- Update to Python 3.12.2 (Paho v2.0 has been tested upto 3.12)
- Update paho-mqtt to v2.0 and pin to >=2.0
- Small changes to MQTT client logic for paho-mqtt 2.0
- Update image to Python 3.11
- Fix logic to retry sending messages to VTO device
- Fix Access Control issue (Likely caused by rebranded doorbells [Lorex, Amcrest, etc.]) #54 #64 #65
- Separate DEBUG level logs between Dahua device and MQTT broker
- Refactor Dahua and MQTT clients for better recovery of connections
- Upgrade Docker Image to Python v3.10
- Fix wrong call to function
- Additional optimization to MQTT connection
- MQTT Broker reconnect fix
- Fix event handling
- MQTT Broker reconnect after 60 seconds
- Restructure code (2 clients - Dahua and MQTT)
- Added support to mute call once ring using topic
- Changed MQTT Client to Mosquitto\Client
- Use one connection with keep alive
- Update MQTT Events
- Reverted connection to per message, docker based image changed to php:7.4.11-cli
- Added deviceType and serialNumber to MQTT message's payload, Improved connection to one time instead of per message
- Edit Readme file, Added Supported Models and MQTT Events documentation
- Added new environment variable - MQTT_BROKER_TOPIC_PREFIX
- Initial version combing the event listener with MQTT
- Ported to Python
- MQTT Keep Alive, log level control via DEBUG env. variable
- Fix #19 - Reset connection after power failure or disconnection
- Added open door action when publishing an MQTT message with the topic - {MQTT_BROKER_TOPIC_PREFIX}/Command/Open
- Reset connection when server sends EOF message gracefully instead of WARNING asyncio socket.send() raised exception
- Fix Invalid syntax in DahuaVTO.py line 117 #41
- Added support for Door ID in DahuaVTO/Command/Open MQTT command #29
- Fix Open Door error
- Removed certificate verification when using SSL #31
- Changed MQTT message published log level to DEBUG
- Fix DahuaVTOClient doesn't handle packets larger than Ethernet frame #37
- Added Lock State status to prevent duplicate attempts of unlock (which led to error log message since the unit didn't allow that operation)
- Publish MQTT message with the lock status, more details in the Dahua VTO MQTT Events - examples section
- SSL support using new environment variable
- All requests to Dahua unit are using socket (except open lock)