- Dropped support for node 4 and 5. Added CI for node 8, 9 and 10. (#425)
- Fix issue where connectionData would not initialize the correct objects leading to config settings not passing through (#424)
- Bump Dependencies (#425)
- Allow readonly config by environment variable (ME_CONFIG_OPTIONS_READONLY) (#423)
- Update Dockerfile to build wih node 8. (#417)
- Export collections with filenames encoded according to RFC 6266. (#419)
- Add import buttons (#421)
- Ensure mongo is never left uninitialised (#401)
- Fixed when ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER is ReplSet (#403)
- Fixed issue where export would only export partial results (#406)
- Fixed convertBytes filter to handle NaN (#410)
- Delete database modal now has consistent buttons with other delete modals (#410)
- Fix bug in filters that mistakenly converts non-Binary and non-Object (#396)
- Added support for NaN, +Inifity, -Infinity values (#395)
- Added
in config (#378) - Prevent uncaught error if collection has been deleted. (#382)
- export query results from collections (#388)
- Allow hyphens in collection names (#389)
- Confirm document delete (#374)
- Fix can not delete database (#373)
- Added support for Binary Data as _id (#368)
- Fix small typo causing issue with auth databases (#366)
- Fixed default port in lib/db.js from documentation
- Fixed typo in tag of collection view (#357)
- Add connectionString support to connection (#350)
- Fixed more flexible db names (#339)
- Fixed escaping in nested objects
- Fixed path resolve for windows for the builds
- Fixed revise the list database function to support user having access to admin database (#338)
- Fixed bug with collapsibleJSON property not able to render properly
- Better windows support with usage of cross-env
- Add Create Index functionality (#326)
- Added a bit of readme info, and updated license
- Support for mounting on a different baseHref (#320)
- Improve configuration step (#321)
- Small publishing fixes
- Build is now shipped as part of package
- Added support for Collection with slash in the name (#309)
- Changed the way scripts work (#312)
- Scripts are now built using babel and are in their own files.
- Each page has it's own mini-bundle + vendor bundle
- Scripts are built on install and output a json file that is used for url purposes
- Added more tests, and new test utils! (#314, #315)
- Fixed issue where parenthese we're stringified incorrectly (#306)
- Fixed loadDocument script that was rendered properly in read-only (#308)
- Removed underscore and use only lodash. (#307)
- Removed Snyk. It was causing more annoyance than actual good (#306)
- Updated swig to swig-template, which uses a safe version (#311)
- Fix content-disposition non-ascii header, set config.gridFSEnabled via env vars (#304)
- Removed Duplicated navbar in mobile layout (#302)
- Add logger options to control logging (#300)
- Pass options in middleware-only usage (#299)
- Fixed index are no longer deletable in read-only mode (#298)
- Delete all Documents matching a query.
- Fixed issue where binary types we're converted to string when updating a document
- ObjectID can now be used without the ObjectID wrapper.
- Added export to CSV
- Added index management. You can now delete index or reIndex a collection
- Fixed issue where ObjectID we're incorrectly stringified
- Add support for super large Objects
- Added database statistics (karthik25)
- Added basic auth (netpi)
- Added complex querying (kathik25)
- Added JSON find type
- Added collection export
- Added confirmation dialog on delete
- Added uptime info in days
- Fixed long collection name issue
- Updated express package version
- Updated swig package version
- Added simple key-value document searching
- Specified version 3.0.0alpha1 of express in package.json. Latest version of express is causing errors.
- Removed hacky BSON->string conversion function
- Replaced it with a modified JSON.stringify function
- Removed requirement for doc IDs to be ObjectID type
- Added build status images in README
- Added tests for BSON conversion functions
- Added support for all BSON data types except Binary
- Fixed BSON converter so not only top-level values get converted
- Updated README with more BSON data type examples
- Fixed bug: when trying to delete document, collection gets deleted
- Added support for some BSON data types when viewing docs
- Updated README with list of supported data types
- Added support for BSON data types when adding/editing docs
- Forgot to update HISTORY file
- Added success/error feedback messages
- Added cookie/session middleware
- Added cookieSecret and sessionSecret options to config
- Moved config.js to config.default.js
- Updated configuration instructions in README
- Added version history
- Added MIT license
- Added pager links above document list
- Added pagination links below document list
- Added config option to set number of documents displayed per page
- Added async package to dependencies
- Added system.users to list of un-editable collections
- Changed config file to allow lists of databases and associated auth details
- Added support for regular MongoDB users
- Removed requirement for admin access to the MongoDB server