and its content: (a) is for informational purposes\
+ \ only, (b) represents current AWS product offerings and practices, which\
+ \ are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create any commitments\
+ \ or assurances from AWS and its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. AWS\_\
+ content, products or services are provided \u201Cas is\u201D without warranties,\
+ \ representations, or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied.\
+ \ The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled\
+ \ by AWS agreements, and this document is not part of, nor does it modify,\
+ \ any agreement between AWS and its customers.\n"
+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: b65e0729-42a4-4de3-84d1-e8cbb7789b69
+ - InsightVisual:
+ Actions: []
+ DataSetIdentifier: sus_geo_region_athena
+ InsightConfiguration:
+ Computations: []
+ CustomNarrative:
+ Narrative: "\n \n Sustainability Proxy\_\n Dashboard\n \n
\n \n \n v3.0.0\n\
+ \ \n \n
\n \n \n Sustainability Dashboard Metrics Optimization\
+ \ Solution\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n Built by: Tom Coombs, Steffen Grunwald, Katja Philipp, Iakov Gan,\
+ \ Yuriy Prykhodko\n
\n \n Learn\
+ \ more about AWS Cloud Intelligence Dashboards (CID) on\n \n AWS Well-Architected Labs\n \n \
+ \ \_and\n \n CID YouTube Channel\n \n \n\
+ \
\n \n If you like Cloud Intelligence\
+ \ Dashboards we kindly ask you to fill out this\n \n customer survey\n \n \n
\n Powered by: Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Athena, Amazon\
+ \ S3\n
\n \n If you wish to provide\
+ \ feedback or report an error please email:\n \_\n \n cloud-intelligence-dashboards@amazon.com\n \
+ \ \n \n
\n \n
+ \ \n
\n \n"
+ Subtitle:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ Title:
+ Visibility: VISIBLE
+ VisualId: b3668974-7aa2-4203-ae13-09f505222d23
@@ -24,7 +3719,7 @@ datasets:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
Name: sus_s3_storage_all
- Name: year
@@ -65,16 +3760,35 @@ datasets:
- Name: usage_quantity
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
- Name: unblended_cost
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
- Name: public_cost
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
+ fe1b70ec-a568-4341-9265-db2fe41e6a13:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
Alias: sus_s3_storage_all
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 2ca2f9db-d270-4f8f-8e0d-cce6f039328f
+ e0e5acc2-6064-4bbe-9221-f60dd0357017:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: fe1b70ec-a568-4341-9265-db2fe41e6a13
+ e1c4d02c-a385-4759-9fdb-99624e7d1c1d:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
- ProjectOperation:
@@ -99,12 +3813,110 @@ datasets:
- usage_quantity
- unblended_cost
- public_cost
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
- PhysicalTableId: 2ca2f9db-d270-4f8f-8e0d-cce6f039328f
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: 79a028a3-aae7-4f70-8f72-e654a6bf1464
+ RightOperand: e0e5acc2-6064-4bbe-9221-f60dd0357017
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{linked_account_id} = {account_id}'
ImportMode: SPICE
- sus_s3_storage_all
+ - account_map
+ schedules:
+ - default
+ sus_idle_elb:
+ data:
+ DataSetId: 2794b73a-4469-4b9c-ba4e-d1de93460b8b
+ Name: sus_idle_elb
+ PhysicalTableMap:
+ 8d1ead4d-1a2e-4641-947a-d8ffb40d653e:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
+ 961a6efd-2ed4-4d1c-8f5a-e7ff676393c8:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: sus_idle_elb
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: bill_payer_account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: bill_billing_period_start_date
+ - Name: line_item_usage_account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: split_line_item_resource_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: product_region
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: pricing_unit
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: sum_line_item_usage_amount
+ SubType: FLOAT
+ - Name: resource_tags_user_application
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: tagbuskpi
+ - Name: accbuskpi
+ - Name: sum_line_item_unblended_cost
+ SubType: FIXED
+ LogicalTableMap:
+ 16f9dbb4-1845-488b-9382-dba4fe06a027:
+ Alias: sus_idle_elb
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 961a6efd-2ed4-4d1c-8f5a-e7ff676393c8
+ 338c012f-691e-4a8b-b163-b0d03d16da30:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 8d1ead4d-1a2e-4641-947a-d8ffb40d653e
+ 83c9024c-38bf-4e67-9802-523dbeea187f:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
+ DataTransforms:
+ - TagColumnOperation:
+ ColumnName: product_region
+ Tags:
+ - ColumnGeographicRole: STATE
+ - ProjectOperation:
+ ProjectedColumns:
+ - bill_payer_account_id
+ - bill_billing_period_start_date
+ - line_item_usage_account_id
+ - split_line_item_resource_id
+ - product_region
+ - pricing_unit
+ - sum_line_item_usage_amount
+ - resource_tags_user_application
+ - tagbuskpi
+ - accbuskpi
+ - sum_line_item_unblended_cost
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
+ Source:
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: 16f9dbb4-1845-488b-9382-dba4fe06a027
+ RightOperand: 338c012f-691e-4a8b-b163-b0d03d16da30
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{line_item_usage_account_id} = {account_id}'
+ ImportMode: SPICE
+ dependsOn:
+ views:
+ - account_map
+ - sus_idle_elb
- default
@@ -116,7 +3928,7 @@ datasets:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
Name: sus_compute_ec2
- Name: bill_payer_account_id
@@ -140,9 +3952,20 @@ datasets:
- Name: account_business_metric
+ 937e5fa9-bb37-4b63-a607-f8c1d0a7ca9b:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
- ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935:
- Alias: sus_compute_ec2
+ 49d5b0fd-0993-4374-a034-a87d662add3f:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
- ProjectOperation:
@@ -156,77 +3979,166 @@ datasets:
- vcpu_hours
- tag_business_metric
- account_business_metric
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
+ Source:
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935
+ RightOperand: 4d22feb2-2623-4113-a230-ee69aa825fd3
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{line_item_usage_account_id} = {account_id}'
+ 4d22feb2-2623-4113-a230-ee69aa825fd3:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 937e5fa9-bb37-4b63-a607-f8c1d0a7ca9b
+ ab737a73-894c-4495-b12d-bf17cfb6b935:
+ Alias: sus_compute_ec2
PhysicalTableId: 862dc931-5aeb-45bd-aa09-0560920c43f0
ImportMode: SPICE
- sus_compute_ec2
+ - account_map
- default
- sus_idle_elb:
+ sus_carbon_emissions:
- DataSetId: 2794b73a-4469-4b9c-ba4e-d1de93460b8b
- Name: sus_idle_elb
+ DataSetId: 12419d71-ec67-4e23-bd1f-fcd7b34c82f9
+ Name: sus_carbon_emissions
- 961a6efd-2ed4-4d1c-8f5a-e7ff676393c8:
+ 1dc4c009-196c-489a-970b-561bf4acef6b:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
- Name: sus_idle_elb
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: sus_carbon_emissions_view
- - Name: bill_payer_account_id
+ - Name: accountid
- - Name: bill_billing_period_start_date
+ - Name: querydate
- - Name: line_item_usage_account_id
+ - Name: startdate
+ - Name: mbmcarbon
+ SubType: FIXED
+ - Name: paceproductcode
- - Name: split_line_item_resource_id
+ - Name: regioncode
- - Name: product_region
+ 4e57d6b4-c367-411e-a44b-7870baa54c39:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
- - Name: pricing_unit
+ - Name: account_name
- - Name: sum_line_item_usage_amount
- SubType: FIXED
- - Name: resource_tags_user_application
+ LogicalTableMap:
+ 485c1f21-5a4c-46bb-9abb-5e721c34ee9a:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 4e57d6b4-c367-411e-a44b-7870baa54c39
+ 81a5d7b4-3f4e-4083-8cdd-06268e2b5a7b:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
+ DataTransforms:
+ - ProjectOperation:
+ ProjectedColumns:
+ - accountid
+ - querydate
+ - startdate
+ - mbmcarbon
+ - paceproductcode
+ - regioncode
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
+ Source:
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: a76d55cc-a67b-4ff3-8097-745706bf40fe
+ RightOperand: 485c1f21-5a4c-46bb-9abb-5e721c34ee9a
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{accountid} = {account_id}'
+ a76d55cc-a67b-4ff3-8097-745706bf40fe:
+ Alias: sus_carbon_emissions_view
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 1dc4c009-196c-489a-970b-561bf4acef6b
+ ImportMode: SPICE
+ dependsOn:
+ views:
+ - sus_carbon_emissions_view
+ - account_map
+ schedules:
+ - default
+ carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform:
+ data:
+ DataSetId: 814f2ac6-3205-43b8-ac8b-bab4dc1c864a
+ Name: carbon_emissions_aggregate_longform
+ PhysicalTableMap:
+ c58a049b-ecf8-4884-8916-2b8ec86bd941:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
- - Name: tagbuskpi
- - Name: accbuskpi
- - Name: sum_line_item_unblended_cost
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
+ d0ea6867-d523-452c-b6a3-7431979da256:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: sus_carbon_emissions_longform
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: metric
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: value
SubType: FIXED
+ - Name: accountid
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: querydate
+ - Name: startdate
- 16f9dbb4-1845-488b-9382-dba4fe06a027:
- Alias: sus_idle_elb
+ 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091:
+ Alias: sus_carbon_emissions_longform
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: d0ea6867-d523-452c-b6a3-7431979da256
+ 5dc3e114-3a3d-43ff-87af-eae4d8d4cf8c:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: c58a049b-ecf8-4884-8916-2b8ec86bd941
+ 67d16571-dce6-4ca0-a4d3-8e2cdc60bc05:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
- - TagColumnOperation:
- ColumnName: product_region
- Tags:
- - ColumnGeographicRole: STATE
- ProjectOperation:
- - bill_payer_account_id
- - bill_billing_period_start_date
- - line_item_usage_account_id
- - split_line_item_resource_id
- - product_region
- - pricing_unit
- - sum_line_item_usage_amount
- - resource_tags_user_application
- - tagbuskpi
- - accbuskpi
- - sum_line_item_unblended_cost
+ - metric
+ - value
+ - accountid
+ - querydate
+ - startdate
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
- PhysicalTableId: 961a6efd-2ed4-4d1c-8f5a-e7ff676393c8
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: 1c4e087c-344e-4ad0-b986-aa01476f6091
+ RightOperand: 5dc3e114-3a3d-43ff-87af-eae4d8d4cf8c
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{accountid} = {account_id}'
ImportMode: SPICE
- - sus_idle_elb
+ - account_map
+ - sus_carbon_emissions_longform
- default
@@ -238,7 +4150,7 @@ datasets:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
Name: sus_storage_athena
- Name: bill_payer_account_id
@@ -253,14 +4165,33 @@ datasets:
- Name: usage
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
- Name: tagbuskpi
- Name: accbuskpi
+ e7b46e3d-87cf-473e-908b-7870ffa90a32:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
+ 13ed66ff-e221-4acf-9e83-87145cf336c5:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: e7b46e3d-87cf-473e-908b-7870ffa90a32
Alias: sus_storage_athena
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: d88e946b-50c5-4131-af7f-a20c19b5f44d
+ b85579e2-a38d-41ea-a583-7055af4d54d1:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
- ProjectOperation:
@@ -272,12 +4203,19 @@ datasets:
- usage
- tagbuskpi
- accbuskpi
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
- PhysicalTableId: d88e946b-50c5-4131-af7f-a20c19b5f44d
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: 3bf588fa-4b55-4746-b422-1799d4cb51ff
+ RightOperand: 13ed66ff-e221-4acf-9e83-87145cf336c5
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{line_item_usage_account_id} = {account_id}'
ImportMode: SPICE
- sus_storage_athena
+ - account_map
- default
@@ -289,7 +4227,7 @@ datasets:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
Name: sus_geo_region_athena
- Name: bill_payer_account_id
@@ -353,11 +4291,22 @@ datasets:
DataSetId: 656e7432-12cf-4b1c-a48f-24e4f4b48843
Name: sus_network
+ 4f66d90f-5d4a-4e8e-bcdf-2e83d73d37a8:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
Name: sus_network
- Name: bill_payer_account_id
@@ -388,17 +4337,21 @@ datasets:
- Name: usage_amount_in_tb
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
- Name: cost
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
- Name: tagbuskpi
- Name: accbuskpi
- d8a05f09-6cb3-40e0-b9c8-482512b1727a:
- Alias: sus_network
+ 9d386b3d-9b75-4e72-b307-56678a6e8f96:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 4f66d90f-5d4a-4e8e-bcdf-2e83d73d37a8
+ a74b2b69-a10d-4b60-8c4c-68529a0707d9:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
- TagColumnOperation:
ColumnName: product_region
@@ -423,75 +4376,46 @@ datasets:
- cost
- tagbuskpi
- accbuskpi
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
+ Source:
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: d8a05f09-6cb3-40e0-b9c8-482512b1727a
+ RightOperand: 9d386b3d-9b75-4e72-b307-56678a6e8f96
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{line_item_usage_account_id} = {account_id}'
+ d8a05f09-6cb3-40e0-b9c8-482512b1727a:
+ Alias: sus_network
PhysicalTableId: b4b4e384-904f-42b3-9108-3dff4ad53b30
ImportMode: SPICE
+ - account_map
- sus_network
- default
- sus_compute_split:
+ sus_idle_natgw:
- DataSetId: 20912ab9-05e1-48c0-99f7-b70e68c743f0
- Name: sus_compute_split
+ DataSetId: c8a8cb07-8d9d-4b90-9862-e2a7e1370908
+ Name: sus_idle_natgw
- 3dd3174f-61ea-420e-8ea9-d7fb30a929ef:
+ 0766af2c-5154-4b8a-a5df-8d9a2d37efb4:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
- Name: sus_compute_split
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
- - Name: bill_payer_account_id
- Type: STRING
- - Name: line_item_usage_account_id
- Type: STRING
- - Name: line_item_usage_start_date
- - Name: resource_tags_user_application
+ - Name: account_id
- - Name: line_item_product_code
+ - Name: account_name
- - Name: vcpu_hours
- SubType: FLOAT
- - Name: tag_business_metric
- - Name: account_business_metric
- LogicalTableMap:
- 3af7087e-542f-439f-b88c-822cc9cacd3c:
- Alias: sus_compute_split
- DataTransforms:
- - ProjectOperation:
- ProjectedColumns:
- - bill_payer_account_id
- - line_item_usage_account_id
- - line_item_usage_start_date
- - resource_tags_user_application
- - line_item_product_code
- - vcpu_hours
- - tag_business_metric
- - account_business_metric
- Source:
- PhysicalTableId: 3dd3174f-61ea-420e-8ea9-d7fb30a929ef
- ImportMode: SPICE
- dependsOn:
- views:
- - sus_compute_split
- schedules:
- - default
- sus_idle_natgw:
- data:
- DataSetId: c8a8cb07-8d9d-4b90-9862-e2a7e1370908
- Name: sus_idle_natgw
- PhysicalTableMap:
DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
- Schema: ${athena_database_name}
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
Name: sus_idle_natgw
- Name: bill_payer_account_id
@@ -508,7 +4432,7 @@ datasets:
- Name: sum_line_item_usage_amount
- SubType: FIXED
+ SubType: FLOAT
- Name: resource_tags_user_application
- Name: sum_line_item_unblended_cost
@@ -521,6 +4445,10 @@ datasets:
Alias: sus_idle_natgw
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 30332fbc-ad6f-47ec-b5d2-c6bd31f5efc4
+ d1e76cc3-b08d-42bc-a7f3-8edf0b5e73df:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
- TagColumnOperation:
ColumnName: product_region
@@ -539,26 +4467,109 @@ datasets:
- sum_line_item_unblended_cost
- tagbuskpi
- accbuskpi
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
- PhysicalTableId: 30332fbc-ad6f-47ec-b5d2-c6bd31f5efc4
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: 6663e8a1-6723-49ae-9312-b51275135aec
+ RightOperand: ea340ec0-1f14-40d4-becc-4b992b546138
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{line_item_usage_account_id} = {account_id}'
+ ea340ec0-1f14-40d4-becc-4b992b546138:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 0766af2c-5154-4b8a-a5df-8d9a2d37efb4
ImportMode: SPICE
+ - account_map
- sus_idle_natgw
- default
+ sus_compute_split:
+ data:
+ DataSetId: 20912ab9-05e1-48c0-99f7-b70e68c743f0
+ Name: sus_compute_split
+ PhysicalTableMap:
+ 3dd3174f-61ea-420e-8ea9-d7fb30a929ef:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: sus_compute_split
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: bill_payer_account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: line_item_usage_account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: line_item_usage_start_date
+ - Name: resource_tags_user_application
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: line_item_product_code
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: vcpu_hours
+ SubType: FLOAT
+ - Name: tag_business_metric
+ - Name: account_business_metric
+ 7c5b80e9-7ba4-42bd-b626-4f8500c0ef00:
+ RelationalTable:
+ DataSourceArn: ${athena_datasource_arn}
+ Catalog: AwsDataCatalog
+ Schema: "${athena_database_name}"
+ Name: account_map
+ InputColumns:
+ - Name: account_id
+ Type: STRING
+ - Name: account_name
+ Type: STRING
+ LogicalTableMap:
+ 38318059-ada4-43cd-84e7-465c830634d4:
+ Alias: Intermediate Table
+ DataTransforms:
+ - ProjectOperation:
+ ProjectedColumns:
+ - bill_payer_account_id
+ - line_item_usage_account_id
+ - line_item_usage_start_date
+ - resource_tags_user_application
+ - line_item_product_code
+ - vcpu_hours
+ - tag_business_metric
+ - account_business_metric
+ - account_id
+ - account_name
+ Source:
+ JoinInstruction:
+ LeftOperand: 3af7087e-542f-439f-b88c-822cc9cacd3c
+ RightOperand: 3b98fdf2-4730-401d-b095-59581cce1db9
+ Type: LEFT
+ OnClause: '{line_item_usage_account_id} = {account_id}'
+ 3af7087e-542f-439f-b88c-822cc9cacd3c:
+ Alias: sus_compute_split
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 3dd3174f-61ea-420e-8ea9-d7fb30a929ef
+ 3b98fdf2-4730-401d-b095-59581cce1db9:
+ Alias: account_map
+ Source:
+ PhysicalTableId: 7c5b80e9-7ba4-42bd-b626-4f8500c0ef00
+ ImportMode: SPICE
+ dependsOn:
+ views:
+ - sus_compute_split
+ - account_map
+ schedules:
+ - default
+crawlers: {}
- sus_buss_kpi
cur: true
- parameters:
- tag:
- type: 'cur.tag_and_cost_category_fields'
- default: resource_tags_user_application
- description: "Enter tag name that is used to categorize workloads"
- global: True
data: |-
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_s3_storage_all AS
@@ -606,18 +4617,18 @@ views:
(("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
LEFT JOIN TAG_KPI_PER_DAY susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
LEFT JOIN ACC_KPI_PER_DAY susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
- WHERE ((("line_item_operation" LIKE '%Storage%')) AND (("line_item_product_code" LIKE '%AmazonGlacier%') OR ("line_item_product_code" LIKE '%AmazonS3%')))
- AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)))
+ WHERE ((("line_item_operation" LIKE '%Storage%') AND (("line_item_product_code" LIKE '%AmazonGlacier%') OR ("line_item_product_code" LIKE '%AmazonS3%'))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL
+ MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
- sus_buss_kpi:
- dependsOn:
- cur: true
type: 'cur.tag_and_cost_category_fields'
default: resource_tags_user_application
description: "Enter tag name that is used to categorize workloads"
global: True
+ sus_buss_kpi:
+ dependsOn:
+ cur: true
data: |-
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi AS
@@ -628,95 +4639,12 @@ views:
"${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, line_item_usage_account_id, 1
- sus_aws_regions:
- data: |-
- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_aws_regions AS
- (
- ROW ('ap-northeast-1', 'Japan', 'Tokyo', '35.64', '139.76', 0)
- , ROW ('ap-south-1', 'India', 'Mumbai', '19.08', '72.88', 1)
- , ROW ('cn-northwest-1', 'China', 'Ningxia', '38.47', '106.26', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-central-1', 'Germany', 'Frankfurt', '50.11', '8.68', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-north-1', 'Sweden', 'Stockholm', '59.33', '18.07', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-west-1', 'Ireland', 'Dublin', '53.28', '-7.71', 1)
- , ROW ('us-east-2', 'USA', 'Ohio', '40.36', '-82.91', 1)
- , ROW ('us-gov-west-1', 'USA', 'Oregon', '39.53', '-119.88', 1)
- , ROW ('us-west-1', 'USA', 'N. California', '36.55', '-119.89', 1)
- , ROW ('us-west-2', 'USA', 'Oregon', '43.82', '-120.33', 1)
- , ROW ('ap-east-1', 'Hong Kong', 'Hong Kong', '22.28', '114.15', 0)
- , ROW ('ap-northeast-2', 'South Korea', 'Seoul', '37.72', '126.04', 0)
- , ROW ('ap-northeast-3', 'Japan', 'Osaka', '34.69', '135.5', 0)
- , ROW ('ap-southeast-2', 'Australia', 'Sydney', '-33.88', '151.23', 0)
- , ROW ('ca-central-1', 'Canada', 'Montreal', '44.08', '-77.42', 1)
- , ROW ('cn-north-1', 'China', 'Beijing', '39.91', '116.41', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-west-3', 'France', 'Paris', '48.85', '2.35', 1)
- , ROW ('me-south-1', 'Bahrain', 'Bahrain', '26.11', '50.50', 0)
- , ROW ('sa-east-1', 'Brazil', 'Sao Paulo', '-23.37', '-46.63', 0)
- , ROW ('us-gov-east-1', 'USA', 'Ohio', '40.4897', '-81.45', 1)
- , ROW ('ap-southeast-1', 'Singapore', 'Singapore', '1.35', '103.86', 0)
- , ROW ('eu-west-2', 'UK', 'London', '51.53', '0.12', 1)
- , ROW ('us-east-1', 'USA', 'Washington DC', '38.80', '-77.11', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-south-1', 'Italy', 'Milan', '45.46', '9.18', 1)
- , ROW ('af-south-1', 'Africa', 'Cape Town', '-33.91', '18.42', 0)
- , ROW ('ap-south-2', 'India', 'Hyderabad', '17.39', '78.49', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-central-2', 'Switzerland', 'Zurich', '47.37', '8.54', 1)
- , ROW ('eu-south-2', 'Spain', 'Madrid', '40.41', '-3.70',1)
- ) ignored_table_name (region_name, region_country, region_city, region_latitude, region_longitude, is95PercentRenewable)
- sus_compute_ec2:
- dependsOn:
- cur: true
- views:
- - sus_buss_kpi
type: 'cur.tag_and_cost_category_fields'
default: resource_tags_user_application
description: "Enter tag name that is used to categorize workloads"
global: True
- data: |-
- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_compute_ec2 AS
- WITH tag_business_metrics AS (
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- tagvalue,
- SUM(buss) business_metric
- "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- tagvalue
- ),
- acc_business_metrics AS (
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- linkedaccountvalue,
- SUM(buss) business_metric
- "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- linkedaccountvalue
- )
- cur.bill_payer_account_id
- , cur.line_item_usage_account_id
- , cur.line_item_usage_start_date
- , ${tag} resource_tags_user_application
- , cur.line_item_product_code
- , cur.product_instance_type_family
- , cur.product_physical_processor
- , SUM((cur.line_item_usage_amount * CAST(cur.product_vcpu AS double))) vcpu_hours
- , SUM(susTag.business_metric) tag_business_metric
- , SUM(susAcc.business_metric) account_business_metric
- (("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
- LEFT JOIN tag_business_metrics susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
- LEFT JOIN acc_business_metrics susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
- WHERE ((cur.product_product_family = 'Compute Instance') AND (cur.line_item_product_code = 'AmazonEC2') AND (cur.line_item_operation LIKE 'RunInstances%') AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage', 'DiscountedUsage')))
- AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)))
- GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
@@ -785,6 +4713,76 @@ views:
GROUP BY line_item_resource_id, bill_billing_period_start_date, product_region, pricing_unit, line_item_usage_account_id, bill_payer_account_id, 7
WHERE ((usage_per_resource_and_pricing_unit > 336) AND (pricing_unit_per_resource = 1))
+ sus_compute_ec2:
+ dependsOn:
+ views:
+ - sus_buss_kpi
+ cur: true
+ data: |-
+ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_compute_ec2 AS
+ tag_business_metrics AS (
+ line_item_usage_start_date
+ , tagvalue
+ , SUM(buss) business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, tagvalue
+ )
+ , acc_business_metrics AS (
+ line_item_usage_start_date
+ , linkedaccountvalue
+ , SUM(buss) business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, linkedaccountvalue
+ )
+ cur.bill_payer_account_id
+ , cur.line_item_usage_account_id
+ , cur.line_item_usage_start_date
+ , ${tag} resource_tags_user_application
+ , cur.line_item_product_code
+ , (CASE WHEN ((product_instance_type_family IS NULL) OR (product_instance_type_family = '')) THEN split(product_instance_type, '.')[1] ELSE product_instance_type_family END) product_instance_type_family
+ , cur.product_physical_processor
+ , SUM((cur.line_item_usage_amount * CAST(cur.product_vcpu AS double))) vcpu_hours
+ , SUM(susTag.business_metric) tag_business_metric
+ , SUM(susAcc.business_metric) account_business_metric
+ ((${cur_table_name} cur
+ LEFT JOIN tag_business_metrics susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
+ LEFT JOIN acc_business_metrics susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
+ WHERE ((((cur.product_product_family = 'Compute Instance') OR (cur.product_product_family = 'Dedicated Host')) AND (cur.line_item_product_code = 'AmazonEC2') AND (cur.line_item_operation LIKE 'RunInstances%') AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage', 'DiscountedUsage'))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
+ GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
+ parameters:
+ tag:
+ type: 'cur.tag_and_cost_category_fields'
+ default: resource_tags_user_application
+ description: "Enter tag name that is used to categorize workloads"
+ global: True
+ sus_carbon_emissions_view:
+ data: |-
+ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_carbon_emissions_view AS
+ '123456789789' accountid
+ , '2024-01-01' querydate
+ , '2024-01-01' startdate
+ , 0E0 mbmcarbon
+ , 'no-data' paceproductcode
+ , 'no-data' regioncode
+ WHERE (1 = 0)
+ sus_carbon_emissions_longform:
+ data: |-
+ 'gridmixinefficiency' metric
+ , 0E0
+ , '123456789789'
+ , '2024-03-07'
+ , '2020-12-01'
+ WHERE (1 = 0)
@@ -801,12 +4799,12 @@ views:
- (line_item_usage_start_date) line_item_usage_start_date
+ line_item_usage_start_date line_item_usage_start_date
, tagvalue
, "sum"(buss) busKpi
- GROUP BY (line_item_usage_start_date), tagvalue
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, tagvalue
@@ -815,7 +4813,7 @@ views:
, "sum"(buss) busKpi
- GROUP BY (line_item_usage_start_date), linkedaccountvalue
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, linkedaccountvalue
@@ -832,6 +4830,48 @@ views:
LEFT JOIN ACC_KPI_PER_DAY susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
WHERE ((line_item_operation LIKE 'CreateVolume%') AND (("bill_billing_period_start_date" >= ("date_trunc"('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST("concat"("year", '-', "month", '-01') AS date) >= ("date_trunc"('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
GROUP BY bill_payer_account_id, 2, line_item_usage_account_id, month, year, cur.line_item_usage_start_date, line_item_operation
+ sus_aws_regions:
+ data: |-
+ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_aws_regions AS
+ (
+ ROW ('ap-northeast-1', 'Japan', 'Tokyo', '35.64', '139.76', 1)
+ , ROW ('ap-south-1', 'India', 'Mumbai', '19.08', '72.88', 1)
+ , ROW ('cn-northwest-1', 'China', 'Ningxia', '38.47', '106.26', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-central-1', 'Germany', 'Frankfurt', '50.11', '8.68', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-north-1', 'Sweden', 'Stockholm', '59.33', '18.07', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-west-1', 'Ireland', 'Dublin', '53.28', '-7.71', 1)
+ , ROW ('us-east-2', 'USA', 'Ohio', '40.36', '-82.91', 1)
+ , ROW ('us-gov-west-1', 'USA', 'Oregon', '39.53', '-119.88', 1)
+ , ROW ('us-west-1', 'USA', 'N. California', '36.55', '-119.89', 1)
+ , ROW ('us-west-2', 'USA', 'Oregon', '43.82', '-120.33', 1)
+ , ROW ('ap-east-1', 'Hong Kong', 'Hong Kong', '22.28', '114.15', 0)
+ , ROW ('ap-northeast-2', 'South Korea', 'Seoul', '37.72', '126.04', 0)
+ , ROW ('ap-northeast-3', 'Japan', 'Osaka', '34.69', '135.5', 1)
+ , ROW ('ap-southeast-2', 'Australia', 'Sydney', '-33.88', '151.23', 0)
+ , ROW ('ca-central-1', 'Canada', 'Montreal', '44.08', '-77.42', 1)
+ , ROW ('cn-north-1', 'China', 'Beijing', '39.91', '116.41', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-west-3', 'France', 'Paris', '48.85', '2.35', 1)
+ , ROW ('me-south-1', 'Bahrain', 'Bahrain', '26.11', '50.50', 0)
+ , ROW ('sa-east-1', 'Brazil', 'Sao Paulo', '-23.37', '-46.63', 0)
+ , ROW ('us-gov-east-1', 'USA', 'Ohio', '40.4897', '-81.45', 1)
+ , ROW ('ap-southeast-1', 'Singapore', 'Singapore', '1.35', '103.86', 0)
+ , ROW ('eu-west-2', 'UK', 'London', '51.53', '0.12', 1)
+ , ROW ('us-east-1', 'USA', 'Washington DC', '38.80', '-77.11', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-south-1', 'Italy', 'Milan', '45.46', '9.18', 1)
+ , ROW ('af-south-1', 'Africa', 'Cape Town', '-33.91', '18.42', 0)
+ , ROW ('ap-south-2', 'India', 'Hyderabad', '17.39', '78.49', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-central-2', 'Switzerland', 'Zurich', '47.37', '8.54', 1)
+ , ROW ('eu-south-2', 'Spain', 'Madrid', '40.41', '-3.70',1)
+ , ROW ('ap-southeast-3', 'Indonesia', 'Jakarta', '-6.175110', '106.865036',0)
+ , ROW ('ap-southeast-5', 'Malaysia', 'Kuala Lumpur', '3.139003', '101.686852',0)
+ , ROW ('ap-southeast-4', 'Australia', 'Melbourne', '-37.813629', '144.963058',0)
+ , ROW ('ca-west-1', 'Canada', 'Calgary', '51.048615', '-114.070847',0)
+ , ROW ('il-central-1', 'Israel', 'Tel Aviv', '32.085300', '34.781769',0)
+ , ROW ('il-central-1', 'Middle East' , 'UAE', '25.276987', '55.296249',0)
+ ) ignored_table_name (region_name, region_country, region_city, region_latitude, region_longitude, is95PercentRenewable)
cur: true
@@ -868,21 +4908,21 @@ views:
- (line_item_usage_start_date) line_item_usage_start_date
+ line_item_usage_start_date line_item_usage_start_date
, tagvalue
, "sum"(buss) busKpi
- GROUP BY (line_item_usage_start_date), tagvalue
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, tagvalue
- (line_item_usage_start_date) line_item_usage_start_date
+ line_item_usage_start_date line_item_usage_start_date
, linkedaccountvalue linkedaccountvalue
, "sum"(buss) busKpi
- GROUP BY (line_item_usage_start_date), linkedaccountvalue
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, linkedaccountvalue
@@ -906,14 +4946,13 @@ views:
(("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
LEFT JOIN TAG_KPI_PER_DAY susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
LEFT JOIN ACC_KPI_PER_DAY susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
- WHERE ((((line_item_line_item_type = 'Usage')) AND (NOT (line_item_usage_amount = 0))) AND (((line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Bytes') AND ((((line_item_usage_type LIKE '%In%') OR (line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Out%')) OR (line_item_usage_type LIKE 'Nat%')) OR (line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Regional%'))) AND ((product_from_location = '') OR (product_from_location LIKE '%(%'))))
- AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)))
+ WHERE ((((line_item_line_item_type = 'Usage') AND (NOT (line_item_usage_amount = 0))) AND (((line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Bytes') AND ((((line_item_usage_type LIKE '%In%') OR (line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Out%')) OR (line_item_usage_type LIKE 'Nat%')) OR (line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Regional%'))) AND ((product_from_location = '') OR (product_from_location LIKE '%(%')))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
- - sus_compute_ec2
- sus_buss_kpi
+ - sus_compute_ec2
cur: true
@@ -923,27 +4962,24 @@ views:
global: True
data: |-
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_compute_split AS
- WITH tag_business_metrics AS (
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- tagvalue,
- SUM(buss) business_metric
- "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- tagvalue
- ),
- acc_business_metrics AS (
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- linkedaccountvalue,
- SUM(buss) business_metric
- "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
- line_item_usage_start_date,
- linkedaccountvalue
+ tag_business_metrics AS (
+ line_item_usage_start_date
+ , tagvalue
+ , SUM(buss) business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, tagvalue
+ )
+ , acc_business_metrics AS (
+ line_item_usage_start_date
+ , linkedaccountvalue
+ , SUM(buss) business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, linkedaccountvalue
@@ -958,8 +4994,7 @@ views:
(("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
LEFT JOIN tag_business_metrics susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
LEFT JOIN acc_business_metrics susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
- WHERE ((cur.line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Fargate-vCPU-Hours:perCPU') AND (cur.line_item_product_code IN ('AmazonEKS', 'AmazonECS')) AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage')))
- AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)))
+ WHERE (((cur.line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Fargate-vCPU-Hours:perCPU') AND (cur.line_item_product_code IN ('AmazonEKS', 'AmazonECS')) AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage'))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
@@ -974,8 +5009,7 @@ views:
(("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
LEFT JOIN "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
LEFT JOIN "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
- WHERE ((cur.line_item_product_code = 'AWSLambda') AND (cur.line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Lambda-GB-Second') AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage')))
- AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)))
+ WHERE (((cur.line_item_product_code = 'AWSLambda') AND (cur.line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Lambda-GB-Second') AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage'))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
@@ -1004,21 +5038,21 @@ views:
- (line_item_usage_start_date) line_item_usage_start_date
+ line_item_usage_start_date line_item_usage_start_date
, tagvalue
, "sum"(buss) busKpi
- GROUP BY (line_item_usage_start_date), tagvalue
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, tagvalue
- (line_item_usage_start_date) line_item_usage_start_date
+ line_item_usage_start_date line_item_usage_start_date
, linkedaccountvalue linkedaccountvalue
, "sum"(buss) busKpi
- GROUP BY (line_item_usage_start_date), linkedaccountvalue
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, linkedaccountvalue
@@ -1056,10 +5090,77 @@ views:
GROUP BY line_item_resource_id, bill_billing_period_start_date, product_region, pricing_unit, line_item_usage_account_id, bill_payer_account_id, 7
WHERE ((usage_per_resource_and_pricing_unit > 336) AND (pricing_unit_per_resource = 1))
- default:
- ScheduleId: cid
- ScheduleFrequency:
- Interval: DAILY
- TimeOfTheDay: '02:00-05:00'
- RefreshType: FULL_REFRESH
+ sus_compute_split:
+ dependsOn:
+ views:
+ - sus_buss_kpi
+ - sus_compute_ec2
+ cur: true
+ data: |-
+ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "${athena_database_name}".sus_compute_split AS
+ tag_business_metrics AS (
+ line_item_usage_start_date
+ , tagvalue
+ , SUM(buss) business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, tagvalue
+ )
+ , acc_business_metrics AS (
+ line_item_usage_start_date
+ , linkedaccountvalue
+ , SUM(buss) business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi
+ GROUP BY line_item_usage_start_date, linkedaccountvalue
+ )
+ cur.bill_payer_account_id
+ , cur.line_item_usage_account_id
+ , cur.line_item_usage_start_date
+ , ${tag} resource_tags_user_application
+ , cur.line_item_product_code
+ , SUM(cur.line_item_usage_amount) vcpu_hours
+ , SUM(susTag.business_metric) tag_business_metric
+ , SUM(susAcc.business_metric) account_business_metric
+ (("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
+ LEFT JOIN tag_business_metrics susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
+ LEFT JOIN acc_business_metrics susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
+ WHERE (((cur.line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Fargate-vCPU-Hours:perCPU') AND (cur.line_item_product_code IN ('AmazonEKS', 'AmazonECS')) AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage'))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
+ GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
+ cur.bill_payer_account_id
+ , cur.line_item_usage_account_id
+ , cur.line_item_usage_start_date
+ , ${tag} resource_tags_user_application
+ , cur.line_item_product_code
+ , SUM(((cur.line_item_usage_amount / 1769) / 3600)) vcpu_hours
+ , SUM(susTag.buss) tag_business_metric
+ , SUM(susAcc.buss) account_business_metric
+ (("${athena_database_name}"."${cur_table_name}" cur
+ LEFT JOIN "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi susTag ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susTag.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (${tag} = susTag.tagValue)))
+ LEFT JOIN "${athena_database_name}".sus_buss_kpi susAcc ON ((cur.line_item_usage_start_date = susAcc.line_item_usage_start_date) AND (cur.line_item_usage_account_id = susAcc.linkedaccountvalue)))
+ WHERE (((cur.line_item_product_code = 'AWSLambda') AND (cur.line_item_usage_type LIKE '%Lambda-GB-Second') AND (cur.line_item_line_item_type IN ('Usage', 'SavingsPlanCoveredUsage'))) AND ((cur.bill_billing_period_start_date >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_timestamp) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH)) AND (CAST(CONCAT(cur.year, '-', cur.month, '-01') AS date) >= (DATE_TRUNC('month', current_date) - INTERVAL '7' MONTH))))
+ GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
+ ec2.bill_payer_account_id
+ , ec2.line_item_usage_account_id
+ , ec2.line_item_usage_start_date
+ , ec2.resource_tags_user_application
+ , ec2.line_item_product_code
+ , ec2.vcpu_hours
+ , ec2.tag_business_metric
+ , ec2.account_business_metric
+ "${athena_database_name}".sus_compute_ec2 ec2
+ parameters:
+ tag:
+ type: 'cur.tag_and_cost_category_fields'
+ default: resource_tags_user_application
+ description: "Enter tag name that is used to categorize workloads"
+ global: True