This repository contains a collection of ansible playbooks for quick bigchaindb node deployment and orchestration.
- Installation of BigchainDB
- Adding and configuring users
- Mongodb installation
- Specified python version installation
- Tendermint installation
- BigchainDB installation and configuration
- Enabling and activating services
- Nginx configuration
- Connecting nodes into a network
- Requires ssh connection to a sudoer/root
- Currently works/tested on Ubuntu 18.04 only
- Inspect ./vars/install-config.yml and edit settings if required. Pay close attention to nginx section if you need it. Nginx config disabled by default.
- Add list of hosts and optional per host variables to ./hosts/all file.
- cd into playbook directory.
- run with
ansible-playbook install.yml -i hosts/all --extra-vars "top_dir=$(pwd)"
in bash shell. - Wait for all plays to complete
Bigchaindb should be now available on port 9984 or port 80 if nginx is up.
This is basically a collection of shell snippets, ansible people are more then welcome to pick at it.