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89 lines (66 loc) · 3.2 KB


Write your Express (4+) routers declaratively with ES2015 classes and ES decorators. TypeScript and Babel supported.


Using express-router-decorators, you can define your Router controller as ES2015 class, which lets you keep cleaner and well-readable code. Remember to add @Root decorator to the class - this is a 'mounting point' of your router. Particular paths in your router are defined using @Path decorator, which takes the path param (either string or regexp, as supported by Express) as its first argument. Second argument expects an http method name (string), but it is optional and defaults to 'get' (see the list of all http methods supported by express).

import * as express from 'express';
import { bindControllers, Root, Path } from 'express-router-decorators';

const app = express();

class Greeter {

  hello (req, res) {
    res.json({greeting: 'hello!'});

bindControllers(app, Greeter);

app.listen(1221, () => console.log('server ready at localhost:1221'));

Inheritance is also supported. You can extend your router classes with other classes! The router created with Greeter class below will also have /hola route (inherited from SpanishGreeter class).

class SpanishGreeter {
  hola (req, res) {
    res.json({greeting: 'hola!'});

class Greeter extends SpanishGreeter {

  hello (req, res) {
    res.json({greeting: 'hello!'});


npm install express-router-decorators --save



Make sure to add following two lines in the "compilerOptions" of your tsconfig.json file:

"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true


You will need "transform-decorators-legacy" plugin (npm install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy --save-dev) in your .babelrc file, eg:

  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-2"],
  "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"]


@Root(rootRoute: string) - class decorator used to define the router's mounting point.

  • rootRoute: string - router's mounting point (as known from Express: app.use('/mountingpoint', router)).

@Path(pathRoute: string | RegExp, httpMethod?: string) - methods decorator that defines the routes within router's instance.

@Use - methods decorator that defines the router's specific middleware. Takes no arguments.

bindControllers(app: Express, ...clazz: Function[]) - the 'main' function that 'connects' the router(s) class(es) to the Express application's instance.

  • app: Express - Express application's instance (eg. const app = express()).
  • ...clazz: Function[] - (rest-parameters style) router class(es) decorated with @Root and @Path/@Use (see example).
