Releases: bcgov/zeva
Login page #5
Added initial styling for the login page
Validate keycloak tokens #6
Backend requests are now authenticated and validated using Keycloak server signature
Service methods gain a context.user object containing principal data (just name and email now, but can be trivially expanded to include roles when we build them).
Database and Keycloak configuration from environment. See vars in k8s-python-backend.yaml
Changed background image. Re-organized CSS and some enhancements #7
I re-organized the CSS so there's less nesting
Changed main-content from class to ID
Changed background image
There should be some improvements to scaling as well
Fix local persisent db #10
Move the PersistentVolume descriptor into skaffold management. It seems to still work for retaining local development database between skaffold runs.
No impact Openshift environments
Prior to first run on local development: Shutdown Skaffold and make sure you remove any existing pvs and pvcs (kubectl get pv(c); kubectl delete .
Add Openshift templates #8
Fix import typo #9
Backend Testing #11
Technical information
This release is work on local development environment.
Remember to run command "kubectl delete pv " to delete the previous create persistent volume on local.
Make sure the k8s current context is docker-desktop.
Run command "kubectl config get-context" and visit "localhost:10000"
Operational request
Run command "create extension hstore" in postgresql pos
Pull Request
Add missing license #1
Initial merge of experimental code #2
Persistent Local Development Database #3
Use a kubernetes persistent volume to retain the dev database across runs
important: must run
kubectl apply -f persistent-volume.yaml once on each development machine or kubernetes will not be able to find a persistent volume backing store to map the volumes. Thereafter, the database will be retained across runs of skaffold dev
Frontend packages #4
Upgraded all front-end packages
Added eslint rules
Added BC Sans
Added Bootstrap
Added FontAwesome
Changed from eslint-config-airbnb-standard to eslint-config-airbnb
Externalize keycloak configuration
Changed how keycloak works a bit so that refreshing the browser no longer acts as though you're logged out
ESLint fixes