Using React hooks inside Svelte components.
Because React doesn't have a synchronous render (by-design), the initial value of the store will be undefined
The hooks()
function uses Svelte lifecycle functions, so you can only call the function during component initialization.
<script lang="ts">
import { hooks } from "svelte-preprocess-react";
const store = hooks(() => useState(0));
{#if $store}
{@const [count, setCount] = $store}
<h2>Count: {count}</h2>
<button onclick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+</button>
What is returned from the hook becomes the value of the store, so to calling multiple hooks is fine, but the rules of hooks still apply.
const store = hooks(() => {
const multiplier = useContext(MultiplierContext);
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return {
multiply: () => setCount(count * multiplier),
reset: () => setCount(0),
function onReset() {