- [*] Leaping bug fixes.
- Replace feature popups with inspector-like interface
- [*] Keep labels of large features on-screen (maybe needs to be optional?)
- Apply track-edit operations to multiple tracks at once.
- Typeahead for search-by-gene-ID
- Animate when leaping/toggling.
- [*] Overlay function plugin API
- Search-by-name (or description) in track-adder.
- Support for non-positional annotations (UI hookup for bigtab client)
- [*] High-res image export.
- [*] Gene translations (thanks to @ymen)
- [*] BAM Rendering improvements (thanks to @ymen)
- Feature selection
- Better zoom control
- Show all toggle levels.
- Some kind of feedback for toggling.
- More Tabix payloads (GFF/GTF)
- Clean up featureSource creation (make async?)
- Undo/redo.
- History of recently-viewed tracks.
- [ ]Out-to-chromosome zooming
- Probably needs a better set of semantic zoom hints in the stylesheet language.
- Try to preserve layout when expanding/collapsing variants.
- Chromosome overviews.
- New stylesheet language
- More incremental data fetching.
- Construct as a web-component (polymer?)
- Better tiling in renderer.
- Better ways of loading alignments (HAL?)
- Tier groups
- Should yZoom together.
- Other configuration stuff?
- Drag together when re-ordering????
- Dedicated configuration/persistance language?
- Distance between a pair of features.
- Multiple configurations/session switching/etc?
- RDF/FALDO support?
- MultiContigView equivalent?
- Client-side analysis of quantitative tracks.
- Better presentation of gene models in the light of expression data.