LDVSC is a Docker based Laravel development environment for use with VS Code's Docker remote feature.
VSCode offers a way to manage Docker containers for development. With this feature, you can keep your host system relatively free of just about programming languages and their attached clutter. Providing you with a portable development environment!
This package builds an environment built for Laravel application development with:
- Nginx web server
- Latest MySQL + phpMyAdmin
- PHP 7.4 with composer
- Redis + phpRedMin
- Mailhog
- Node 12 + yarn
It also adds a few VSCode plugins ment for php development to your remote instance (this wont negatively effect your host VSCode):
The recommended way of installing the environment is to add it clone it into your project:
git clone --depth=1 git@github.com:blackfyre/ldvsc.git .devcontainer
// Optional: clean git information
rm -rf .devcontainer/.git*
The important bit here is the .devcontainer
directory designation! This is what VSCode will take notice of!
To use the environment, you'll have to have:
- Docker installed
- VS Code installed with the
If all these are met, after opening your project in VSCode, it will offer you the option to re-open the project in the container.