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167 lines (116 loc) · 6.17 KB


Simple context-menu component built for Vue. Works well with both left and right clicks. Nothing too fancy, just works and is simple to use.

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# npm
npm i vue-simple-context-menu

# yarn
yarn add vue-simple-context-menu

Or you can include it through the browser at the bottom of your page along with the css:

<script src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">


Just a simple little menu to be shown where a click happens - closes after use automatically by clicking an option or outside of the menu. Multiple menus are supported - just make sure to use a unique string as your elementId prop value.

A nice feature that comes baked in is the menu placement after a click - it sits just ever so slightly under your click location - so that any hover style you had on the item that was clicked gets removed nicely. I modeled it after the macOS right click menu.

Usage Example

<!-- css import for when you want to import the component css into your css file/files  -->
@import '/path/to/node_modules/vue-simple-context-menu.css';

<!-- css import for when you're importing the css directly in your js  -->
import 'vue-simple-context-menu/dist/vue-simple-context-menu.css'

import VueSimpleContextMenu from 'vue-simple-context-menu'
Vue.component('vue-simple-context-menu', VueSimpleContextMenu)
<!-- This is a basic use case where you have an array of items that you want
to allow to be clicked. In this case, `items` is an array of objects.
Each item has a click event that ties to a function. See the demo for a full example (with multiple menus as well). -->

<div class="item-wrapper">
  <div v-for="item in items" @click.prevent.stop="handleClick($event, item)" class="item-wrapper__item">

<!-- Make sure you add the `ref` attribute, as that is what gives you the ability
to open the menu. -->


<!-- The click-handler function -->
handleClick (event, item) {
  this.$refs.vueSimpleContextMenu.showMenu(event, item)

<!-- And for capturing the event -->
optionClicked (event) {

Note - you must pass the click event-info variable to the showMenu() function because that's how we know where to show the menu.

Note - make sure to use @click.prevent.stop (or @contextmenu.prevent.stop for right click) when setting up the click handler.


prop type description required
elementId String Unique String that acts as the id of your menu. Yes
options Array Array of menu options to show. Component will use the name parameter as the label. Yes Array Label for the option. Yes
options.class String A custom class that will be applied to the option. No
options.type String Only one possible value at the moment - divider. Pass this to set the object as a divider. No
ref String Unique String that allows you to show the menu on command. Yes


method parameters description
showMenu event (MouseEvent), item (Object) Used to show the menu. Make sure to pass a MouseEvent and an Object.


event value description
option-clicked Object When a menu item is clicked the component will emit an event with a value containing the clicked item and the menu option that was clicked. Register for this event to capture the selection result.

SASS Structure

.vue-simple-context-menu {
  &--active {

  &__item {
    &:hover {

  &__divider {}


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload
npm run watch

# run the tests
npm run test

# build demo page
npm run build:example

# build library
npm run build:library

# build everything and run tests
npm run build


Go ahead and fork the project! Submit an issue if needed. Have fun!

Thank You

Influenced by Lucas Calazans's pen. Go ahead and check out his other work.



Packaged with a mixture of vue-lib-template and vue-sfc-rollup.