0xsp | Privilege Escalation cheatsheet.pdf
100% evasion - Write a crypter in any language to bypass AV.pdf
A Complete Penetration Testing & Hacking Tools List for Hackers & Security Professionals.pdf
A Guide To Social Media Intelligence Gathering (SOCMINT).pdf
A Pentester's Guide - Part 2 (OSINT - LinkedIn is not just for jobs).pdf
A Pivot Cheatsheet for Pentesters.pdf
A guide to Linux Privilege Escalation.pdf
A guide to searching LinkedIn by email address.pdf
AWAE-OSWE PREP (Code analysis to gaining rce and automating everything with Python).pdf
Abusing Firefox in Enterprise Environments.pdf
Analysing over 1M leaked passwords from the UK's biggest companies.pdf
Android App Hacking: Hardcoded Credentials.pdf
Apache Tomcat RCE by deserialization (CVE-2020-9484) – write-up and exploit.pdf
Attacking Azure Container Registries with Compromised Credentials.pdf
Authenticate against a MySQL server without knowing the cleartext password.pdf
Beginner Tips to Own Boxes at HackTheBox !.pdf
BountyCon CTF 2020 Write-up.pdf
Brute Forcing User IDS via CSRF To Delete all Users with CSRF attack..pdf
Bug Bounty (JavaScript Files).pdf
Bug Bounty Cheatsheet.pdf
Bug Bytes #71 – 20K Facebook XSS, LevelUp 0x06 & Naffy’s Notes.pdf
Bypassing modern XSS mitigations with code-reuse attacks.pdf
Cisco Password Cracking and Decrypting Guide - InfosecMatter.pdf
Comprehensive Guide on Password Spraying Attack.pdf
Comprehensive Guide to tcpdump (Part 2) .pdf
Corporate Reconnaissance.pdf
Credential Dumping: Applications.pdf
Credential Dumping: Windows Credential Manager.pdf
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Cheat Sheet - 2020 Edition.pdf
DNS Rebinding: Stealing WiFi credentials through your solar panel inverter.pdf
DOM XSS in Gmail with a little helpfrom Chrome.pdf
Decrypting and analyzing HTTPS traffic without MITM.pdf
Discovering the IP address of a Wordpress site hidden behind Cloudflare.pdf
Documenting the impossible: Unexploitable XSS labs.pdf
Domain Persistence: Golden Ticket Attack .pdf
Evading Detection with Excel 4.0 Macros and the BIFF8 XLS Format .pdf
Everything You Need to Know About IDOR (Insecure Direct Object References).pdf
Hacking-OSCP cheatsheet.pdf
Harvesting Whois Data for OSINT.pdf
How to hack a company by circumventing its WAF for fun and profit – part 3.pdf
LinkedIn OSINT Techniques: Part I.pdf
OSINT: Google and LinkedIn.pdf
OWASP Amass: A Solid Information Gathering Tool.pdf
Out of Band Exploitation (OOB) CheatSheet.pdf
Relaying NTLM authentication over RPC.pdf
Roasting your way to DA - Build-Break-Defend-Fix.pdf
S3 Bucket Misconfiguration: From Basics to Pawn.pdf
Shodan Pentesting Guide.pdf
TryHackMe DailyBugle Writeup - Exploiting Joomla Version 3.7.0.pdf
Tutorial on privilege escalation and post exploitation tactics in Google Cloud Platform environments .pdf
UAC bypass through Trusted Folder abuse.pdf
WPScan:WordPress Pentesting Framework.pdf
Windows Firewall Post Exploitation with Netsh.pdf
Windows Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet for OSCP .pdf
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