This package provides a python interface to the local JS Flatline interpreter, allowing checking Flatline Lisp and JSON s-expressions for correctnes and applying them to local dataset samples to generate new fields.
Typically, you will use the functions in this package to experiment in your computer with the data transformations and filters you plan to eventually execute in BigML servers, after you're satisfied with the results of your explorations on small data samples.
The bridge uses nodejs under the rug, and hence needs it to be installed in your system as a prerequisite.
With that in place, you can use
script for installing this
package in the usual way. For instance
$ python develop
will perform an in-place installation, possibly in a local virtualenv (recommended):
$ virtualenv --distribute ~/.virtualenvs/flatline
$ workon flatline
$ python develop
We provide a sample notebook to
illustrate the workings of this library. To use them, install
ipython and jupyter with pip
$ pip install jupyter
then set up your BIGML enviroment variables for authentication:
$ export BIGML_USERNAME=<your user name>
$ export BIGML_API_KEY=<your api key>
and start the notebook server in the notebooks directory:
$ cd notebooks
$ jupyter notebook Flatline.ipynb