Access to input field values:
(field <field-designator> [<shift>] [<default-value>])
(f <field-designator> [<shift>] [<default-value>])
(fields <field-designator> ... <field-designator-n>)
(random-field-value <field-designator>)
(weighted-random-field-value <field-designator>)
(ensure-value <field-designator>)
(ensure-weighted-value <field-designator>)
All fields in a row:
(all-but <field-designator> ... <field-designator-n>)
(all-with-defaults <field-designator-0> <field-value-0>
<field-designator-1> <field-value-1>
<field-designator-n> <field-value-n>)
(all-with-numeric-default ["mean" "median" "minimum" "maximum" <number>]
Row properties:
(row-number) ;; current row number, 0-based
Field properties:
(bin-center <field-designator> <bin-number>) ;; number
(bin-count <field-designator> <bin-number>) ;; number
(category-count <field-designator> <category>) ;; number
(maximum <field-designator>) ;; number
(mean <field-designator>) ;; number
(median <field-designator>) ;; number
(minimum <field-designator>) ;; number
(missing? <field-designator> [<shift>]) ;; boolean
(missing-count <field-designator>) ;; number
(preferred? <field-designator>) ;; boolean
(population <field-designator>) ;; integer
(sum <field-designator>) ;; number
(sum-squares <field-designator>) ;; number
(variance <field-designator>) ;; number
(standard-deviation <field-designator>) ;; number
(normalize <id> [<from> <to>]) ;; [from to] defaults to [0, 1]
(z-score <id>)
Percentiles and population:
(percentile <field-designator> <fraction>) ;; number
(population-fraction <field-designator> <fraction>) ;; integer
(within-percentiles? <field-designator> <lower> <upper>) ;; boolean
(percentile-label <field-designator> <label-0> ... <label-n>)
(segment-label <field-designator>
<label-1> <bound-1>
<label-n-1> <bound-n-1>
(segment-label <field-designator> <label-1> <label-2> ... <label-n>)
Vectorize categorical and text fields:
(vectorize <field-designator> [<max-fields>])
(contains-items? <field-designator> <item0> ... <itemn>)
(equal-to-items? <field-designator> <item0> ... <itemn>)
(row-distance <list-of-field-values> [<list-of-field-values> <weights>])
(row-distance-squared <list-of-field-values> [<list-of-field-values> <weights>])
Conversion of any value to a string:
(str <sexp0> ...) ;; string
(subs <string> <start> [<end>]) ;; string
(matches? <string> <regex-string>) ;; boolean
(re-quote <string>) ;; regexp that matches <string> literally
(replace <string> <regexp> <replacement>) ;; string
(replace-first <string> <regexp> <replacement>) ;; string
(length <string>) ;; integer
(join <list of string> <sep-string>) ;; string
(levenshtein <str-sexp0> <str-sexp1>) ;; number
(occurrences <string> <term> [<case-insensitive?> <lang>]) ;; number
(language <string>) ;; ["en", "es", "ca", "nl"]
(md5 <string>) ;; string of length 32
(sha1 <string>) ;; string of length 40
(sha256 <string>) ;; string of length 64
Arithmetic operators:
+ - * / div mod
Relational operators:
< <= > >= = !=
Logical operators:
and or not
Mathematical functions:
(zero? <x>)
(even? <x>)
(odd? <x>)
(abs <x>) ;; Absolute value
(acos <x>)
(asin <x>)
(atan <x>)
(ceil <x>)
(cos <x>) ;; <x> := radians
(cosh <x>)
(exp <x>) ;; Exponential
(floor <x>)
(ln <x>) ;; Natural logarithm
(log <x>) ;; Natural logarithm
(log2 <x>) ;; Base-2 logarithm
(log10 <x>) ;; Base-10 logarithm
(max <x0> ... <xn>)
(min <x0> ... <xn>)
(mod <n> <m>) ;; Modulus
(div <n> <m>) ;; Integer division (quotient)
(pow <x> <n>)
(rand) ;; a random double in [0, 1)
(rand-int <n>) ;; a random integer in [0, n) or (n, 0]
(round <x>)
(sin <x>) ;; <x> := radians
(sinh <x>)
(sqrt <x>)
(square <x>) ;; (* <x> <x>)
(tan <x>) ;; <x> := radians
(tanh <x>)
(to-degrees <x>) ;; <x> := radians
(to-radians <x>) ;; <x> := degrees
(linear-regression <x1> <y1> ... <xn> <yn>) ;; slope, intercept, pearson
(chi-square-p-value <degrees of freedom> <value>)
Basic t-norms
(tnorm-min <f1> <f2>) ;; Minimum t-norm. Also called the Gödel t-norm.
(tnorm-product <f1> <f2>) ;; Product t-norm. The ordinary product of real numbers.
(tnorm-lukasiewicz <f1> <f2>) ;; Łukasiewicz t-norm.
(tnorm-drastic <f1> <f2>) ;; Drastic t-norm
(tnorm-nilpotent-min <f1> <f2>) ;; Nilpotent minimum t-norm
(tconorm-max <f1> <f2>) ;; Maximum t-norm. Dual to the minimum t-norm, is the smallest t-conorm.
(tconorm-probabilistic <f1> <f2>) ;; Probabilistic t-norm. It's dual to the product t-norm.
(tconorm-bounded <f1> <f2>) ;; Bounded t-norm. It'ss dual to the Łukasiewicz t-norm.
(tconorm-drastic <f1> <f2>) ;; Drastic t-conorm. It's dual to the drastic t-norm.
(tconorm-nilpotent-max <f1> <f2>) ;; Nilpotent maximum t-conorm. It's dual to the nilpotent minumum.
(tconorm-einstein-sum <f1> <f2>) ;; Einstein t-conorm. It's a dual to one of the Hamacher t-norms.
Parametric t-conorms:
(tconorm-max <f1> <f2>) ;; Maximum t-norm. Dual to the minimum t-norm, is the smallest t-conorm.
(tconorm-probabilistic <f1> <f2>) ;; Probabilistic t-norm. It's dual to the product t-norm.
(tconorm-bounded <f1> <f2>) ;; Bounded t-norm. It'ss dual to the Łukasiewicz t-norm.
(tconorm-drastic <f1> <f2>) ;; Drastic t-conorm. It's dual to the drastic t-norm.
(tconorm-nilpotent-max <f1> <f2>) ;; Nilpotent maximum t-conorm. It's dual to the nilpotent minumum.
(tconorm-einstein-sum <f1> <f2>) ;; Einstein t-conorm. It's a dual to one of the Hamacher t-norms.
(integer <sexp>) ;; integer
(real <sexp>) ;; real
;; (integer true) = 1, (integer false) = 0
Functions taking a number representing the epoch, i.e., the number of milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970.
(epoch-year <n>) ;; number
(epoch-month <n>) ;; number
(epoch-week <n>) ;; number
(epoch-day <n>) ;; number
(epoch-weekday <n>) ;; number
(epoch-hour <n>) ;; number
(epoch-minute <n>) ;; number
(epoch-second <n>) ;; number
(epoch-millisecond <n>) ;; number
(epoch-fields <n>) ;; list of numbers
Any string can be coerced to an epoch:
(epoch <string> [<format>])
(if <cond> <then> [<else>])
(cond <cond0> <then0>
<cond1> <then1>
... ...
For example:
(cond (> (f "000001") (mean "000001")) "above average"
(= (f "000001") (mean "000001")) "below average"
Local variables:
(let <bindings> <body>)
<bindings> := (<varname0> <val0> ... <varnamen> <valn>)
<body> := <expression with varname0 ... varnamen>
For example:
(let (x (+ (window "a" -10 10))
a (/ (* x 3) 4.34)
y (if (< a 10) "Good" "Bad"))
(list x (str (f 10) "-" y) a y))
Creation and elememt access:
(list <sexp-0> ... <sexp-n>) ;; list of given values
(cons <head> <tail>) ;; list
(head <list>) ;; first element
(tail <list>) ;; list sans first element
(nth <list> <n>) ;; 0-based nth element
(take <list> <n>) ;; take first <n> elements
(drop <list> <n>) ;; drop first <n> elements
(drop <list> <from> <to>) ;; elements in range [from to)
(in <value> <list>) ;; boolean
Properties of lists:
(count <list>) ;; (count (list (f 1) (f 2))) => 2
(max <list>) ;; (max (list -1 2 -2 0.38)) => 2
(min <list>) ;; (min (list -1.3 2 1)) => -1.3
(avg <list>) ;; (avg (list -1 -2 1 2 0.8 -0.8)) => 0
(list-median <list>) ;; (list-median (list -1 -2 1 2 0.8 -0.8) => 1
(mode <list>) ;; (mode (list a b b c b a c c c)) => "c"
List transformations:
(map <fn> (list <a0> <a1> ... <an>))
(filter <fn> (list <a0> ... <an>))
(reverse <list>)
(sort <list>) ;; sorts, in increasing order, a list of values
Field lists and windows:
(fields <field-designator> ... <field-designator-n>)
(window <field-designator> <start> <end> [<padding-value>])
(diff-window <fdes> <start> <end>) ;; differences of consecutive values
(cond-window <fdes> <sexp>) ;; values that satisfy boolean sexp
;; sum of values
(window-sum <field-designator> <start> <end> [<padding-value>])
;; mean of values
(window-mean <field-designator> <start> <end> [<padding-value>])
;; mode of values
(window-mode <field-designator> <start> <end> [<padding-value>])
;; median of values
(window-median <field-designator> <start> <end> [<padding-value>])
(cell <cell-name> <default-value>)
(set-cell <cell-name> <value>)