Fetch file listings and individual files from a remote ZIP file.
Without downloading the entire ZIP:
- Fetch individual files in a remote ZIP
- Fetch file listings
The gist of what the library does is:
- Get the content size of the ZIP file using a HTTP HEAD request.
- Get the last 100 bytes using HTTP Range queries (hoping it's enough) to read the end-of-central-directory (EOCD) section.
- Using the EOCD, read the central directory (CD) section with a Range request. This section contains a complete file listing and file byte offsets in the ZIP.
- To get individual files, use another Range request with an offset to get the local file header + compressed data.
- No ZIP64 support
- No encrypted ZIP support
- No stream support via
due to testing/dev difficulties - Long comments in a ZIP file might cause
to fail
yarn add @basisai/remote-zip
npm install --save @basisai/remote-zip
See the generated API documentation.
If using in the browser, the server will need to whitelist CORS for GET
, and the Range
const url = new URL("http://www.example.com/test.zip");
const remoteZip = await new RemoteZipPointer({ url }).populate();
const fileListing = remoteZip.files(); // RemoteZipFile[]
const uncompressedBytes = await remoteZip.fetch("test.txt"); // ArrayBuffer
const method = "POST";
const additonalHeaders = new Headers();
additonalHeaders.append("X-Example", "foobar");
const url = new URL("http://www.example.com/test.zip");
const remoteZip = await new RemoteZipPointer({
credentials: "include",
const uncompressedBytes = await remoteZip.fetch("test.txt", additionalHeaders);
Dev instructions
See `scripts` in `package.json` for more scripts.yarn d
watch and buildyarn t:watch
watch and testyarn lint
yarn build
Run tests and checks with Docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build
Get an automation token from npm under settings
Add the token to your repository secrets.
- Name:
- Value: The automation token you got from the previous step
- Name:
Create a new release.
The workflow at
should run and publish your packages to both NPM and GitHub Packages.Don't forget to bump your version number in
before this.