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466 lines (390 loc) · 24.5 KB

File metadata and controls

466 lines (390 loc) · 24.5 KB

Change Log

4.2.2 (Nov 8)

  • compatible with vscode 1.62
  • CustomEditor save action should no longer get swallowed by the webview in some cases
  • Workbench should now properly open command prompt even if a webview is opened in the editor
  • TextEditor and CustomEditor now have a saveAs method
  • TextEditor typeText has been split to:
    • typeText - types text at current coordinates
    • typeTextAt - types text at given coordinates
  • All methods that perform a lookup of editors by title now use the same locator to retrieve the title
  • TextEditor can now search for CodeLens objects
  • ContentAssist now scrolls through its entire list to find items with getItem or hasItem methods
  • Replaced request with got as the library that downloads files
    • no more deprecation warnings
    • reports download progress every 2 seconds

4.2.1 (Oct 12)

  • compatibility with vscode 1.61
  • StatusBarItem lookup by title is now performed by visible label for all versions of vscode
  • DefaultTreeSection method findItem no longer loops indefinitely when depth parameter is used and item does not exist within the given depth
  • Notification page object now has an expand method
    • when calling getSource a notification is now expanded automatically (usually the source would be hidden unless expanded)
  • CustomEditor page object added to service the custom editor & custom text editor extension points
  • ChromeDriver should now start properly even if the vscode binary's path is too long for its liking on mac
  • VSBrowser#openResources should now work properly with insider stream on mac

4.2.0 (Sep 3)

  • compatibility with vscode 1.60
  • changes to opening folders and files
    • api-handler extension is retired
    • native module is now deprecated and will be removed as well
    • VSBrowser now has a new method openResources which can open files or folders from multiple paths at the same time
    • Files > Simple Dialog setting is now enabled by default (no more native open dialogs)
  • Window > Dialog Style setting is set to custom by default (modal dialogs are no longer native)
  • first attempt to handle the native title bar on MacOS
    • new class MacTitleBar, allows to select an item from the top menu, e.g. select('File', 'New File')
    • it might not be particularly stable yet
  • TreeSection when openItem can't find an item, the available items in the error message will be sorted alphabetically

4.1.2 (Aug 6)

  • compatibility with vscode 1.59
  • LinkSetting error messages updated to indicate getValue and setValue are not available
  • TerminalView's executeCommand now waits for the command to finish before resolving, with optional timeout
  • BottomBar open methods should now work when repeatedly switching tabs back and forth
  • updated most dependencies

4.1.1 (Jul 14)

  • ViewSection now has moreActions method to open the More Actions context menu if available
  • ViewPanelAction's getLabel method is now async, returns Promise<string> instead of a static string
  • TreeSection's openItem now lists available items on given segment of the path if the item could not be found
  • CustomTreeItem now has getDescription method
  • TreeSection's findItem now waits for the item container to load if called directly after opening the view
  • changes to WebView:
    • now checks for both pre and post vscode 1.56 versions of web view when switching to frame (some people seem to be able to still summon both versions)
    • finds the proper web view to switch to when multiple iframes are present on screen
    • allows a few seconds for the web view to load before switching to the iframe
  • StatusBar's getItem now works with vscode 1.58, altough sligtly altered
    • 1.58 no longer exposes the title of the item (the one that appears when hovering over it), instead label is used (the one that is visible on status bar)

4.1.0 (Jun 16)

  • we are now compatible with vscode 1.56 and 1.57
    • workspace security is disabled by default to keep backwards compatibility, you can enable it with a custom setting if you desire
  • new flag -f or --offline has been added for folks who need to run tests on a disconnected machine:
    • will not attempt to download anything, or access anything on the internet when running
    • needs all the requirements neatly prepared beforehand
  • when checking vscode manifest, master branch was replaced with main
    • also if the connection fails, tries to check manifest from an existing vscode
  • Debugging support:
    • added new page objects DebugView for the sidebar view Run/Debug and DebugToolbar for the floating debug controls
    • added functionality to toggle breakpoints in text editor
    • DebugConsoleView can now evaluate expressions and use ContentAssist
  • Text Editor additions:
    • methods to find & select text
    • get text selection as a page object (i.e. to open context menu on)
    • get selected text as string
    • get the line number of a given text
    • open the Find Widget
      • new page object FindWidget
      • lets you search and replace to your heart's content

4.0.3 (Apr 29)

  • tree items now have an expand method
  • simple file dialog should now be less likely to mess up the absolute path input
  • StatusBar now has methods to find generic status items
    • getItems to find all status items
    • getItem(title) to find an item by title (the title that pops up when you hover over the item)
  • analogically, EditorView and EditorGroup now have methods to find their respective action buttons on the tab row
    • getActions to find all action buttons
    • getAction(title) to find a button by title
  • DebugConsoleView now supports getText to return all its current text
  • WebView now supports the new iframe based implementation for future vscode releases

4.0.2 (Mar 24)

  • move to a new download URL for VS Code, old one got shut down

4.0.1 (Mar 3)

  • fix logLevel always defaulting to info when running tests from the API
  • increased the timeout for the browser to start
  • the stdout log now prints messages when the browser is starting and how long it took to start
  • all context menus now should wait for their items to load before returning control
  • items in the ActivityBar needed a fixup and some APIs had to be broken:
    • string based contructors are gone for ActionsControl and ViewControl
    • ActivityBar methods getViewControl and getGlobalAction are now async so error handling works properly on them
    • ActionsControl and ViewControl method getTitle is now async and reflects the dynamic changes to the title
    • fixed ActivityBar searching for ActionsControl items in the ViewControl container

4.0.0 (Feb 25)

Breaking changes

  • ExTester API has been revamped:
    • the 'telescope' argument pattern has been replaced with interfaces using optional parameters
    • methods with lots of arguments (arg1, arg2, arg3...) replaced with ({argX: value,...}) so you don't need to type out every argument in the correct order
    • check out the readme and the wiki for more info on migrating to 4.x

Fixes and improvements

  • notifications with types other than info should now be correctly recognized
  • dissmiss notification will now wait for the button to appear before trying to click it
  • --mocha_config CLI flag now correctly displays it wants a value
  • removed dependency on a github repo, should help with running behind a proxy
  • context menu for TextEditor now works with latest versions of vscode
  • vsce binary is now found on the correct path when the project supplies its own .bin folder

New Features

  • view sections now support welcome content (the content that shows when the section is empty)
    • findWelcomeContent method added to ViewSection that returns a WelcomeContentSection object (if it exists)
  • tree items now have a getTooltip method, returns the contents of the tooltip that appears on hover
  • TextEditor now has getCoordinates method (technically it is now made public), returns coordinates as [x, y] number array
  • TreeItem#hasChildren now actually checks if the item has children (not just if it is expandable, because there are expandable items without children)
  • TreeItem now has isExpandable method, that just checks if the item can be expanded (basically what hasChildren used to do)

3.2.6 (Feb 10)

  • now compatible with vscode 1.53
  • navigating through the top menu now waits for the whole context menu to load before clicking, slower but more robust
  • searching for a setting in the settings editor now also waits for the page to finish loading
  • simple file dialog should now be less likely to randomly 'correct' the file path on confirm
  • fixed wrong file name with the vscode-insiders archive
  • screenshot capture file names have been sanitized, should no longer error when your test cases contain certain characters

3.2.5 (Jan 20)

  • error message is now included in the log when screenshot capture fails
  • tentative fix for unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist on launch
  • new page object ModalDialog, handles custom style modal dialogs (accessible from vscode 1.50.0 onward via a setting)


  • fix URL for vscode version check

3.2.3 + Page Objects 1.3.0 (Nov 30)

  • runTests and setupAndRun methods from ExTester API now properly wait for mocha to finish running before resolving
  • runTests and setupAndRun now return mocha's exit code instead of void
  • ExtensionViewItem#install now by default waits for the installation to finish before resolving
    • timeout can be passed as argument
    • passing in a zero timeout will skip the wait
  • Menu#select will now wait for the appropriate menu item to be enabled before clicking it
    • this should fix some menus getting stuck after an item is clicked, with no effect
  • InputBox should now properly type in paths into Simple file dialog on unix systems
    • if confirming the dialog doesn't in fact confirm it, make sure to use paths that end with a trailing path separator
  • DialogHandler#getOpenDialog now has a variable delay to wait before trying to get the native dialog
    • note this is still a hard wait, this change is meant to give some people the ability to use longer waits on slower machines

3.2.2 + Page Objects 1.2.5 (Oct 29)

  • webdriver logs are now collected and saved by default to your test resource folder as test.log
    • default log level is INFO
    • use the -l or --log_level <level> option to change the logging level
  • notifications are now constructed directly from a WebElement instance, so they are no longer bound by notification's index
    • this changes the notifications' constructors, but hopefully nobody has been using those anyway
  • increased the required versions for submodules to their latest, so it should enforce their update as well when updating the main module

3.2.1 + Page Objects 1.2.3 (Oct 6)

  • not using yarn flag -y for setup now automatically adds --no-yarn flag to vsce package step
    • meaning even if vsce detects yarn on your system, use -y to use yarn, npm is used as default
  • fixed terminal view locators for vscode 1.49
  • the abstract Editor class is now also available in the API
  • getFileUri method added to TextEditor in case you need a URI, not just a path
  • toggleAllQuickPicks method added to Input boxes
    • use to select/deselect all quick picks when multi-selection is enabled
  • ViewSection#openItem now only returns ViewItem[], void is no longer

3.2.0 + Page Objects 1.2.2 (Aug 24)

  • added a new CLI command and an API method to install extensions from marketplace by id
    • install-from-marketplace id1 id2 ... from CLI
    • installFromMarketplace('id') from ExTester API
  • updated page objects to work with vscode 1.48.x (mainly SCM view)
    • note that sections in Extensions view have changed their titles

Page Objects 1.2.1 (Jul 28)

  • fixed a few issues related to tree items in the side bar view
    • fixed getChildItems always searching for children of the first item with a given name, rather than the one it's been called from
    • getLabel now properly return the actual label of the tree item and as such is now async
    • TreeSection openItem should no longer fail when recursively expanding tree items
    • tree items constructors now take a WebElement as their first argument, instead of a string (but noone calls those directly anyway)

3.1.0 + Page Objects 1.2.0 (Jul 14)

  • The backwards compatibility support is being changed:
    • only the latest 5 minor versions of vscode are now being supported and tested
    • older version will still most likely work, but no further effort will be invested into them


  • vscode 1.47.x support
    • a new implementation of SCM View is now available
  • basic support for input boxes with title bars
    • title lookup
    • back button
  • new flag -i or --install-depenencies is now available
    • when used, extension tester will scan the extension dependencies and install them from marketplace


  • fixed weird chromedriver permissions for UNIX systems
  • project can now be compiled using latest typescript version

3.0.2 + Page Objects 1.1.1 (Jun 11)

  • fix SyntaxError: manifest.json by switching to new vscode branch naming
  • vscode 1.46.0 compatibility
    • context menu opening updated to be more robust
  • EditorView#openEditor loose promise now properly awaited
  • methods returning Promise<T | void> now return Promise<T | undefined> for more convenience

Page Objects 1.1.0 (Jun 2)

  • Added EditorTab object to handle open editor tabs (including opening context menus)
  • Removed title from Editor constructor
    • Title retrieval now works properly when the title changes
    • Editor#getTitle is now async, returns Promise
  • Added ScmView object to handle the Source Control view
  • Added findQuickPick method to Input objects
    • use to scroll through a quick pick list to a given label/index
    • returns Promise<QuickPickItem>
  • Input#selectQuickPick now scrolls through the list if the given label/index item is not visible
  • Check out the PageObjects wiki page for more info

3.0.1 (May 20)

  • This was supposed to be part of 3.0.0, but I didn't notice the problem (sorry about that)
  • Breaking:
    • Native module is no longer re-exported by the main module
    • To use native handlers, import the corresponding types directly from vscode-extension-tester-native
    • You now officially don't need the native module to compile

3.0.0 (May 6)


  • extension tester has been split into modules:
    • main module vscode-extension-tester
    • page objects monaco-page-objects
      • included as a dependency of the main module
      • updates will be independent to the main module
      • can now possibly be used in a different monaco based editor (like Theia)
    • locators vscode-extension-tester-locators
      • included as a dependency of the main module
      • updates will be independent to the main module (new versions of vscode won't require upversions of the main module)
    • native handler vscode-extension-tester-native
      • native dialog handler is split from the main module and not included as a dependency
      • if you use native dialogs, you need to install this package to your project

TL;DR Migration

  • upversion vscode-extension-tester to 3.0.0, make sure package-lock.json is generated properly
  • if you are using native dialogs, also npm install vscode-extension-tester-native
  • API is still the same
  • minor/micro updates to dependent modules can now happen without updating the main module

2.6.2 (April 28)

  • fix errors on launch due to botched 2.6.1 release

2.6.1 (April 27)


  • vsce no longer needs to be installed globally when running commands from vscode terminal
  • path to insider build on mac has been fixed
  • stable and insider builds of vscode can now be cached at the same time
  • switching between stable and insider stream testing no longer requires users to manually delete the cache folder
  • ReleaseQuality enum is now propely exported for usage within the API

2.6.0 (April 16)

New Features

  • VS Code 1.44.x support
    • QuickOpenBox is no longer used beginning with this version, the class is still present for backwards compatibility
    • vscode from now on indexes quick picks starting with 0 instead of 1
  • Universal support for VS Code insider versions
    • cli now properly supports the -t flag for all commands, use -t insider to use insiders build (note that insider builds use the x.y.z-insider versioning scheme when choosing a version to test)
    • Extester API has been changed: instead of each method taking the release stream (stable/insider) as parameter, the constructor is now parametrized. This means you need a different instance for stable and insider builds when using the API


  • some 'floating' async operations are now properly awaited
  • the cli commands now properly set a non-zero exit code when an error occurs

2.5.1 (March 26)

  • fixed Input#getQuickPicks getting stuck on items that are not visible
  • install-vsix command now supports both local paths and remote URLs for .vsix files

2.5.0 (March 20)

New Features

  • new flag -e added to specify VSCode extension folder
  • support for diff editor
  • support for editor groups in EditorView
  • VS Code 1.43.x support

2.4.0 (February 6)

New Features

  • Webview support - added new page object WebView (a subtype of Editor)
    • use the switchToFrame and switchBack methods to switch contexts between the web view container and the default window
    • use the findWebElement and findWebElements once switched into the web view container


  • Input's clear and setText methods should now properly work when the cursor is not at the end of the displayed text
  • EditorView's openEditor method now returns the correct subtype of Editor
  • The runner should no longer try to load a default Mocha configuration file if it doesn't exist

2.3.0 (January 22)

  • we are no longer using java to handle the native dialogs
    • recommend updating nodejs to at least version 11 when using this framework
    • for those trying to build this project, we now also require a c/c++ compiler to do so

New Features

  • VS Code 1.41.x support
  • macOS native open dialog implemented (finally)
  • Mocha runner can now be configured using configuration files - more details in the wiki
  • QuickPickItem#getText has been replaced with 2 new methods - getLabel and getDescription
    • getLabel now returns the label getText used to
    • getDescription returns the description on the right of the label if it exists
    • getText is now the default webdriver method that returns all text found in the element


  • Error: stdout maxBuffer length exceeded in mac now fixed
  • Input#getText and Input#clearText should now work on mac
  • runTests command should now also have the API-handler available
  • Notification#dismiss should no longer throw an error on some VS Code versions
  • Input#selectQuickPick fixed on windows
  • the project's own test suite is now runnable on macOS (though tests using context menus are skipped)

2.2.0 (December 9)

New Features

  • -u flag added to commands that run the tests
    • use this flag to uninstall the extension after the test run
    • adequate changes made to the API (argument added to the corresponding methods)
  • small api-handler extension has been added for easier workspace manipulation
    • adds 3 new commands to VS Code: Extest: Open File, Extest: Open Folder, Extest: Add Folder to Workspace
    • use these commands to open files or folders without the need for native dialogs
  • static create method added to InputBox and QuickOpenBox
    • method waits for the underlying DOM element to be generated, then creates a new page object instance
    • use this method to safely instantiate either class


  • run-tests command should now properly pass the custom settings file
  • problem marker lookup should no longer fail when the marker text contains special characters
  • methods that handled text via clipboard should now clean after themselves
    • fixes a situation where values from one method could slip into another through the clipboard
  • Input#getText should no longer return empty string
  • Getting Started page should no longer open in a browser for older versions of vscode

2.1.1 (November 25)


  • Installing the extension from vsix now works when the location contains spaces.

2.1.0 (November 12)


  • Extension item lookup no longer returns only the first item in the list
  • TextEditor#toggleContentAssist should no longer get stuck when closing the assistant
  • ContentAssist item retrieval should no longer get stuck when no suggestions are available
  • Fix unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist on chrome start


  • --extensionDevelopmentPath flag removed from launch, since a vsix file is being used instead
  • Menu items lookup changed to be more robust
  • ContentAssist items lookup updated in accordance to menu items
  • TextEditor#toggleContentAssist will now wait for the content assist to finish loading
  • Removed the wait period from the end of the test suite

Minor API Changes

  • MenuItem#getLabel is now async (returns Promise<string>)
  • ExtensionsViewItem#getTitle is now async (returns Promise<string>)
  • Menu#getItem now returns Promise<undefined> when the item was not found


  • Support for VS Code 1.40.x locators
  • -y / --yarn flag added to setup commands and API to allow packaging extensions with yarn instead of npm

2.0.3 (October 18)

  • Locators from multiple versions will now do a proper deep merging
  • Updated button locators for VS Code version 1.39.x

2.0.2 (October 1)

  • Fixed missing dependency

2.0.1 (October 1)

  • Fixed open dialogs not working properly with different keyboard layouts
  • Fixed ExtensionsViewSection not handling extensions with spaces properly

2.0.0 (September 24)

Major (Breaking) changes

  • the extension under test is now packed and installed into VS Code, instead of launching from source
  • the mechanism for locating elements has been replaced with a new one that supports dynamic locator loading
    • locators are now based off VS Code 1.37.0
    • other versions may now be added by providing a diff file
  • ViewSection renamed to TreeSection, added support for other view types


  • Side bar support now includes Explorer View, Extensions View and custom tree views
  • Remaining components have now been covered with tests
  • Failed tests now automatically take a screenshot of the current browser state
    • the screenshots are saved into the storage directory (default test-resources/screenshots)

1.3.0 (August 21 2019)

This release was focused mostly on bugfixes and test coverage.


  • travis build was added with an initial test suite
  • example project is now included
  • many components have been covered with tests
  • moveCursor moved into a separate methoc for text editor
  • clearText method added to text editor
  • clearFilter method added to problems view


  • EditorView#openEditorTab renamed to openEditor


  • the framework should now launch properly on windows and mac as well as linux
  • several windows specific errors have been corrected
  • many components have had their locators updated to match latest VS Code

1.2.0 (July 15 2019)


  • terminal view actions
  • title retrieval methods for objects
  • getChildren method for tree views
  • close method for context menus
  • add error checks for input box
  • add password check for input box
  • experimental OpenDialog for basic handling of native open file/folder dialogs
  • ViewItem buttons support
  • SettingsEditor added for handling the VS Code settings
  • add the ability to pass in custom settings file for VS Code as json


  • typedoc removed from the repo due to diff pollution, still available to generate locally


  • timeouts for runner launching/exiting VS Code increased to 15 seconds (was 2 seconds)
  • prepack script added, no more botched releases
  • retrieval of element collections has been synchronized, fixes stale element references
  • updated locators for new version of VS Code
  • combo handling for bottom bar views now works again

1.1.1 (April 25 2019)

The first release to include page object APIs:

  • Title Bar
  • Context Menus
  • Action Bar
  • Side Bar Views (explorer)
  • Bottom Bar Views
  • Text Editor
  • Status Bar
  • Input Box and Command Palette
  • Notifications