All of the code is in the src
folder. It requires the dotnet 8 SDK to run.
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file to %LocalAppData%/ParticularSoftware
. You may need to restart VS (or potentially your PC) for the license file to be picked up. This will be required NSB monitoring.
The underlying data source for outbox events uses SQL Server. Before you can run the OutboxPatternDemo.MedicalRecords/Bookings apps, you need to create a local database called OutboxPatternDemo
First, verify that Entity Framework is installed:
# install + update Entity Framework tool
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
Then, run the following commands from a PowerShell terminal in the src/OutboxPatternDemo.MedicalRecords
# create contexts
dotnet ef database update --context MedicalRecordContext
dotnet ef database update --context CustomOutboxContext
and the following commands from the src/OutboxPatternDemo.Bookings
# create contexts
dotnet ef database update --context DuplicateKeyContext
First, verify that Entity Framework is installed:
# install + update Entity Framework tool
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
# create contexts
dotnet ef migrations add <migrationname> --context MedicalRecordContext
dotnet ef migrations add <migrationname> --context CustomOutboxContext
# create contexts
dotnet ef migrations add <migrationname> --context DuplicateKeyContext