# Introduction # This page describes installation of Aperte Reports on any Liferay instance. # Installation overview # Complete installations consists of steps listed below. For more details, see [CompleteConfiguration](CompleteConfiguration.md). 1. If Liferay is not installed yet, download desired bundle from official site: [liferay.com](http://www.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-portal/available-releases) 1. [Update Vaadin version](UpdatingVaadinInsideLiferay.md) inside your Liferay installation. 1. Make sure that there is a JDBC datasource defined by the JNDI, named jdbc/aperte-reports. 1. Optionally, configure JMS and Java Mail JNDI settings 1. Download latest Aperte Reports release as described in **Download Release** section or build it from sources 1. Run Liferay 1. Copy the WAR archive into $LIFERAY\_HOME/deploy directory. The portlet should be installed by Liferay shortly after this. Aperte Reports now should be available as a set of portlets deployed on Liferay portal.