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Interacting with JavaScript code

There are several ways to interact with the JavaScript world:

  • Dynamically
  • Using Emit attribute
  • Through a foreign interface
  • Special attributes

Dynamic programming

Fable.Core implements the F# dynamic operators so you can easily access an object property by name (without static check) as follows:

open Fable.Core

printfn "Value: %O" jsObject?myProperty

jsObject?myProperty <- 5 // Assignment is also possible

However, the F# compiler won't let you apply the property directly to other expressions. For that, use the $ operator and pass the arguments as a tuple.

open Fable.Core

let result = jsObject?myMethod $ (1, 2)

If you want to call the function with the new keyword, use Fable.Core.createNew instead.

open Fable.Core

let instance = createNew jsObject?method (1, 2)

And when you need to create JS object literals, use createObj:

open Fable.Core

let data =
    createObj [
        "todos" ==> Storage.fetch()
        "newTodo" ==> ""
        "editedTodo" ==> None
        "visibility" ==> "all"

The todomvc sample is a good example on how to program dynamically with Fable.

<<<<<<< HEAD

Automatic currying of functions

When you create a function at top level in F#, for example

open Fable.Core

let f1 a b = a + b
let callf1 = f1 2 5

this will be translated into a normal javascript function of two parameters and if called directly Fable will generate the obvious function call of two paramaters in javascript:

var f1 = function(a,b) { return a+b;}
var callf1 = f1(2,5);

But as soon as you do anything to the function, like passing it as a function or unspecified parameter, copying it, putting it into an object, or indeed if the function was defined within an inner scope, fable will generate a function of one parameter which produces a function of one parameter...

For example, when you create a function at top level in F#:

open Fable.Core

let f1 a b = a + b
let f1copy = f1
let callf1copy = f1 2 5


var f1 = function(a,b) {return a+b; }
var f1copy = function(a) { return function(b) { return a+b;};}
var callf1copy = f1copy(2)(5)

If you are working entirely within F#, this probably won't matter much. But if you are using the $ operator for dynamic access to javascript, or are passing F# defined methods into javascript callbacks or structures, you may have problems if the javascript expects a function of several parameters and you unwittingly provide a curried version ( see Foreign Interfaces below )

The workaround is to use delegates, typically by casting to Func<...> in the appropriate place. So:

open Fable.Core

let f1 a b = a + b

let [<Global>]jsstructure:obj = failwith "JS only" // a quick and dirty way 
 // of telling the compiler that jsstructure is a global variable in JS

jsstructure?callback1 <- f1 // produces curried version, probably not what you want
jsstructure?callback2 <- Func<_,_,_> f1 // converts f1 to delegate and wraps it // as normal function with multiple parameters

so we get:

jsstructure.callback1 = function (a) {
    return function (b) {
        return f1(a, b);

jsstructure.callback2 = function (delegateArg0, delegateArg1) {
    return f1(delegateArg0, delegateArg1);

e4758bb... Update to explain automatic currying. See issue #125.

Emit attribute

You can use the Emit attribute to decorate a function. Every call to the function will then be replaced inline by the content of the attribute with the placeholders $0, $1, $2... replaced by the arguments. For example, the following code will generate JavaScript as seen below.

open Fable.Core

[<Emit("$0 + $1")>]
let add (x: int) (y: string): float = failwith "JS only"

let result = add 1 "2"
var result = 1 + "2"

When you don't know the exact number of arguments you can use the following syntax:

type Test() =
    member __.Invoke([<ParamArray>] args: int[]): obj = failwith "JS only"

It's also possible to pass syntax conditioned to optional parameters.

type Test() =
    member __.Item with get(): float = failwith "JS only" and set(v: float): unit = failwith "JS only"

The content of Emit will actually be parsed by Babel so it will still be validated somehow. However, it's not advised to abuse this method, as the code in the template will remain obscure to Fable and may prevent some optimizations.

Foreign interfaces

Defining a foreign interface is trivial: just create a F# interface and the compiler will call its properties or methods by name. The tricky part is to tell the compiler where the objects should be retrieved from. Normally, they will be exposed as values of an imported module, so you just need to indicate the compiler where this module is coming from using the Import attribute (see below). For example, if you want to use string_decoder from node, just write:

module string_decoder =
    type NodeStringDecoder =
        abstract write: buffer: Buffer -> strings
        abstract detectIncompleteChar: buffer: Buffer -> float

    let StringDecoder: NodeStringDecoder = failwith "JS only"

If the module or value is globally accessible in JavaScript, you can use the Global attribute without parameters instead.

If a method accepts a lambda make sure to use System.Func in the signature to force the compiler uncurry any lambda passed as parameter.

A good starting point for foreign interfaces are Typescript definition files and there's a script to make the bulk work of translating the file into F#. You can install it from npm. See the README for more information.

npm install -g ts2fable

You can find common definitions already parsed here. Some of them are available in npm, just search for fable-import packages.

Import attribute

The Import attribute can be applied to modules, types and even functions. It will translate to [ES2015 import statements]import statement, which can be later transformed to commonjs, amd or umd imports by Babel.

// Namespace imports
[<Import("*", from="my-module")>]          // F#
import * from "my-module"                  // JS

// Member imports
[<Import("myFunction", from="my-module")>] // F#
import { myFunction } from "my-module"     // JS

// Default imports
[<Import("default", from="express")>]      // F#
import express from express                // JS

Special attributes

Besides Emit, Import and Global attributes, there are some attributes available in the Fable.Core namespace to ease the interaction with JS in some particular cases.

Erase attribute

In TypeScript there's a concept of Union Types which differs from union types in F#. The former are just used to statically check a function argument accepting different types. In Fable, they're translated as Erased Union Types whose cases must have one and only one single data field. After compilation, the wrapping will be erased and only the data field will remain. To define an erased union type, just attach the Erase attribute to the type. Example:

open Fable.Core

type MyErasedType =
    | String of string
    | Number of int

myLib.myMethod(String "test")

// JS
// myLib.myMethod("test")

Fable.Core already includes predefined erased types which can be used as follows:

open Fable.Core

type Test() =
    member x.Value = "Test"

let myMethod (arg: U3<string, int, Test>) =
    match arg with
    | U3.Case1 s -> s
    | U3.Case2 i -> string i
    | U3.Case3 t -> t.Value

StringEnum attribute

Similarly, in TypeScript it's possible to define String Literal Types which are similar to enumerations with an underlying string value. Fable allows the same feature by using union types and the StringEnum attribute. These union types must not have any data fields as they will be compiled to a string matching the name of the union case.

By default, the compiled string will have the first letter lowered. If you want to prevent this or use a different text than the union case name, use the CompiledName attribute:

open Fable.Core

type MyStrings =
    | Vertical
    | [<CompiledName("Horizontal")>] Horizontal

myLib.myMethod(Vertical, Horizontal)

// JS
// myLib.myMethod("vertical", "Horizontal")

KeyValueList attribute

Many JS libraries accept a plain object to specify different options. With Fable, you can use union types to define these options in a more static-safe and F#-idiomatic manner. The union cases of a type with the KeyValueList attribute act as a key value pair, so they should have a single data field. (If there's no data field the value is assumed to be true.) When Fable encounters a list of such an union type, it will compile it as a plain JS object.

As with StringEnum the first letter of the key (the union case name) will be lowered. Again, you can modify this behaviour with the CompiledName attribute.

open Fable.Core

type MyOptions =
    | Flag1
    | Name of string
    | [<CompiledName("QTY")>] QTY of int

myLib.myMethod [
    Name "Fable"
    QTY 5

// JS
// myLib.myMethod({
//     name: "Fable",
//     QTY: 5,
//     flag1: true
// })

If necessary you can cheat the compiler using tuples:

myLib.myMethod [Name "Fable"; unbox("level", 4)]

// myLib.myMethod({ name: "Fable", level: 4 })

As these lists will be compiled as JS objects, please note you cannot apply the usual list operations to them (e.g. appending). If you want to manipulate the "fake" lists you must implement the methods yourself. For example:

type CSSProp =
    | Border of string
    | Display of string

[<Emit("Object.assign({}, $0, $1)")>]
let ( ++ ) (a:'a list) (b:'a list) : 'a list = failwith "JS Only"

let niceBorder = [ Border "1px solid blue" ]
let style = [ Display "inline-block" ] ++ niceBorder