A web app for managing a 5 a side footy team.
Select the players using the checkboxes and it should output a balanced team for each side.
Coded using Python, HTML and Flask using grayscale bootstrap template
You can test this by installing this docker image and cloning this repo to replace the contents of the /app folder
docker pull tiangolo/meinheld-gunicorn-flask
docker run -t -i -e WEB_CONCURRENCY="1" -p 80:80 tiangolo/meinheld-gunicorn-flask
docker exec -it flask /bin/bash
rm -rf /app
mkdir app
cd app
git clone https://github.com/bignellrp/footyapp.git .
python3 services/generate_tokens.py > services/tokens.json
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
or if you're using Docker on Unraid add these parameters to the "Advanced View" of the add container page.
Repository: tiangolo/meinheld-gunicorn-flask
Extra Parameters: -e WEB_CONCURRENCY="1" -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED="1"
Post Arguments: ;sleep 2;docker start flaskpro;sleep 2;docker exec flaskpro bash -c "sleep 5;rm -rf /app/*;cd /app;git clone https://github.com/bignellrp/footyapp.git .;python3 services/generate_tokens.py > /tokens/tokens.json;pip3 install -r requirements.txt";docker restart flaskpro
Tokens(Custom Folder): Container Path: /tokens
This branch adds google sheets support to have the player list generated from a google sheet. Submit allows the user to push the results back to google sheets.
The score page allows the user to update the score from that weeks game.
To test the google sheet function you need to follow this guide to work with the google sheets api. For this you need to have the credentials (keys) json. Save the keys.json to the services folder.
If you prefer not to use google for the data checkout the static branch Note the static branch is now a few versions behind the latest.
In the latest version of the app a Discord helper bot is included that is integrated with the Flask webapp.
A guide for creating the bot can be found here
Save the token in the tokens.json file in the services folder.