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Section 3: Variables & Scope

Eric Beug edited this page Dec 8, 2017 · 21 revisions

Section 3: Variables / Scope


We've talked about some built in variables that we have available to us, but wouldn't it be neat if we could make our own variables? Turns out we can. Variables are a way that we can reserve a small part of the computer's memory to store data. We reserve a name for it in our program so that we can either refer back to it, and in some cases even modify it's value later on. TODO (make this section actually factual)

In computer programming, a variable or scalar is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name (an identifier), which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value. The variable name is the usual way to reference the stored value; this separation of name and content allows the name to be used independently of the exact information it represents. The identifier in computer source code can be bound to a value during run time, and the value of the variable may thus change during the course of program execution.

Variables in programming may not directly correspond to the concept of variables in mathematics. The value of a computing variable is not necessarily part of an equation or formula as in mathematics. In computing, a variable may be employed in a repetitive process — assigned a value in one place, then used elsewhere, then reassigned a new value and used again in the same way (see iteration). Variables in computer programming are frequently given long names to make them relatively descriptive of their use, whereas variables in mathematics often have terse, one- or two-character names for brevity in transcription and manipulation. - Wikipedia

Because p5js is javascript, we get to use javascript syntax for declaring and using our variables. Something that is unique to scripting languages like javascript is that when we declare variables, we don't necessarily have to worry about what data type the variable is.

  • Declarations
    • var
      • var is for declaring variables of any type in the global scope of our program – this means anywhere outside of our setup() and draw() functions as well as any functions that we might create on our own.
    • let
      • let is the same as var, but it is for declaring variabes inside local functions – meaning, if we declare a variable inside of the draw loop, it is important to declare it using let instead of var. We'll go into this in more detail in the next section.
    • const
      • Const is kind of a special variable that we may not use very much in this class. Unlike var and let, once defined, const is not updatable. These are special variables that if we know that for some reason we always want to define use a fixed value by name we can.
declaration name of variable = value to be stored
var x = 99;
let y = "ninty-nine";
const z = "99";
var x = 99;
const z = "99";

function setup(){
  let y = "ninety-nine";

function draw(){
Uncaught ReferenceError: y is not defined
  at draw (section_3b.js:11)
  at p5.redraw (p5.js:50266)
  at p5.<anonymous> (p5.js:44917)
  at p5.<anonymous> (p5.js:44812)
  at new p5 (p5.js:45103)
  at _globalInit (p5.js:46862)
  • Data Types W3Schools Reference on Javascript Data Types
    • intergers: can be any whole number, no decimals, we can declare them as such:
      • var x = 2; var some_year = 1983;
      • let y = 5; let some_year = 300;
      • const z = 26; const my_favorite_number = 711;
    • float: can be any number, with decimal places var/let/const x = 23.97
    • string: can be any letter/character or phrase/characters Note the quotation marks around the contents when we declare strings below
      • var s = "a" or let message = "Hello World!"
      • "<div id='my_div'> <p>Hello World!</p> <p>My favorite color is green!</p> </div>"
        • tricky thing to note, is that a string can be a number: var s = "37"
        • even trickier, if you use math on an interger and a string, javascript will treat the number as a string.
    • boolean: True or False statements – we'll talk more about these.
var logical_test_1 = "true";	//string 
var logical_test_2 = 1;		//integer
var logical_test_3 = true;	//bool 
var logical_test_4 = "false";	//string 
var logical_test_5 = 0;		//integer 
var logical_test_6 = false;	//bool 
  • arrays
  • how the DOM intereperets

Scope of Declaration

  • global scope
    • When we declare a variable with global scope, that means we are giving every part of our program access to that variable.
  • local scope

Why be restricted? Full Page Canvas as Background

To create a canvas that fills your webpage and stays in the background, add this to your code:

var canvas;  // declare canvas globally so you can use it everywhere

function setup() {
  canvas = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
  canvas.position(0,0);           // put the canvas at the top'z-index', '-1');  // put it behind the page content

Section 3 Extra Credit: Commenting out

You may have noticed me doing this a little already... any time two slashes are used, everything after it will be commented out.

  • //this is a comment it could also look like this: //var my_variable = 100;
  • var my_variable = 400; //this is a comment that starts after valid code
  • comments can also span multiple lines:
var my_variable = "I am a string, not a comment!";

/*  <-- begins a comment block
                nothing will get excecuted here.                 
ends the comment --> */

var my_other_variable = "I am totally variable!";
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