This project contains the code to setup some resources in azure using bicep, namely:
- Azure sql server
- Azure sql databases
- Key vault
- Azure data factory
It's used in the getting started guide of betl.
I used Visual studio code to edit and run this script, but you can also run it command line and use your own preferered editor.
- open iac.bicep
- change the parameter values. They are currently set for demo purposes ( getting started guide).
- open deploy.azcli to copy/paste the commands that you can run using powershell:
- run the following commands in powershell:
- az login
- cd iac_betl
- az deployment group create -f ./iac.bicep -g rg-betl --verbose --mode Complete
go to to view the results
don't forget to delete your resources when you are done using:
- az deployment group create -f ./empty.bicep -g rg-betl --verbose --mode Complete