A discord bot to make joke prompts for my improv troupe's discord.
To Run this on your own discord server you only need to follow a few steps
1: Download this source code (and make any changes or improvements you see fit!)
2: Create an account and a server at https://discord.com/ if you don't have one already.
3: Create a new application at https://discord.com/developers/applications
4: Create a bot and save the token that is generated for it.
5: Fill out your desired permissions in the OAuth2 tab, and to the URL that is generated. For this application to work, you will need send message and read message history permissions. This will get your bot added to your server.
6: Create your own local config.py variables with your own GUILD (server), and TOKEN information.
7: Run your bot locally using python and you should be able to get a joke in your server by typing 'prompt'.