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Evert Pot edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 4 revisions
class Client {

   * All relative urls will by default use the bookmarkUri to
   * expand. It should usually be the starting point of your
   * API
  bookmarkUri: string;

   * Supported content types
   * Each content-type has a 'factory' that turns a HTTP response
   * into a State object.
   * The last value in the array is the 'q=' value, used in Accept
   * headers. Higher means higher priority.
  contentTypeMap: {
    [mimeType: string]: [StateFactory<any>, string],
  } = {
    'application/hal+json': [halStateFactory, '1.0'],
    'application/vnd.api+json': [jsonApiStateFactory, '0.9'],
    'application/vnd.siren+json': [sirenStateFactory, '0.9'],
    'application/vnd.collection+json': [cjStateFactory, '0.9'],
    'application/json': [halStateFactory, '0.8'],
    'text/html': [htmlStateFactory, '0.7'],

   * The cache for 'State' objects
  cache: StateCache;

   * The cache for 'Resource' objects. Each unique uri should
   * only ever get 1 associated resource.
  resources: Map<string, Resource>;

   * Fetcher is a utility object that handles fetch() requests
   * and middlewares.
  fetcher: Fetcher;

  constructor(bookmarkUri: string) {
    this.bookmarkUri = bookmarkUri;
    this.fetcher = new Fetcher();
    this.fetcher.use( this.cacheExpireHandler );
    this.fetcher.use( this.acceptHeader );
    this.cache = new ForeverCache();
    this.resources = new Map();

   * Follows a relationship, based on its reltype. For example, this might be
   * 'alternate', 'item', 'edit' or a custom url-based one.
   * This function can also follow templated uris. You can specify uri
   * variables in the optional variables argument.
  follow<TFollowedResource = any>(rel: string, variables?: LinkVariables): FollowPromiseOne<TFollowedResource>; 

   * Returns a resource by its uri.
   * This function doesn't do any HTTP requests. The uri is optional. If it's
   * not specified, it will return the bookmark resource.
   * If a relative uri is passed, it will be resolved based on the bookmark
   * uri.
   * @example
   * const res = ketting.go(';
   * @example
   * const res = ketting.go<Author>('/users/1');
   * @example
   * const res = ketting.go(); // bookmark
  go<TResource = any>(uri?: string): Resource<TResource>; 

   * Adds a fetch middleware, which will be executed for
   * each fetch() call.
   * If 'origin' is specified, fetch middlewares can be executed
   * only if the host/origin matches.
  use(middleware: FetchMiddleware, origin: string = '*'); 

   * Clears the entire state cache

   * Transforms a fetch Response to a State object.
  async getStateForResponse(uri: string, response: Response): Promise<State>; 

   * Caches a State object
   * This function will also emit 'update' events to resources, and store all
   * embedded states.
  cacheState(state: State); 


See also:

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